Anyone use a Rebounder?


I would like to get a rebounder, as I keep reading the benefits of this easy to do, easy-on-joints, light exercise option.

Any tips on what kind of rebounder to get? None of the sport stores around me carry them in stock for me to view. I am wondering about the shape (round, oval, square), to get handlebars or not, to get foot risers or not, footprint size, collapsible, do they come in different tensions, etc.

Also, do you just jump up and down or do some kind of movement, twist, one-foot, wave your hands, etc.?

I love my jumpsport! I bought it in anticipation of Suzanne Bowen's BarreAmped Bounce DVD. While waiting for the DVD I discovered a ton of rebounding workouts on YouTube. You can find everything from beginner to advanced. I used to run on my treadmill but stopped due to my knee hurting. This is a great substitute without the pounding of the joints. My favorite workouts are Suzanne's bounces (both her dvd and from her streaming site) and also the Power Jump Mixes (crazy advanced jumping) from YouTube. I actually have 2 jumpsports. Long story ☺️ and they both work for me. One I have the bar attached and the other does not have a bar. Then there are the wonders rebounding does for your lymphatic system. You can not read an article about rebounding without the mentioning of the lymphatic system. Hope this helps!

Edited to add....the jumpsports I purchased you can adjust the tension/firmness and both are round. However, once you adjust the firmess it is not something you can change easily. It is not difficult just time consuming. The first one I purchased was the larger 550F Pro and I keep the bar on this one. The other is the 350. The 350 is a lot smaller but still a great rebounder and a lot cheaper. If I only had the 350 I would be very happy as the size is still very nice. I do mainly the power jumps on the smaller one.
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Thanks, Labnick, I will check out your brand and models you recommended. I also appreciate an instructor's name. I am actually interested in the rebounder for lymphatic flow and if there happens to be some cardio or other benefits, that is a bonus!

You stated you had a big and small one - is there a size that is just too small? I am tall-ish and thin but I have a fear of my foot going through the side springs because the platform isn't wide enough. Do you feel safer using one over the other? After posting my original question, I was looking at my exercise room and really need one that collapses as I have used up almost every inch of my room. Or even one I can fit through a 24" door (would have to remove the handles every time) so I can roll it into the bathroom (which is also full of exercise equipment - LOL.) I happened upon the "Urban Rebounder". It has different sized legs so you can put the rebounder on an angle - do you see any benefit from that? I thought it was interesting.

I have an older Urban Rebounder, the legs don't switch like they do on the newer model, but I have really
Enjoyed it. I know a lot of people say the U R is noisy and the bounce is hard, but I haven't experienced either.
Mine has a very quiet bounce, even with the springs, and mine is a soft but firm bounce, maybe I just got lucky! They Are a lot of fun and do have a lot of benefits from the bounce.
Thank you both for your replies. It was between the UR and JS. I ended up going with the JumpSport 550F Pro since I felt like I needed a bigger jump area and wanted it to fold. I also got the handlebars. If anyone is looking, I found the best price on Costco (even with tax) and they have the best return policy. Better price than the JumpSport site.

Now my question is I see the Bellicon and read it is "the best!" Anyone have or research that one? I wanted to order one quickly to get here in 1-2 weeks, so I went ahead and ordered the JS and am researching the Bellicon. My only hesitation with the Bellicon is I keep reading it is a softer bounce and may not be good if you have foot/ankle problems. But the 48" Bellicon is supposed to be a more firm bounce and OK with foot/ankle problems. I was in a pretty horrific accident years ago and my one ankle kind of just hangs there - no stability at all. The same foot has severe pain on the ball and top of the foot if I am not wearing the right shoes. I have learned how to accommodate with the right shoes and being very aware of every step...just don't want to aggravate it with a too-soft of a trampoline.
Hi Gobias...congrats on your purchase. I have not tried a bellicon. When I was researching I was overwhelmed with the bellicon ordering process. You needed to select the firmness which was very confusing to me. I had never tried one so how would I know how firm or soft I would want? They were so expensive and I did not want to get it wrong. Then Suzanne Bowen started talking about how much she loved her jumpsport so I figured I would check it out. The prices were lower and I loved that I could adjust the tension. This made me very happy. I am very happy with my purchase. They say the bellicon is the cadillac of rebounders and maybe so. But I love mine so that is all I need.

So sorry to hear about your accident. As far as a soft bounce it may bother your ankle. My husband broke is ankle a fews years ago and still has discomfort. Before I adjusted the firmess he tried it for a bit and immediatly got off. It really bothered his ankle. Unfortunatley, he has not tried it again since I have adjusted the firmess. I just mentioned to him after reading your post so maybe he will give it another go. Fingers crossed.
I am the OP and just came back to say I love rebounding! I have had it now for about a week and a half and have used it several times each day. I am not quite sure what I am doing, but I am having fun doing it. I need to research exact moves that are optimal for lymphatic health.

I pop a show on the TV and without realizing it, I am on there for an hour even though I mean to only stay on 20 minutes at a time. If only I could figure out how to read while bouncing. Or I just bounce in quiet before everyone gets home. I even bounce while carrying on conversations. It is gentle enough where I don't get winded or sweaty, so perfect to do throughout the day. My guy even hops on several times a day (which is weird, since he didn't know I was getting it, doesn't know what it is, other than a trampoline, and doesn't know what I got it for. I think he is just having fun. I also think he is just so used to me getting workout stuff he doesn't bother to ask questions.)

Thanks to those who answered my questions.
Hi Gobias! Just curious if you are still loving your rebounder? I am totally addicted to mine. The ladies in the support group that I am in will certainly attest to this! Lol! I use it every day sometimes twice. I am going start a thread asking who rebounds and what workouts they do or do they just freestyle. Would love to see what everyone does.
Hi Labnick,

I just saw this and your other thread. I do hope people respond, as I would like to know other rebounder workouts also.

To answer your question - I still LOVE my rebounder! I hop on it several times a day just for fun or stress relief. I have not done an actual workout on it, I just bounce, twist, dance, jump, make up moves on it whenever the mood strikes. I work mainly from home slouched in front of a computer and try to bounce on it several times just to get some movement in my day. Also on weekends I bounce when I am talking to my guy to catch up on the day, talking on the phone (with friends so others don't think I am flirting with them by breathing slightly heavy into the phone), watching TV, or just want to bounce for 5 minutes.

I have found that by working at home, I get very frustrated and wander into the kitchen often. I only stock healthy clean food, but am in there a lot! Since getting the rebounder, I find that I bounce around instead of heading to the kitchen. I also find it loosens up my back from sitting all day.

I will say this to anyone interested; if you are going to use it like I use it - mainly for random movement rather than a formal workout, put it somewhere convenient. I kept mine in the bedroom, where my DVR is, on my way to the bathroom so I pass and see it, next to the bed where my guy is at night. However about a month ago I had to move it to the spare room temporarily and didn't even realize I was rarely using it. I think because it was out of sight, out of mind. When it was in my line of sight, I would see it and bounce for 5-20 min several times throughout the day. Now that it is in the spare room, I don't see it at all and forget about it. Luckily, I will be able to move it back soon. On weekends, I can bounce for over an hour without realizing it while watching a movie or talking on the phone. The time just passes. (Also, a tip is to get the biggest one you can fit).

I keep wanting to do a formal workout on it, so I am glad you posted the other thread. I will check the workouts out that you mentioned.

(On a funny note, I am having extensive landscaping done to my yard and the architect was giving me ideas and asked if I wanted an in ground trampoline. I answered "No, I already have a rebounder" and he said "I don't know what that is".)

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