Body Blast rotation please

Jilliana, I really like your suggestion of posting our own rotations with the Body Blast series in them. This is the one I've recently put together for myself, and started last week. It's a long one, but so far I'm really enjoying it! So ... Hedy and anyone else, I hope it helps! My idea was to do one combo workout, one cardio, then one weight, alternating the Slow & Heavy series with the other strength training ones. I don't have specific days listed here because my schedule doesn't allow me to always workout on the same days each week, so you can just modify it to fit your particular schedule.


Carol's December Rotation

Circuit Max
Rhythmic Step
Slow & Heavy/Triceps & Biceps
Boot Camp
Step Blast
Muscle Endurance
Cardio & Weights
Slow & Heavy/Legs & Shoulders
Step, Jump & Pump
Kick, Punch & Crunch
Power Hour
Step Works
Slow & Heavy/Chest & Back
Boot Camp
Step Blast
Pyramid Upper Body
Cardio & Weights
Pyramid Lower Body
Step, Jump & Pump
Kick, Punch & Crunch
Legs & Glutes
Circuit Max
Rhythmic Step
Push Pull
Boot Camp
Step Blast
Super Sets
cool..looks like a good rotation. For me just rotating a cardio - then weight tape had great results...

Hedy... The issue isn't your ask about a rotation it's in your wording ... you "accepted" and "for goodness sakes its only a rotation" both very condescing in tone. Really!
>Just my .02. It's all in the way you ask...
>I've been doing my own BB rotation (4 weeks) and have gotten
>great results! I'm doing all 6 tapes each week and am seeing
>WONDERFUL results especially on my lower body - yippee :)

That sounds like a good rotation. You are doing three of her new cardios and three of her new strength videos per week. For example:

Monday - Step Blast
Tuesday - Supersets
Wednesday - Kick, Punch, & Crunch
Thursday - Push & Pull
Friday - Step, Jump & Pump
Saturday - Legs & Glutes

I don't see anything wrong with asking for a rotation but I think we all need to remember that we are not Cathes #1 priority.She has a family and businesses to run.We don't know...her kids may have had the flu for last two weeks and she could be taking care of them.Yeah, I didn't see anywhere..."Buy the BB series and get free rotation!"
Im sorry but I just can't tolerate rude people.I really don't think that there is a need in responding to rockstars post so hurtful and rudely.There were many other ways that your post could have been written, and getting your point across at the sametime.Just for the record....I AM NOT CONFUSED.but maybe you are in the way you should be treating others.And sure Cathe can answer her own questions....but obviously you contributed to this post as much as the rest.
But I am confused about how a rotation post can turn so sour.If we want one that bad we could make up our own or ask for someone elses help on making one.
You're welcome, Kali! I'm doing Muscle Endurance today - just waiting for my daughter to wake up and workout with me - LOL!

I am waiting for DVD's, have no objection to a post of a BB rotation and would love to salivate over clips BUT Cathe said she wanted to wait so why not respect that?

As for creating a rotation, you might print out one of the other series rotations you like and plug in a BB workout in place of the workout Cathe posted ,i.e., if Cathe posted an IS cardio, substitute a BB cardio, etc. Or rotate through each tape, alternating pure strength training, cardio, circuit training. It's not rocket science. You might 'meow" over that last comment but I think the whining is getting out of hand. I try to be neutral and look at both sides but we are adults and we should act like adults and get over the idea that anyone owes anything and right now no less.
I'm am hoping that Cathe posts her December rotation shortly and that it at least uses the BB workouts in the last half. I think that's an entirely realistic expectation. Alternatively, if it's ALL BB, then I'm sure I can sub something in the days between 12/1 and when I finally get my dvd's.
I think Hedy is making a reasonable request. Granted, the delays in the release of the videos and dvds may have been unexpected,but I don't think it's unreasonable at all to want rotation suggestions! Personal attacks on Hedy aren't necessary and don't accomplish anything. :)

Thanks for the great rotation suggestion Carol! I am still awaiting my dvds but I love hearing how others are getting great results. Share the wealth! I'd love to hear what others are doing with their new BB tapes! a Cathe workout a day and keep the Grinches away!!! LOL :)
Good grief! Hedy made a simple, polite request for a rotation! I guess her post all comes down to how it was perceived by the reader. To me, she asked Cathe for a rotation. What is the big deal?

Can we just let it drop and offer rotation suggestions to Hedy (and others who might be interested in a BB rotation)? I don't understand why her request needs to be blown way out of proportion and analyzed! :) People come to this forum for ideas, inspiration and suggestions, not to be beat over the head for asking a simple question! :)

So, those of you with the VHS BB tapes...hows about starting a BB Rotation thread? :)

You got your wish Cathe posted the December rotation in the rotation forum, and it uses nothing but Body Blast tapes. Yay Cathe!! :)
I guess we must agree to disagree. I didn't find her simple request polite. Cathe said she would post a rotation when the DVD's were released. I thought the request sounded childish and plaintive. Is there an unwritten rule that you may respond to a post only if you are in agreement? To me, my perception is the only one that counts. The DVD's should ship within days and the rotation will follow soon after. What's with the inability to accept that and to wait with patience?
To me, my perception is the only one that counts.

But, this causes a whole slew of problems since not everyone shares YOUR perception. Maybe you can try viewing things from others' perspective?

As for myself, I thought the original request wasn't rude in the least.
Guess we see things differently... and the flies with sugar approach is certainly more effective....

maybe this thread will be pulled...
"maybe this thread will be pulled... "

One can only hope so ...
Madnnatsmom, that didn't come across as I intended it. What I meant is that the truth is subjective. That's what causes disagreements. We all look at things from our particular point of view. But I apologize for being so testy today. I am usually very even keeled but I have been waking up at 4:00 AM and have felt tired and grouchy lately. I should have stayed out of the forums today since I was so obviously argumentative! But I took a nap and felt really awful about being negative and silly. I absolutely apologize and I will be more careful about how I say what I say in the future and hopefully regain my ability to keep things in perspcetive! I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Wise man, Abraham. Sometimes my big mouth and opinionated brain get the better of me.
Tis the season to be jolly. Perhaps we should all try not to read more into a post than what's written--I'm sure Hedy meant no harm.

Maybe we should have a "do unto others" rotation this month, where we give people the benefit of the doubt and try to be more empathetic toward others. This can be a stressful time of year, after all. A little kindness goes a long way.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone by posting this. However, I've found the Cathe forums have become increasingly less-than-nice and therefore, I don't visit here as often as I used to.

All that aside, we've got a lot to be thankful for---good health, good friends/family, and a bunch of Cathe DVDs to help us work off the holiday goodies. :)

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