Bringing up the Rear Check-In

Hi ladies,
Saturday I did Z, triceps, legs and glutes and yoga. Sunday was Z, chest and back and legs and glutes. Yesterday was a rest day and today may be also :)
Carolyn I hope you're feeling better and taking it easy.
Julie you're getting close to a year of get glutes now right?
Have a good day.
Carolyn it sounds like your doctor is hopeful it's inflammation and you'll be better in a few weeks. Good thing it's not a disc, hopefully you'll be feeling a lot better soon. Take it easy, I know it's hard and you're frustrated!
Yesterday I did Z, shoulders, legs and glutes. Today will be the same except biceps instead of shoulders.
Have a good day!
Wow, can’t believe the last time I posted was Monday! Work has just been so stressful and exhausting. I am getting in here early to post so I don’t go a full week being silent. I did Get Glutes on Tuesday and Thursday. I am so ready for the weekend! No plans except getting an oil change in my car. Hopefully I can de-stress this weekend a little.

Amanda I have one more week on month 9 so not quite a year. It will be a year in October.

Carolyn Keep your chin up. I know this has to be so hard and frustrating. You will get through this. Can you go for light walks or does that cause pain?

Have a great day!
Saturday I did Get Glutes and then visited my parents for a while. I gave their dog a bath which she hates. Then DH and I got an oil change for my car (exciting I know). Sunday was Get Glutes and then lazy day. Early this morning around 2:30 we got really bad storms and our power went out. It is still not on. Needless to say I did not get much sleep after 2:30. I need my fan for the white noise. Looking forward to going to bed early tonight.

Carolyn That is a bummer that your kids don’t want to walk with you. Hmm that does sound like a pinched nerve maybe given it comes and goes like that. I hope you had a great weekend.

Have a great day!
Friday, Saturday and Sunday I did z, legs and glutes. And one day of biceps, one day triceps and one day chest and back. I also did yoga on Friday. I did something to my shoulder yesterday :( so I'm taking a rest day today.
Julie we had storms too, is it ever going to stop raining?!?!
Carolyn I'm so sorry your having such a rough time. That sucks!
I'm checking in to say I'm taking a rest week :p My shoulder is better but still a little achy so I decided to take this week off since I'll be busy over the 4th as well.

Carolyn-that stinks your still in so much pain...weird that you feel it in the morning and night but not during the day. Maybe moving around you don't notice it as much or you don't stiffen up.

Hope you got your power back Julie!

Have a good day!
Oh boy it has been a long time since I last posted. I finished up month 9 of Get Glutes on Friday morning and then decided to take a week off from working out. Friday, DH and I visited my parents and family for the 4th but we didn’t see any fireworks. Saturday we spent about 5 hours cleaning like crazy. We shampooed the carpets, washed the curtains, and bathed the dogs. Feels so much better in the house. After that, we went out to visit DH’s brother and watch the fireworks in his town. Got home so late, way past my bedtime by the time we went to bed at midnight. Sunday was a lazy day. Looking forward to my week off and hoping it helps get my motivation back. It was kind of waning towards the end of last week.

Carolyn Hope you are healing up and starting to feel better.

Amanda Hope that your week’s rest helps your shoulder feel better.

Have a great day!
My shoulder was really bad on Friday I went to the doc and he thought I probably had stretched some tendons/ligaments so he gave me some pain pills and told me to rest and ice which I did all weekend. Feeling better now but giving myself more time.....still feels not quite healed. Two weeks off ugh I miss my workouts.
Carolyn those planks on the discs always get me. I really like weights and plates abs too!
I'm sorry you're not feeling better :( you've gotten some good workouts this week though!
Julie I hope your having a good week off! Did you see Bret's new gym set up in his new house? Awesome!
Have a good night!
Yep a total bummer. I'm still icing it now and couldn't move without pain on Friday and Saturday. Next week I think I'm still going to only do lower body just to be safe.
Are you still going to the doctor and chiropractor? That stinks that you've been having issues for so long.
Have a good day!
I had a good week off from working out. I actually started to miss it towards the end which was good. Friday night we picked up my sister’s dogs. She is going on vacation and we are watching them for her. So now we have four dogs in our house until the 22nd. Luckily her dogs sleep in crates or else there would be no room in the bed for me and DH with all four of them. Plus she has bulldogs and they snore loud! I need my sleep and snoring and me trying to sleep do not work well together. Saturday I started month 10 of Get Glutes. I also started to add a tabata at the end of my Saturday and Sunday Get Glutes workouts. I missed Cathe!

