Bringing up the Rear Check-In

Hope everyone had a wonderfully long weekend. The weather was beautiful around here. Saturday I did Get Glutes and then spent some time with my family. Sunday was Get Glutes again and then spent time DH’s family. Monday was a lazy day and Tuesday I did … wait for it … Get Glutes. I saw Cathe is putting out a new series. It sounds pretty interesting. I will be preordering and will probably take a break from Get Glutes to try them out.

Amanda Where in Michigan do you go?
Tuesday I did Zuzka's summer abs #4 shoulders, gb, step ups and deadlifts.
Yesterday I did Zuzka's summer abs #5 biceps, ht, goblet squats and Cathe Flex Train firewalkers.
I hope you're feeling better Carolyn!
My husband's family lives in central Michigan by Mt. Pleasant. They live on a lake so we had lots of boating and playing outside, it was really relaxing and nice it was just my family and dh's parents not the whole family (1 brother and 2 sisters who each have 2 kids and at least 1 dog) it can be kind of chaotic when everyone is there.
Have a great day!
My weeks have just been getting so crazy at work. I think it is going to be like this the next couple months too. Oh well, keep calm and lift on, right? That is what I did last night with Get Glutes.

Amanda Your weekend did sound like the perfect summer weekend. DH and I have vacationed in the Benton Harbor area along Lake Michigan. It is so pretty and relaxing up there.

Carolyn I hope your appointment goes well and you get back to feeling good.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Yesterday I did Z lb, Z summer abs, triceps, raised gb's, band abductions and some yoga. Today I did Z summer abs, chest and will do some yoga later.

Hope you had a nice weekend, I can't believe it's over :(

Did you pre-order? I probably will tomorrow see if there was anything else I wanted for the free shipping, maybe a new t-shirt :p

It was pretty hot here this weekend in the 90's; we flied kites on Saturday and today took a long family walk with one of my dogs. My dog was pooped when we got home he's not used to the heat yet.

Carolyn are you feeling better?

Have a good night!
Can't believe it is Monday already! I don't really feel like I had a weekend in there. Really didn't do much but already back at work for another 5 days. I think I need to retire. Too bad that is 30 years away. Oh well. Saturday I did Get Glutes then DH and I took Maggie to the vet for her annual check up and then spent the afternoon at my mom's grooming the dogs and visiting. Sunday was a lazy day after Get Glutes.

Carolyn I hope you are feeling better. Hopefully you can work going to see him more often so you can get aligned.

I haven't pre-ordered yet. I think I am going to wait until right before she ends the pre-order price. I always order early but she ships so fast I don't know that there is an advantage to it so I'll keep my money a tad longer.

Have a great day!
Yesterday I did Zuzka's summer abs #7 shoulders, step ups, deadlifts and raised gb's.
Tonight I'll do Zuzka's summer abs #8 biceps, squats, band abduction and ht.
Have a good day!
Thought I better try to get in here and post early before work gets crazy again. Monday DH and I took the dogs to the park for a little while. It was beautiful outside. Tuesday I did Get Gltues. Last night was rainy and yucky.

Carolyn I am so sorry you are still having knee troubles. Do you think going back to the chiropractor would help?

Have a great day!
Saturday sounds fun Carolyn! I'm glad you're feeling a little better!
Hi Julie! I hope work settles down for you! Is this always a really busy time of year for you?
Yesterday I did yoga.
We had a little bit of rain yesterday but other than that the weather has been great, yay!
I finished month 8 of Get Glutes last night (I am so ready to move on to a new month) and then took the dogs to the park again for a little bit. Also so ready for the weekend although it is looking like I might need to take some work home with me this weekend. :mad::(

Amanda My work isn't really seasonal so any time of the year can be heavy work load. Just seems that right now there is a lot going on. Most of my days are spent in meetings and I haven't had a lot of time to get my actual work done hence the need to take work home this weekend.

