Buff Badgers 12/10-12/14

Morning BB's,

Todays workout is YogaX.

Youngest DD just walked out the door to catch the bus. Can see her from the window. After this I'm headed off to do my workout, and then when DH brings the van back from oil change off to grocery shop.

DH is hoping to get a half day today, and if he does we will be heading out to do some Christmas shopping. Midnight shopping should be fun! :D :D

Sue, I say cheat away and buy the store bought meatballs. Why make more work for youself than you need too. I'm buying the premade. How did the volunteer work go last night. Did the whole family participate in the event? Are you still going to the Dojo? I haven't even started to Christmas shop. Will hopefully get that all done today/tonight and the remainder of the time I have this weekend.

Susan/Jill, Hope you both are having a great day, and your weekend isn't too carzy busy.

This weekends workouts will be Satruday Legs & Back / ARX / Kathy Smith Peak Fat Burning. Sunday is KenpoX.

The bus just picked DD10 up, and I am off to the basement for Yoga. Hope to BBL to check in some more.

I knew it!

I posted a long post last night and didn't see it when I hit post message. I was hoping maybe it would show up, but no. :(

I've had 2 days of clean eating and good exercise and I'm down 5 lbs of bloat. Yay! Back to my lowest since I started on Labor Day, down 32.5 lbs in a little over 3 months. Yahoo. About 20 to go.

Weekend holds nothing for me and I'm happy! The boys will be at their dad's so it will be quiet. I am planning to work some, clean house, exercise....the challenge will be to not overeat because I'm, not busy enough.

Sorry I can't post more-I'll check in later I hope!
Jill, Congrats on the bloat leaving the body!! Clean eating will be a tough one for me today also. Just have to make sure that I make good choices while out and about today. Your quiet weekend sounds like heaven. Right now I'm in the house with just me and the dog. It's just wonderful. ;-) To have a weekend like this would actually be kind of weird. :) Ok I have to get my butt going or I'll never get all the things that I want to get done...done!!

Hi Laurie & Jill!

Jill - Yeah, on losing your bloat! I'm still working on mine but doing better for sure. Hopefully you'll find something to do this weekend that'll keep you out of the kitchen. I struggle with that, too, when I'm bored (or stressed or depressed). I used to do a lot of crafts (don't seem to have time anymore) but that always helped me. Maybe after all this holiday craziness dies down a bit - for me that's Dec. 24 - I can drag out a unfinished project. I have a tree skirt I started about 10 years ago. . .

Laurie - Volunteering last night was a blast! DH stayed home to varnish ledges but DS and DD helped out. This year we're expecting TWICE the number of families as last year so lots of toys and clothes to unload and sort. Everyone was in such a good mood so lots of laughing and joking around. There were plenty of people helping so we weren't overwhelmed and could take our time without rushing to get everything done in 2 hours.

I'm off to the store now to get frozen meatballs, Smuckers grape jelly and lots of other stuff. Don't know if I'll get my workout in today but I'll definitely be tired tonight. I spent a half hour scraping ice on our driveway this morning so no one breaks a leg coming to our house tomorrow night. That alone was enough to tire out my low back.

Hope everyone has a great day! See you next Thursday in case I don't get a chance to check back in today.

I can't find a new thread, so figured I'd keep this one going so people are notified. :)

Happy Tuesday! This is a crazy-bad week for me. Our office is closing at noon on Friday for our Christmas luncheon, and I'm on vacation until 1/2. It's so hard for me to take that long off, but it's probably our last family vacation so I'm doing it. We're going to Missouri to see family and then to St. Louis to stay at a neat hotel downtown. Shopping and all the toury stuff. They have a fab looking gym, too, which I intend to use each day.

What's up with everyone else? Everyone is so quiet lately.......busy busy I know!

I was out sick yesterday, with the stomach flu. So I didn't get to start a new thread. I'm hoping a feel a bit better later to do Core Syn. We will see. So far food has not been smelling or looking that tasty. There are so many treats around here, and I'm not eating a one. :D Probably a good thing. Sounds like your trip to St. Louis is going to be a good one. We will be heading up North on Sunday morning and staying until Tuesday morning. On Tuesday we will then have to be at DH's parents. I have off the rest of that week and of course New Years Eve & Day. Can't wait for the time off.