Amanda I hope your shoulder keeps healing. Hopefully a week of just lower body will help.

Carolyn That doesn’t sound good if the pain is waking you up. You would think they would make an appointment for you over the phone since they know your issue already.

Have a great day!
Hello! !!!
My shoulder feels pretty good, this week I'm just going to concentrate in lower body and really light weight for upper just to ease back in. Yesterday I took a walk and did the trampoline.... How's that for easing back in :)
Tonight I'm going to do the trampoline, gbs, lunges, step ups and light shoulders.
Ugh Carolyn that's so frustrating.
Welcome back Julie!
I did Get Glutes on Tuesday. I had a tough time with it and not sure if it was the week off or if work stress is getting to me. I felt weaker than when I finished month 9. Hoping things feel better tonight and I have more energy. Anyway, I attached some pictures of my sister’s bulldogs. She has an English Bulldog named Chloe and a French Bulldog named Otis. Gotta love those smashed in faces but sometimes I worry they are not getting enough oxygen with their breathing sounds.

Carolyn Those are nice ones to ease into lower body work.

Amanda I like the way you ease back in to working out after a week off. Doing light shoulders to see how you react sounds like a good plan.

Have a great day!


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Julie your sisters dogs are so cute!! Do they get along well with your dogs?

Carolyn, hopefully the PT will help, that's good that you like the doctor, I hope things start getting better for you!

Wednesday-today I went jogging.

Next week I'm going to try Zuzka again and maybe lighter weights higher reps, then hopefully in a week I'll be back to my routine and heavier weights. Shoulder feels good just want to make sure it's fully healed before I start doing too much upper body.

Have a good weekend!
Good morning!
Well the PT sounds like some good news; yay exercise next week! and then you can start with the PT you like afterwards.

This week I've been jogging, did 2 Zuzka's and some shoulder, legs and glutes yesterday. Today I'm going to do Z, biceps, legs and glutes.

Have a good day.

I hope you have a great trip Carolyn!
Ok ladies, sorry for being MIA again. As usual work has been crazy. I have not had time to post during work time and I have a hard time getting on the computer or iPad at night or on the weekends. Just don’t want to see a computer screen after work. I have been keeping up with 4 days of Get Glutes. Still in Month 10.

Carolyn On the one hand that does not sound good that he sounded concerned but on the other hand maybe you will finally get some answers. I hope you do anyway.

Have a great day!
Did Get Glutes last night. Was hoping to get good sleep but I don't think that happened. I am exhausted this morning. Ready for a nap and I have only been up a few hours. I do have vacation time saved but no plans to use any until Christmas. I don't get many days a year so I tend to save them. I do have a countdown going until Labor Day (30 days)!

Carolyn That stinks that the PT didn't return your call especially since you are trying to figure out what the heck is going on and what you can and cannot do. I hope you hear from him today.

Have a great day!
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Hi ladies!
Carolyn that stinks that you haven't heard anything yet!
This week I've been doing yoga, jogging and shoulders. Tonight I'm planning on Z, biceps and glutes.
Have a good day!
Hi ladies! I did my Get Glutes workouts on Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning. Then Saturday we visited my family for a few hours, ran some errands, and then went to dh's niece and nephew,s birthday party. I am getting ready to do another Get Glutes this morning and then plan to be lazy except doing laundry.

Amanda You are doing awesome with your workouts. Do you still subscribe to Zuzka or are you just repeating your favorites?

Carolyn That stinks that you can't do workouts till you see hi but I guess it is good it is happening when you are leaving for vacation. I hope you have a great time.

Have a great day!
This past weekend I jogged both days did triceps, chest and back, glutes and some yoga.
Yesterday I did Zuzka, shoulders, gb and a little yoga. Today I'm doing Zuzka, biceps and legs.
Yes Julie I still subscribe to Zuzka, I really feel like I've found my zone I guess :) I'm seeing some good results! You've been doing awesome with your get glutes, I guess you found your zone too huh? :)
Carolyn I hope you enjoy your vacation!
I pre -ordered I'm excited to see updates when they start filming.
Have a good day!

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