Beginner runner questions/comments....


Okay, I have an attitude problem. I keep thinking I hate running. When really it isn't so much as I hate it as it is hard... And honestly I know I am being impatient. I started running Thursday night. We have 5 acres behind our house and I ran the perimeter a couple of rounds and walked one round doing that for 35 minutes Thursday. Boy could I feel it in my hips and hip flexors on Friday! That is great, because I would like to tone my hips and slim them down. Anyway, Friday I did CTX all step ( along with my one body part a day from Slow and Heavy....I am finishing up my three weeks, next week I start pure strength...). Tonight I went to try running again and it seemed like 100 times harder. I ran three laps, walked one, ran two laps, walked one, and ran one lap and walked one. It took me 20 minutes. I went inside and did the cardio from the day 4 ( kickbox) timesaver dvd. Now I am wondering if I should just stick with aiming for 20 minutes and doing either a ctx cardio portion or timesaver cardio portion. Would that ease me into things better? Does this even make sense? I appreciate any advice!
I'm no expert, and I'm sure you'll get a more thorough answer from some of the strong runners on these boards, but it sounds to me as though it was so much harder today because your legs were tired. It might be a case of too much too fast, you know you can do a lot of Cathe and Cathe is hard (that may be the understatement of the day:D ) but you had to work up to that level right? I know I sure did and it took months, heck I'm not always totally there even now. Plie jacks? Yeah, sure it's me clicking me heels right behind you Cathe...:7
Anyway, running seems like it shouldn't be that hard, which is probably why it frustrates the experienced and inexperienced, the feeling that you 'should' be able to run a lot. But the calorie burn alone should signal that it's not easy, which is great b/c you can burn so many calories in such a short time!
I'm currently building up my mileage (tomorrow is my first 5K on my own) and it hasn't been easy, but it hasn't taken as long as I thought it would at first, Cathe has made me stronger, faster, better...ahem, to borrow a phrase.
I would suggest that you stick with what you can do without feeling totally wiped out and overtraining. Increase your time/mileage by about 10% each week and include some days of longer runs and some days of shorter runs. Some days reversing the direction you run around the field, adding in intensity intervals, a few inclines if you can find them, and a few sprint for 10 seconds recover for 30-60 seconds intervals at the very end of your workout before you cool down. This will all make those 20 minutes or so that much more effective and you'll be tearing up the miles before you know it.
And, since you're in a safe place, some inspiring music has been known to make you kick up even tired feet:+
Good luck! And like I said you'll probably get some expert advice soon too!
First of all....don't feel bad about walking. Most beginning running programs say to do that. I have run for a long time (29 years) and really enjoy distance but it isn't for everyone. If you are interested there are some beginning running programs at or Hope this helps...:)...Carole
I know this phenomenon well! The first time you do something is way easier than the sucesssive times. The first time you get euphoric: wow! I actually did it! Then you go out there again and it seems to require so much more effort, and partly this is psychological because having done it once, you know what is required the second time and it seems more gruelling a prospect.

Any beginning running program does include a fair degree of walking so you should not at all get disappointed in yourself for this. To start out with, there should be exactly the same amouunts of walking as running. Then each week, you gradually reduce the amount opf wwaling time and increase the amount of actual runing time until you are running without breaks continuaally for 30 mins.

But gradually is the key term here.

Running is way harder than Cathe cardio, it's one of the hardest activities for the body period. You need to give your body time to strengthen and get used to the impact of running. Both msucles and joints need gradual acclimatization.

On days you choose to run, just run and then go back and do your weights if you wish. Do not combine a run/walk with a CTX cardio. The run/walk is enough of a calorie burn and enough impact for one day and you don't want to overstress muscles and joints and lead to injury.

Check out the beginning running programs Carole has listed and you will see that you did it all backwards!!! Start with running for 1 minute, then walking for 1 minute and repeating this for 20-30 minutes. Do this 3 or 4 times your first week on interspersed days.

Then the running programs will have you running for 75 seconds and walking for 45, and repeating that for 20-3o minutes, etc, etc. You get the picture.

Good luck and be patient.

Thankyou so much for all your good advice! I am going to keep plugging away! Leave it to me to do things backwards! :>) I will try again this week and try taking a more balanced approach and see how it goes. I guess it is just one of those things you think, "running? Yea, I ran as a kid, no big deal...." then you try it and realize how difficult it is now! Jumproping, too. I used to jump rope all the time...... I have had six kids.....those pelvic floor muscles just aint what they used to be....LOL! I just have to start at the beginning.....

RE: Beginner runner questions/comments.... one more....

How often should I be attempting these feat? Is once a week okay with cathe cardio on the other days, or should I be doing three days a week and alternate with cathe cardio? :)
RE: Beginner runner questions/comments.... one more....

Most beginner running schedules require you to run 3xweek. Check out the C25K programm on Real easy to follow.

RE: Beginner runner questions/comments.... one more....

Hi Momofmany!
Just wanted to say that I can relate as I did my first run today! I am following the "Couch to 5K" program at I did the warm-up from PLB, then ran for 22 minutes, alternating 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking for that time (as per the program). I then finished with PUB abs and a stretch. I have to say, altho I did feel a little challenged aerobically at times, I wasn't as wiped out as I thought I would be. It was also a much less intimidating way to get me started with running and to see if it's something I am going to learn to like (or, shock, horror!), to love ;-). In fact, the hardest thing of all was keeping my "spaniel's ears" (that's what I affectionately call my post-baby boobs, as they now resemble that shape!) under control! They kept trying to escape from my bra and were flying in directions I didn't know they could :eek: !! Needless to say, I think I need an entirely different kind of support bra for running than I have been using for home workouts, Lol!! Perhaps something with scaffolding underneath!
I'm not planning to do anything other than the running program for the next 9 weeks (which will be hard as I do love my Cathe fix!!). I really want to give my body a chance to adapt and to see how (if at all) my body/fitness improves.
I know what you mean about thinking that you should be able to just get up and run like you did as a child. Unfortunately, I have alot more "me" to move around now than I did as a child, and like you, after only 2 children, I have a pelvic floor that doesn't like violent sneezes, coughs and jumping jacks much! Sometimes, even looking at a running tap can be a problem, Lol!!
Anyway, I just wanted to send you my support (albeit in a long-winded way!) and to say I am right there with you as a novice runner!
RE: Beginner runner questions/comments.... one more....

That is so cool that you are starting out, too! I was looking at the cool running site last night and thinking about how to encorportate the running. I like your idea of doing the beginner work out that builds you up to running continuously that they have there on cool running and not worrying about the step and such for a while at least until I have built up to running at least 30 minutes at a next year some time I should be back to Cathe....(LOL):>) Okay, they SAY it wont take THAT long.....That is just me being positive.....NOT. I am keeping my weight workouts along with the running, though. I am doing Pure Strength right now, just started this week.

Have you tried wearing two bras for the running? That works for me. Although at this point they resemble two empty wallets! LOL!

Thanks so much for the support!
RE: Beginner runner questions/comments.... one more....

"Have you tried wearing two bras for the running? That works for me. Although at this point they resemble two empty wallets! LOL!"

He He! That is so funny - I know what you mean! That is a great idea about wearing 2 bras - I will give that a go when I do my 2nd run tomorrow. I've also found another "starting out" running program at which looks a little more challenging, as you start out with longer running periods, which I think I could probably handle.

I think keeping up the strength work is a good idea - unfortunately I can't do upper body strength at the mo due to an ongoing shoulder problem, but I think I will definately re-introduce some leg work once I have completed the running program.

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