Bodybuilding Competition

Hi Everyone!! Well, I have decided to go for my goal and enter a competition. Orignally, I wanted fitness, but have decided to try my hand at a natural bodybuilding competition set for late October. I have about 12 weeks to prepare. If anybody has any advise or encouragement they'd like to give, I'd love to hear from you!!
Kim Roberts- Thank You for all the advise and encouragement you have already given me. May I keep in touch with you for support during this time?
Wish me luck guys!! I take my test for certification on Personal Training in late Sept and I've got the competition in late Oct.

Excited and Nervous!!!!

Hi Aimee,
How exciting!! I'll be cheering for you in October. Good luck also with your certification test for PT.

We all support you 100%!!!!!

You go girl! Living up to your user name! Keep us updated on your progress - you'll be fabulous, I'm sure. Lotsa Luck!

Congratulations! I hope you do well. I have no advice on training but just on something cosmetic. I had a friend who entered her first competition a couple of years ago and although she had a great physique, it was hard to see her definition during the competition, as the stage lights just washed her out. Up close, she looked a nice golden colour but was quite pale on stage. So, make sure you apply self tanner or whatever just a bit darker than you think looks "natural". Of course, just disregard this message if your skin is naturally dark! Again, Good Luck!!
I'm so excited for you Aimee! I bet you're going to have some butterflies goin' on! Let us know all the details afterwards!

Yo, Amy

One other thing I forgot to mention that helped me a ton.

Get someone to take a picture of you in a two-piece bathing suit TODAY!!!!!!!!! From all 4 sides. Do a few poses.

Then another set in a couple or three weeks in the same suit at the same time of day. This will be of enormous encouragement and inspiration.

Also, do you have the mandatory poses? There is a video available that can help you with the mandatory stuff. I didn't buy one, but I pulled them off a website. If you need them, I'll try to research my stuff for you. Let me know.

I'm soooooooooooooooo excited!

That is so cool. Best of luck to you in the competition and on your test.

I was wondering what you'll be doing to prepare for the competition as far as your workouts. I've been trying to build strength and muscle on my stick figure for awhile now. Cathe's tapes have helped me, along with Cory and a few others. My husband says the only way I'll get close to a physique like Cathe's is to gain more weight and lift really heavy. I don't really want to gain more weight, 'cause at my age, (42 1/2), it may go straight to my belly. I am trying to up my weights, but it seems like it's taking forever. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks. :)
RE: Thanks Guys!!

Yvonne, thanks for the tip!! I'm going to check in to some stuff called Pro Tan. I guess it's supposed to be really good.

Kim, I will have my hubby take those pics as soon as he gets home!! Thanks for all your info!! Keep it coming!!

Donna, I plan to train super heavy for 5days/week and do cardio twice a day to help strip the fat. I imagine that the closer I come to D-Day(he he) I'll have to lighter my weights and do more reps. I'm not sure though, I will be following advice on this. However, I have been told twice now, that I need to put on size. That will be a tough pill for me to sallow, but I'm going to give it my best shot!!

Thanks for all the encouragment!!


I did my first fitness show in April of this year. You can do it! I tried fitness first, but decided to do bodybuiding for my next show. I believe it will fit my personality better.

Don't compare yourself to others! (silly I know it is a competition)! Just by getting on stage you have done it! Set you own personal goal and go for it!

Do you have a nutritionist? Dieting is so important!

Do you have someone who is working on your suits?

Jan Tana pro tan is good!

If you have any specific questions let me know! Ask away!

Hi Aimee,
I'm so happy for you & proud of you! YOU GO GIRL!!! I know you'll be great. I'm sure everyone here on this forum is behind you 100%. Keep us posted, it will be extremely interesting to hear your thoughts as you go along.
It's so wonderful that you decided on a goal & then to just go for it...sometimes the first step is the hardest of all, & you've already taken that one.
[marquee]GOOD LUCK AIMEE!!! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!![/marquee]
I'm all excited for you! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
Good luck with your contest! You'll be competing right about the time I have to submit my recipes for the Pillsbury bake off....I think my preparation will be a little more fun! I'd have to prep for at least a year for what you're going to do, which tells me that you must look really good right now.

We'd all love to see you on ESPN!!! Do you know if there are more levels if you would win this one?
RE: Hide, Ruth, and HB

Hide, I'd love to email you!! Do you mind?? I was just looking at suits today. It gets a little overwhelming, doesn't it?
Ruth, Thanks for the encouragement!! All I can say say is right now my thoughts are sore!! I have to put on mass, and whew!! Those HEAVY weights really make a difference!!
HB, wants to trade competitions?!? Just Kidding! Do me a favor, and don't post your winning reciepe until Oct. 28th;-)! Kiddin' with ya' again!I don't know about higher levels, I assume there is. Actually my goal is not to win. I made a goal for myself and I want to go through with it. I've had too many what if's in my time. I just want to go up there and be the best I can be and know I didn't chicken out. If I should happen to place, that's just gravy, or the icing on the cake or the cherry on top, can you tell I'm consumed by thoughts of forbidden foods right now;-)? He he he! Only 12 more weeks I keep telling myself! He he he!
Thanks everybody for the kind words, I'll keep you updated at our weekly checkins! Thanks again!!


[marquee]Competition Bound!!! is bound for Competition.[/marquee]

So glad to hear it...Did you ever get a looka at Anja Langers book?
Hi Aimee!

I am sooo excited for you. I can't wait to hear all about it! I can relate with your nerves and excitement at the same time. I just made the decision last week to go out on my own with my classes and it has been a whirlwind. I know I can do it, but CHANGE is hard! Sorry, don't mean to take away from your excitement. GOOD LUCK and keep us posted every inch of the way! YOU GO GIRL!!!(HB, you and I may have to take a roadtrip to Cincinnati in October!!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Aimee!

Thanks Debbie!! Now mind you, I know I won't place, and I know my phyisque won't be the caliber of the other contestants, this is a personal goal. And if I do better than I expect, great! If not, I at least I can't say, "What if?" Right?

So tell me about go out on your own with your classes!!! Wow, you've got guts!! Do you have a whole new clintele now? Inquiring minds want to know:)!!

RE: Hi Aimee!

Hi Aimee,

Good for you on trying to achieve your goals. I know you will do well. I don't know much about these competitions, but I happened to be looking at Cory Everson's site and she had some great information. She had a Ms. Olympia weight routine on her site as well. I didn't know if I should post, but I decided that it might be of some use.

My best wishes goes out to you during your training & competition.
Hi Amy!

You go girl!!

Let us know exactly when and where the competion is. I think a fall road trip to Ohio is in order : ) You can have a section in the audience ..Cathe fans for competion bound!


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