anyone have painful callouses due to exercise?

I was wondering if anyone else has ever had a problem with painful (i.e. stinging) callouses on their feet, especially on the side of the big toe and the side of the balls of the feet. They don't keep me from working out, but they do hurt a lot sometimes...
Yes, I also have callouses that hurt in the exact same spots that you do? I workout barefoot which I know is part of my problem; but I prefer being able to feel the step under my feet. I use a pumice stone in the shower every night to keep the callouses from getting too big and painful. I hope this helps.
A big Yes! Isn't it annoying? What I did/do is I got Callus remover pads (syllic acid). It really works. Now I buy moleskin bandages. I cut a bandaid and put the moleskin over it before I exercise. I did this consisently for 2 month. My calluses went away, but if I do long cardio I still bandage the sides of my toe for preventive maintenace. I also got inserts for the ball of my foot to prevent friction. This process can get pricey, but its worth it. Good Luck!
No, but I do have extra thick (though not painful) callouses on the outer sides of my heels. I use one of those foot files every now and then to thin them out. I also apply a liberal amount of baby oil gel to my feet at night and wrap them with cotton socks. This helps keep my feet soft. I'm also quite picky with athletic shoes. I look for those that are wider around the toes and balls of the feet and taper a bit at the heels. I also want those that support my high arches. This leaves me with a few choices when I shop for shoes -- and there is no one particular brand that fits my requirements, not even Ryka -- but by some miracle I still get to find some that fit well and are reasonably priced.

I have callouses on both little toes where they press against the toe next to it. This is from running I'm pretty sure.
I've had them since I was a teenager because I used to run track back then and now I'm a Cathe freak :p. If I do any type of exercise that has enough impact and puts pressure on my feet my callouses get really bad, but I always use nice shoes and insoles (I would never workout on bare feet because that does a number on joints --you might not notice it now but you will 20 years from now--). I also use a pumice stone in the shower 2-3 times per week.

I was ashamed of going to the doctor and I saw on the news (I think it was CNN but I'm not sure) that it is very common for athletes to go to the podiatrist so maybe one of these days I'll get an appointment. I'm just afraid that if the doctor decides to do something on my feet I'll wouldn't be able to workout. I don't have anything to lose with just an appointment though. If I go then I'll post it here.
Same problem, I have tem on my big toes and teh balls of my feet. Mostly they are fine, but from time to time, they hurt, especially during step.
Yep! Me too. The skin on my feet REALLY thickens up and then it starts to peel and then I start to "pick"!

I have peeled the skin off the bottoms of my feet and always end up having to wrap my feet with Neosporin and gauze and I SWEAR I will NEVER pick again. Then I start all over again . It's a sickness, I know. :-(

Actually, when I found this thread I was sitting here peeling away some of the skin on the bottom of my feet. }(

And then it started to bleed, and it hurts, but I can't stop!!!! I had better get my shoes on and start Cathe-ing! :)
I used to get them untill I started working out with no socks and just a athletic shoe...No athletes feet, no callouses, feet are baby smooth. Socks were causing my callouses and athletes feet...hope this helps. Your feet dont get as hot and ucky too...happy feet to all:D :D :D :D
I have terrible callouses too--and in the same areas. I thought that it was just me until I saw a special on MTV about marathon runners. It was when Puff Daddy (or PDiddy or what ever he goes by now) was training for that big marathon in Boston or NYC (can't remember where, but it was like 20 or 30 miles). The man that was training him was helping him deal with all of the trauma to his feet from running such a long distance. This man had been a marathon runner for many years and he no longer had toenails!!! They had gotten so beat up and fallen off so many times that they finally never grew back. This showed me that exercise can be really hard on your feet, so I started bandaging the problem areas with moleskin before workouts. It really seems to help!!!
I get them too, but they are not painfull. I agree regular pedicures and good shoes keep them under control. If I can't get a pedicure then I do a foot soak and use a pumice to get rid of the dead skin and that works great too!! I would also suggest a medicated foot cream at night and keep covered with socks. Avon has a really good one that I use every night. I have tried a few brands and this one works the best IMO. Good luck!!

I remember that. I call him Sean Combs and if I ever meet him I'd call him Mr. Combs (I don't get the whole nickname thing :+ ). Anyway he was training for the NYC marathon and not only he got callouses he also got blisters, joint problems, etc. And I remember that man with no toenails (whoa mamma, I mean I used to run for hrs and hrs awhile ago and yes I did have a lot of problems with my feet --and still do-- but I never lost my toenails).

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