BUFF BADGERS: Nov. 3 - Nov.7


Good Monday ladies! My weekend was busy. Saturday was Piyo Buns then 4 hours of yard work. My shoulder s were so sore when I took my shower. I could barely wash my hair! Sunday was house work, writing up November fitness plan and Pilates. I also made an awesome batch of chili.
Today was Supreme 90 chest,shoulders and triceps. I will become doing some Pilates later for stretching.

For this month I have incorporated Cathe., S90, P90X, and Piyo, along with my elliptical! I am excited now that I have this Clean Eating thing under control. :)

Have a great day! ~
Morning Ladies,

Friday was X10 Hi/Lo and Ruthless #10 Pure Willpower. Saturday STS Disc 6 Legs and Ruthless #1 Hardcore Circuits. Sunday STS Disc 5 Back & Triceps and Ruthless #4 Wicked Lower Body.

Susan, Great job on the workout, and having the DOMS! Sounds like a good mix of workouts. I wasn't as good this weekend on the clean eating, but will hope for better results this coming weekend.

Have a great day!

Saturday I did Cardio Kicks and 6 hours of yard clean up at No No's restaurant (the place we do lawn care for). Sunday was no workout but cleaned my parents house, finished cleaning out my flower beds, ran around with DH looking at furniture for our basement that should be done the end of this month.:D Then once we got home I started cleaning our house. Still need to finish. Monday morning I did GS Chest and Tri's and nailed the drop set push ups!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! Chest and tri's were talking to me today. This morning I did Afterburn.

Susan - Wow, you have a great variety of workouts scheduled. That's awesome. Great job on the clean eating.

Laurie - Is Wicked Lower body pretty wicked? :) You had a good variety of workouts too. Can't wait to be able to do more workouts than what I have been able to.

Got the phone call yesterday. I have to be at the hospital at 9:30am on Thursday. You won't hear from me Thur or Friday. Hopefully over the weekend I log on and let you know the hip surgery went.

Make it a great day!
Cathe. CrossFire today. I always love that one!

Brenda, I will send healing vibes your way! Stay strong~
Sound like it was work in yard weekend! :)

Rest well.
Just reading these posts makes me feel guilty about my junky house right now. I feel like I can never catch up around the house and DH hasn't done a great job keeping up with the lawn either.

So glad the election is over. Tired of the junk mail, phone calls, commercials and everything else.

DS had baseball this weekend but all but 1 game got cancelled due to wind and rain. It was freezing cold all weekend.

DH and I went to a 50th bday party for our cousin and had a great time. Yes..i love the games.

Today was Tabatacise 1-3 followed by squats, pushups, crunches, situps and planks.
Good Morning Ladies!

My last good workout for a while was GS Back, Shoulders, and Bi's. I went as heavy as I could. Reality set in this morning that surgery is tomorrow.

Susan - love the new pic. I'll take all the healing vibes anyone will send my direction. Love Crossfire. Can't wait to do that one once I heal.

Hearty - Don't feel guilty.. you have had lots of other things keeping you busy. Great job on the workout!

I'll try to touch base either over the weekend or beginning of the week. Depending upon how I'm doing. I'm staying positive that all will be good. :)

Take Care!
Hello again! Today was PiYo Core. Was supposed to be a rest day, but I used it as an "active" rest. Plus I love how it really works my obliques!

Hi Hearty! Way to go on Tabatacise! I too am glad that election season is over! :)

Have a great day~ Susan
Morning Ladies,

Monday I did FlexTrain, and yesterday was my rest day. Tonight I have a hair appointment, but hoping to get in my workout. It may be at 9PM, but I will get it done!

Susan, Very cute pic! I was hoping to have enough time yesterday to do some type of workout, but the line was pretty long for voting, and I had to get dd to her dance class. Hope that next week I can do something like you did with the PiYo.

Brenda, Sounds like you where super busy this weekend! Yes the Ruthless workouts are really wicked when it comes to the lower body. I am feeling all of these workouts in my butt. Sending you healing vibes for your surgery.

heartymax, My oldest dd cleaned my house on Sunday! You need her, it was like a cleaning tornado. :) I am very glad that the election is over, but the sad part is that it starts up again in just a year. :rolleyes: Great job on the Tabatasize!

Have a great day!
Morning Ladies,

Keeping up with my workouts with the STS Meso 2 and Ruthless, so nothing very different. The Clean Eating is an eye opener for me. I don't feel bloated with what I am eating, and that is a first. I don't know what is different, but I'm happy.

Have a wonderful day!
Hi there!Today was Cathe's Lower Body Blast in its entirety. Holy Moly!! I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow! :( But it's all worth it!

Laurie, Great job on the clean eating and I couldn't agree more, my belly is always "comfortable" now, no bloat no yuck, I just feel so darn good!
Let's not talk about "belly's. No junk food does an amazing job for mine too. I just have to remember that :).

This morning was Xtrain Hardstrikes. I think this is about my 3rd time doing this workout. I wanted something different but fun and it definitely did the job. I followed it up with push ups, squats, planks, sit ups and crunches.

Have a great weekend everyone. Thanksgiving is around the corner.
Morning Ladies,

Meso 2 Legs and Ruthless Fast Slow Burn Circuit. I have a four days off after today. We have Veterans Day off on Tuesday, so I'm taking Monday as a vacation day. Have to use up all the new days I received on my 15 yr. anniversary here at work. :)

Susan, WTG on the LBB workout, I love that one. You hit it on the head with the way I'm feeling. I have tried eating clean in the past, but it never seemed to work as well as following the way Tosca has you do it. I'm very happy with the results so far, so I'm going to try super hard to eat really well this weekend.

heartymax, LOL you are right, and Christmas is only three weeks afterward. WTG on the Hardstrike workout, that is another great workout. Yep that dang junk food is a killer, and makes it really hard when others in your family bring it into the house. ;)

Have a great weekend!

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