Are you a Phlegm Femme?

Does anyone else get phlegm when doing cardio that you have to rush and get a napkin or spit in the trash can very quickly? I get this alot too when I am running, and when I do run I am constantly spitting. I think sucking on something sugarless helps abit though.

I don't really cough up phlegm, but I am a messy runner - my nose runs and spit will occasionally fly from my mouth when I'm breathing really hard. I'm a heavy sweater, too. Not a pretty sight :p

EEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Is it allergies? I used to have that problem, but no more since I am now a recovering nicotine addict. :)

:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ ! No it ain't allergies (sorry, from the south here...yeah, we say "tennis shoes" too)! :eek:

Yeah, it is worse for smokers, huh? So glad you quit! Never smoked myself though.

I'm glad I quit too. It was 2 years as of May 1. :) I still think about it every day, but the difference in my workouts is nothing short of amazing. Also the difference in everyday life--the stink, the bad breath, the wrinkles & dry skin. Whenever I have a craving all I have to do is think of the wrinkles. ;(
Man, glad I never took up smoking because I have enough wrinkles without! YIKES! Not a phlegm femme here...thank goodness!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
It used to be like that often for me in the mornings and still is occasionally.

I really believe it's the body's way of getting rid of junk/toxins in the body. Just a little house cleaning.....that's all. It's a good thing!!!
I started having this problem about a month ago. I never use too so I am happy to see I AM NOT ALONE IN THIS. I hope you all are right and it's " housecleaning" our bodies are doing.

That has happened to me before a few times. It's usually when I'm breathing really, really hard so during very intense videos.
This happens to me occasionally, mostly when I am doing high intensity workouts, like an imax or something.

Edited to correct spelling:-(
WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!NOT FOR THE SQUEEMISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed this a few years ago when I'd do Cathe before the sun came up. The doctor said she couldn't hear anything but I think my doctor is a total idiot!

Anyway, I had elective surgery 1.5 years ago and was under general anesthesia and a tube was down my throat the whole time. The tube must have jostled something because 2 days after surgery that stuff was making me cough and the next day I coughed it up. I am not kidding, it was ball...easily! My husband came flying back into the bedroom where I was recovering...horrible sound!

Now, through time, it seems to be back. Why is this happening? I think it is slight allergies. I'd love for you medical ladies to explain this to me. I don't smoke (quit 9 years ago) but I do have 2 cats.

So to answer your question Charlotte, yes, I am a phlemmy femme! Glad it's not just me!
OOOHHHH!!! Coooolll! I would have liked to see that! Seriously. (I know, I'm weird.) I still don't like snot, though. Yours sounded more like a chunk or hunk of something!

Oh you guys, I am gagging over here! STOP!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
oh my goodness!! we are not alone! i too have to spit several times during my workouts. thankfully i workout in my living room and i can now keep the front door open and just run to the door during the small breaks. i'd hate to see it if someone was coming to my house at the wrong time x( !! i haven't found anything that will help.

"time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force." Dorothy Sayers.
>OOOHHHH!!! Coooolll! I would have liked to see that!
>Seriously. (I know, I'm weird.) I still don't like snot,
>though. Yours sounded more like a chunk or hunk of something!

Now Marla, Is this really you or your husband posting? Hee Hee! Still thinking about that headband post makes me laugh.

You know Charlotte I had the same problem until my sons pediatrician gave me some samples of Zyrtec. I mean it was really bad. I had it while I working out, and even later when I would be trying to have a conversation with someone. It was embarrassing. I couldn't clear my throat. If it keeps up maybe check it out with a dr.


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