Anyone tried Kari Anderson's Push or Reach?


Just wondering because I am interested in buying them for getting back in shape after baby. Thanks.
I have Reach and I really like it. It's similar to Angles, Lines & Curves II in that it's flowing and non-impact, but it really works you. Very deceiving!! It's broken up into two separate sections which is nice because you can do them together or back to back.

Hi Carol :) I remember you saying you liked ALC II...I really like this one too...which do you prefer, ALC II or Reach? I've had my eye on Reach since it came out, but if it's very similar to ALC II may pass...however, if there's enough of a difference between the two, well, I may have to cave, lol...thanks in advance! :)
Hi Terry Mia! It's not so similar I find it repetitive, if that helps at all. What's similar about it is the ballet influence and the emphasis on balance and posture. Kari is her usual graceful, beautiful self in it. There are two parts - standing work and floor work, and although they can be done separately there is very little break in between so if you choose to do the entire hour it's not like you stop then start again, which I like. I can't really say I prefer one over the other since there are enough differences to make them unique. I was going to get all her new ones but I know my knees wouldn't like the step workouts - LOL!! HTH!!

Thanks Carol...I!! Now I'm probably gonna cave for sure! :) I was looking at her step w/o's too...I've never done any of her step stuff, though, so was thinking of the beginner one ("Go"?)..."Reach" is the one that really interests me, though...oh poor credit card. :)
I have both. I really like Push because I love all of Kari's aerobics, especially the step (my favorites are United Steps, Body Tech, and Hot Step). I am too much of a klutz for Reach. I just couldn't do a lot of the balance moves and did not feel as though I had much of a workout that day. (I pulled it off the shelf on one of those sweltering humid days when I felt enervated before I even started, so it was okay.)Overall, though, I would rather do weights for strength. Not sure what I will do with Reach! Maybe I'll try it another time.....some day.
Hi everyone, sorry to hijack the thread but I have just seen a familiar name that I haven't seen in a long time. Carol is fit! How the heck are you woman?! It's good to see you back!

>Hi everyone, sorry to hijack the thread but I have just seen a familiar name that I haven't seen in a long time. Carol is fit! How the heck are you woman?! It's good to see you back!

Hi Kathy! I guess now we're both hijackers ... LOL!! I'm just fine, thanks! How are you?

>Terry Mia ... enabling ... it's not just for breakfast
>anymore ... heh-heh ...
ROFL!! Heehee, nope, guess it's not....

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