Can i ask a question about Eat to Live?


Can anyone tell me if you are allowed meat on this plan? As in, daily? There is alot of hype about this program at present and i would like to know more. Thank you.

I haven't read the entire book but what Ihave read states that no more than 12 ounces per week of animal products are allowed. Animal products should be used as condiments not as the main meal
Wayne...Rockette is exactly correct. Dr Fuhrman has 2 plans to follow in the first 6 weeks. One is strict Vegan for a more aggressive weight loss as compared to the Non vegetarian plan that includes vegeys with a higher starch content, one teaspoon of oil daily is optional, and no more than 12 oz of animal protein (chicken, fish and egg whites) is permitted. My DH and I started out on the Non Vegetarian 8 weeks ago but to my surprise he wanted to go Vegan after the first week. So, with the exception of the Whey protein powder that I had alwyas used after a hard workout everything was strict for us. I also am trying soy and rice protein powders. I don't think from reading your posts that you need to lose weight! But I have to tell you that I would never have considered being vegetarian until I read this book and I have never felt better in my life and never lost weight this easily, but I had always been obsessive about exercise. And I am sure the P90X rotation with some Cathe's added has helped a great deal also...:)...Carole
Mari is right at least for the first six weeks if you are more interested in the weight loss fat is limited. One T of ground flaxseed daily is suggested and then if you do use fat only the good fats. I do use avocado everyday and usually eat some raw walnuts as they are a good source of Omega-3 fat which he talks about in the book...:)...Carole
Wayne and Mindi....I do really believe it is worth reading even if it might not be the lifestyle you want to try...:)...Carole

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