broken up workouts


my little one sleeps in very short spurts during the day, so I have to break my cardio up into sometimes 4 15 minute segments. Do you think this is the same as doing an hour straight?
I know that I've come across research that says that 3 20 minute cardio workouts is as good for your heart as an hour straight... susan
I think it probably depends on your goals. As Susan mentioned, there recently have been reports that several shorter bursts of activity during the day can be as beneficial as one longer exercise session, but if I'm not mistaken, this is in terms of general health benefits (lower blood pressure and resting heart rate, reduced risk of osteoporosis, etc.). However, it would seem to me that for cardio endurance and optimum calorie/fat burning, a longer session would be more effective.

Still, getting some cardio in, however long you have, has got to be better than doing nothing at all. Go for it!
I chatted with my fitness director today, and I brought up your question... her response was the same as Hazel's... you're probably not burning quite as many calories because you aren't holding that threshold, but that in terms of health benefits, exercise is exercise...

She also said what I was thinking... that it is awesome that you finding time to workout at all... most moms in your situation just give up on the whole thing. I say, 15 minutes spent exercising is 15 minutes you aren't sitting on the couch. It's all good! :0)
Yes, I agree that 15 min. at a time is better than nothing. Thanks for the responses.

PS- What's more gross than having to pick up the baby when you're covered in sweat?! He always cries when I'm at the peak!! ;)

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