C-Section Recovery


Active Member
Has anyone had a c-section? If so, what was the recovery time and when were you able to work out again? I am not planning on having one but it looks like I may have to. Thanks for your help!!!
I've had two. My first one was a pretty easy recovery. But I still gave it about eight weeks before heavy workouts... I had another c-section with my third child a year ago, and my recovery was a bit rougher. I tried to do too much too soon (not workouts, just daily life... cleaning, laundry.. taking care of my other two little ones)... and my incision flared up. I still was back to weight workouts by eight weeks. I really took precautions because when you have a c-section, it's an incision that goes through several layers... including your uterus, and I was careful not to put too much stress on that incision... That said, you not only have to be careful working out, you also have to be careful with daily chores as I mentioned above. Pamper yourself! And don't worry, in each instance, I lost the baby weight in the same amount of time as when I had a vaginal delivery. Slow and steady, but healthily.
Just had one 3 weeks ago & I am SLOWLY returning to workouts now. I waited 3 weeks last time too. I am diligent about listening to my body & taking things slowly.....

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