
Hi Ladies!

Sunny morning here today. I sat out on the patio with the dog drinking cofee and reading a book. Nice...

Today is Circuit Max for me. I haven't done this in a long time.

Have a great day! Susan
Morning BB's,

Today is an Imax and CTX Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps.

Susan, Circuit Max is a fav of mine. I like the fact that the Hi/Lo is first, then I can enjoy the kickboxing and step circuits after that. I'm not a big fan of Hi/Lo. }(

Ellen, The only kickboxing I have enjoyed is Cathe, but my second is Taebo. You are right the counting can get annoying. The best of his is the Get Ripped Advanced.

Today my DD's are spending the day with my MIL & FIL. Oldest DD isn't thrilled to go to the museum. I'm thinking she will enjoy the vatican exibit. She has been to the museum so often that she gets bored with it. I have never been to the museum, can you believe it!

Have a great day!

I forgot what a good workout Circuit Max is! I really was huffing and puffing and sweating! It feels like I sweat more with this one than with Cardio & Weights. I'll have to do this more often! Susan
Good morning,

I ran five miles this morning. I didn't get to work out yesterday; I stayed at work late, then had to work on homework when I got home.

Susan, Circuit Max is one of my favorites! It really is surprisingly tough.

Have a great day,

>Sunny morning here today. I sat out on the patio with the dog
>drinking cofee and reading a book. Nice...

Susan - Your dog drinks coffee!? ;-) I love Circuit Max, too - especially the part where Cathe jokes about monkey sound effects. Makes me smile.

Hi, Laurie & Ellen!

Did SJP this morning and sweated buckets. Do you guys have to pause and wipe your brow, too, or is just me? I don't know how Cathe and her crew do it without ever wiping off sweat. Maybe they've edited it out and I just don't notice.

Enjoy the beauuuuuuutiful day everyone!


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