Have a great day!

I have been busy with my sons Birthday party and Christmas stuff. On top of that I caught another illness! This one is a bad sore throat, stuffy nose etc.. I don't have time to be sick! I'll be able to rest next week when I am off with the kids!

Today was my DS8's birthday! How happy he was! On Friday it's my DD's Birthday! Busy, busy!!

I'll check in again tomorrow! Susan
Good morning Badger girls!

Susan AND Laurie, so sorry to hear you've both been sick. I have avoided that so far, knock on wood.

Today will be the gym for cardio for me. Yesterday I did an old Firm weights workout at home. It felt really good and I am not sore today, so my body must finally be used to weightlifting again.

I'm holding steady with 32 pounds lost. Been the same since the beginning of November. I'm not too disappointed though, given the time of year and all the temptations around!

Morning BB's,

Feeling much better today. I will be going to a hair appointment after work, and then I would love to get in both Core Syn and MTV Power Yoga. I just didn't feel like a workout yesterday. Stomach still wasn't up to par. I did take an hour long walk with Cami yesterday though. I took our usual route, and when we got back to the house she didn't want to go in. :D I figured why the heck not, and we went around the neighborhood. She was having a great time sniffing away. Good thing it was not too cold out.

My DH took some mini Key Lime Tarts to work yesterday for a party. The tarts won a prize. I received a basket of kitchen gadgets. What a nice surprise.

Susan, Sounds like you have what my youngest one has. It didn't seem to last very long. You have both you childrens B'days in December. Oh what a busy woman you are. Both of mine are in March, so I guess I'm luckier than I thought. :D

Jill, You are right, holding steady at this time of the year is a good thing. I'm just making sure that I get my workouts in, and hoping that will help with the weight. Will be difficult when I head up to my Moms.

Have a great day!

Laurie, glad to hear you are feeling better!

I was up from 2:30-4:30 last night. My throat was dry and sore, I couldn't breathe through my nose. I was hot one minute and cold the next! To top it off my period started 5 days early!! I am tired today and hope to get to bed early tonight! I feel bad cuz I haven't taken Ruby out for her walk today. I might try to get one in after dinner. If I don't fall asleep first!

Have a good day! Susan
Laurie, I hear you on being more nervous when you are at your mom's. That's how I feel about visiting family in Missouri. Everything revolves around food in my family!!! And it's so unfair--I'm the only one in my whole extended family that has ever had a weight problem. They are all thin!
Morning BB's,

Today is like Friday for me. I'm going to be off as of 3:30 today. Have a potluck today, and I just went and bought crackers and cheese. Just to lazy to do anything more.

Workout for me is Janis Saffell's Kick It.

Jill, Oh I know what you mean about the food. My Mom is a fantastic cook, and you just can't help but eat. :D I want to make some cut out cookies for my Dad. He just loves those things, and I am the only one brave enough to make them. My Mom told me a couple of years ago that Dad loved them, so I got the hint and started making them for him. :D So I'm hoping to get some mixed up tonight. When are you leaving for MO?

Susan, How are you feeling. Did you go and get some Zicam or Airborne? Heard those things are suppose to work pretty good. Hey starting TTOM early means that you will be good for Christmas! Both DD14 and I are in the clear for Christmas. ;-) Makes for a happy DH when his female population isn't hormonal. :D

Susan, Are you back yet from the learning?

Have a great day!

Have fun at your pot luck today Laurie.

I'm going crazy trying to get work stuff done since today is my last "official" work day until 1/2. I will be at our office in the morning and then we have our Christmas luncheon in the afternoon. I will most likely work on and off Sat-Mon, in between packing and baking for the family gathering on Christmas Eve.

I have been on a Firm kick lately, so I think I will change things up and do some Cathe weights today at home. Probably Push Pull since my shoulder has been sore and I don't want to do something harder and make it worse.

HAGD!! And have a great weekend and Christmas if I don't "see" you guys again! I'll be around but not online much until 1/2 when I get back from vacation.

Merry Christmas!!

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