Anyone have twins or triplets here?


Since I'm getting ready to start my secondary infertility treatment (Clomid 50mg) in a few weeks, I've been told I have a high chance at having multiples (I have 14 eggs total in my ovaries!) so I've been preparing and just wondered if anyone here has and could share your experience with me :D
Thanks in advance!
Myra :D
Hi Myra,
I have twins conceived with the aid of fertility drugs. From what I understand, triplet pregnancies from Clomid are pretty rare, but twins are definitely a possibility.
Wishing you lots of luck with your cycle!! Hope you are feeling ok - Clomid made me an emotional mess!
I took clomid for 7 months, all the away up to 150mg., but only conceived one baby (which is due in 10 weeks :) )on my very last cylce of clomid. But I only ever had between two or three follicles maturing each cycle.

Now, where Erica said clomid made her emotional, I didn't really didn't have any problems with it.


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