audio and chapter options?


Active Member
My husband and I want to get the STS program (sort of a weird Valentine's Day gift for each other), but I want to be sure it has a voice only option like her other DVDs. He works evenings, and the music beat can be annoying for those of us trying to sleep.

I also want to know if it's chaptered, so he can just skip the warm up after doing his own (not involving step-touches) and go to the next part.

Anyone do this with their significant other and have them stick with it? Incidentally, he did the partner abs section with me from ab circuits and that got him interested in her videos, as well as seeing how much muscle tone I'm getting from doing Cathe DVDs. I don't think she has anything else for two people, unless it just involves spotting, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

Thanks in advance.
Only 3 months late answering this and she probably has her answer by now but thought I'd post in case anyone else out there was wondering. Yes, STS has a voice only option which I love and use all the time bacause I prefer to listen to my own music. Cathe's releases lately have all had that option which I appreciate immensely. I know I can count on her consistency in regards to this unlike Leslie who will release one with music only option then the next one won't have that option. Can't understand why once she started doing that she didn't stick with it. I don't always want to listen to Leslie chatter so get around that by putting her on mute, listening to my own music and following along with her moves. Sorry for the ramble. Just one of the many reasons why I prefer my Cathe.

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