Carolyn Good luck on your 5K. You are smart being proactive and getting an apointment with the chiro for the week after. I am right there with you on probably needing a full day devoted to yoga/stretching. Not like I don't have time now that I am not doing cardio. Just a motivation thing to get over.

have a great weekend!
I can’t believe it is Monday again already. The weekends just fly by and I don’t feel like I have much to show for it. I ended up taking work home with me and then could not get motivated to do it so now I will just have to try to fit it in between meetings. I did do Get Glutes Saturday and then DH and I cleaned, ran errands, and made a deadlift platform out of plywood and a horse stall mat. Sunday, I did Get Glutes and then was lazy and ate way too many sugary foods. My tummy hurts :eek: today so I am looking forward to my veggie lunch and salad dinner.

Have a great day!
Hi ladies!
Carolyn I'm sorry the 5k didn't go as planned :(
Julie you've been working hard on your gym, that's awesome, quite the setup you've got!
Friday was yoga, Saturday was Z, triceps; gbs and lunges Sunday Z, chest, back, ht and yoga. Rest yesterday, back at it today!
Have a good one!
I did Get Glutes last night. This whole week has been rainy, foggy, yucky weather. Makes it so hard to want to get out of bed and do anything.

Carolyn So sorry the 5K did not go well. Hopefully you still had a good time. I totally agree about why buy what you can make. The place I bought my power rack from wanted to charge $1200 for a deadlift platform. I was like, um, no, I can make my own for $50 thank you.

Amanda I am about done with my gym set up. I am running out of room and DH is running out of steam!

Have a great day!
Yep rainy and chilly here all week until today. Sunny and warm now!
Tuesday I did Z, shoulders, legs and glutes and yoga. Yesterday I did Z, biceps and legs and today is Z, triceps, legs and glutes and maybe yoga. .... we'll see.
Have a good day!
Been another crazy work week. Have to get in here quick before I start working or I probably wouldn’t get to post today. I did Get Glutes last night. I think my heavy work week has caught up to me because I had pitiful strength last night. Oh well, just do what you can, right?

Amanda We are finally getting nice sunny weather here today and tomorrow. Highs in the 70s so not super hot. Wish it could be like this all year long.

Have a wonderful weekend!
All I did last night was yoga, I was really tired and I've been hitting it pretty hard so oh well. I may make up the w/o I missed and I may not hee heee
Have a good weekend!
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was super busy with no lazy day in there. I did Get Glutes on Saturday and then DH and I visited my parents and ran errands. Sunday I did Get Glutes again and then had a Father’s Day brunch with my family. After that, DH and I went to his dad’s. I am feeling pretty exhausted today and I am supposed to donate blood this afternoon.

Amanda I totally agree with Carolyn that yoga counts as a workout. I really need to start dedicating a day to yoga/stretching. I have no excuses except pure laziness. My body would probably really appreciate that day if I could just make myself do it.

Carolyn You are doing good keeping up with exercise with a sore back. Sounds so painful. I hope you get good news today at the chiro.

Have a great day!
Friday I did Z, triceps, legs and glutes, Saturday I did Z, chest, back, legs, glutes and yoga. And Sunday I did yoga.

We had a good weekend went and walked around downtown Geneva and met DH's brother and family for dinner we sat on the patio it was so nice out! This week it's supposed to be really hot and humid and chance of rain everyday.

Today I'm doing Z, shoulders, legs and glutes.

How did you appointment go today Carolyn?
Julie your weekend sounds good but busy!

Have a good day!
Oh Carolyn I'm so sorry! I hope it is not that bad where you need to lay off lifting long term or have surgery. I am praying for you. Walking is good for the soul. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh Carolyn I'm so sorry, I hope with some rest you'll get better. I definitely think you should take some time off to get better and don't beat yourself up about it.

Last night I did Z, biceps, legs and yoga.
Did Get Glutes Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, also did cleaning, groomed the dogs, and ran errands. Sunday was a pretty lazy day. I did not sleep good at all last night. One of those toss and turn kind of nights. I was also hot and cold all night. Ugh! Can’t wait to go home tonight. Thinking I will go to bed early tonight.

Carolyn I would not say your posts are lame. In fact, you inspired me with your reminder that we only have one body and we should be kind to it and thankful for what it can do. I was going to try for a new personal record on the deadlift yesterday but after reading your post and assessing how I felt, I decided I better stick to what I am comfortable lifting and not try anything that might get me injured. I can only imagine how frustrated you are but you are also so strong and I know you will make it out of this even stronger.

Have a great day!

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