Anyone have friends who workout?

My 3 closest friends, all from high school (10 years ago), workout to varying degrees. Two are lifetime runners and have done marathons and go running at least 5-6 days a week. They do some weights, too. The 3rd friend works out from time to time or a few days a week. While these 3 gals are my closest friends, they all live out of town.

My closest friend in town is a regular workout gal, but again, she mainly runs. I introduced her to cardio coach, which, I myself, don't do (not much of a runner -- but have heard it talked about enough on these forums!). Anyway, she seemed excited about trying it, but I haven't heard if she has. She lifts weights, too, but just her own thought-up routine at home. Nothing video based.

So I guess among my closest friends, they all workout ... BUT that's not to say everyone in my life is a fitness freak. (sorry fitness freak for using your name in vain ... haha). My husband doesn't workout (although he needs to). My immediate family members also do not work out. My inlaws don't work out either. Both of my SIL's w/o, but it's sporatic. One is naturally skinny (ohhh, the nerve! haha :p) and she does cardio w/o's, but no weights. While she looks good, she's not toned in the least, just skinny, if you get what I mean. The other SIL doesn't make working out a priority to keep doing it on a regular basis.

My DREAM is to meet someone in real life, who lives in my town, who is infatuated with Cathe as I am. hahahahaha. :p ;) While I love these forums and everyone and their opinions, sometimes it's nice to be able to share thoughts and opinions with someone in person. Know what I mean? :D ;)
Most of the people I know that say they exercise, walk a mile or do yoga or take a class at the gym a couple of times a week. I don't know any other women that work out 6 days a week, lift weights, or workout at home with dvds. When they hear that I do workout dvds at home, they think it takes alot of discipline. I prefer it, as I'm sure that most of you do also.
My ds21 does lift weights or runs everyday. I'd like to think that I influenced him!:p
Most of my female friends do not work out but a lot of my male friends do. I have one female friend that does and I try to go to the gym with her. However she is one that always seems to find an excuse to cancel and can not ignore her cell phone long enough to get a decent workout in most days. She is a sweet gal and I like her a lot in others ways just not the best gym buddy. Actually enjoying working out and putting the effort in seems rare.
Not a single friend of mine works out either. Isn't that so strange? I never really thought about it till you mentioned it, Ellie.

My best friend, who is also my next door neighbor, always says that she HATES being sore and would rather be "fat and happy". Like I'm not happy! LOL

SO has gotten close a few times to starting a program or something, but something always gets in the way!

Priorities, I guess.

I'm really too shy about it

I used to have a friend who I kind of had to stop seeing because she kept getting on my case about being too thin (I was over 220 at the time and it wasn't all muscle and bone.) I don't feel like I'm at the level where I would want anyone see just how much of a newbie I am at this whole exercise thing. Although having someone to talk to in person would be nice. I do have a couple of acquaintances who are major athletes but I would feel silly talking to them.

Friends would be nice. Weight loss buddies. Something. I guess thats why I'm on the forum so much.
None:(:(:(:(:(:( When people find out I average about an hr a day, they either look at me like I have 6 heads or I am lying. I belong to the fit/fat club (down from a 22 to a 12 though). What can I say, I live to eat!!! So people tend to think it odd. A lot of my friends are eater/drinkers, my family are drinkers, and DH is naturally thin :mad: so they just just aren't into the heavy sweating and panting (except DH, nudge nudge wink wink)

Some of my local acquaintances work out. The most popular thing in my hippie-dippy town (and I say that with love, our hippies are fun) is yoga and some of them walk as well. They don't generally work out like I do, yet they are thinner. They must be eating better. I do have one friend (our kids have play dates together and we have a good time chatting, if that counts as a friend) in town who works out a lot, but she goes to the gym and rarely uses DVDs. Still, when we talk a lot of it is about working out and kettlebells, which we both embraced about the same time.

After writing that sentence I have a mental image of me "embracing" a kettlebell. :p
None of my friends work out like I do. I like to grunt and sweat when I work out. Some aquaintances want to go for walks and such but that is just not me. I have one friend at work that feels the same way I do about weights, cardio and fitness but that's it. I actually have thought about this topic alot and just accept the fact that none of my friends are work out freaks like me.
I've often pondered this issue myself. In my circle of close friends and family, only ONE person I know works out!!! :eek: And.... she doesn't work out to the extent that I do.

Many years ago I used to feel GUILTY because I made exercise a priority. Guilty??!!
:confused: Unreal!

It's too bad that ppl who REALLY need to be exercising don't make the effort. I pray that I'll always be physically capable to continue working out. I would get VERY depressed if I ever had to stop....
I'm sure of it.
Only a few

I have a friend who is in her 20s and runs a lot. I have another friend who was an amazing gymnast in high school but now she's really overweight. I have other friends who sporadically workout. My sister used to be a personal trainer and dietician, but now is a sahm. My brother just finished a full triathalon, but other than that, my other brother is obese and all four of my parents (two step, two bio) all are overwieght. My step-mother is in remission from thyroid cancer, my father has Parkinson's, my mother seriously just injuried her knee, and my step-father "can't" (read: won't) do anything since he tore his acl. My husband is in the military so he doesn't have a choice but to workout.
None of my friends workout either. I dont have to many friends anyway. I have many aquaintances. The only person I know is my uncle and he's a PT. My husband use to work out before we began dating I dont know what happen to him. He sees me huffing and puffing away to cathe and keeps telling me he's got to get back into it. I started doing P90x this is my second week. He saw Tony and was like Who's this jerk? Honestly I think he's jealous that Tony looks so good. He asked me "How old is this guy?
Let's see!!

My husband always works out and I have another friend that works out as well doing Leslie. It is really encouraging to talk to one another. I wish I had someone who was into Cathe and/or lifting weights.

I do have a couple other friends that are going to start to workout "tomorrow". The only problem is that "tomorrow" never comes.

I am glad that I found this forum, it really is informative and encouraging!
I didn't, but then I introduced a few friends to Cathe and now they DO (yay!)

They are still suspicious of heavy weights. One of them recently bought a pair of ten-pound dumbbells, and honestly cannot imagine needing anything heavier, ever. But she's starting to enjoy cardio & weights circuits, so I think she'll come around eventually.
My DH works out. He swims and lifts weights. Sometimes he'll do a Cathe weight DVD with me. He's really looking forward to STS.

I introduced my sister to Cathe, and she is still doing Cathe DVDs, but she lives across the country. My Dad works out on the treadmill, but he also lives far away.

Locally I have some friends who run, but we don't talk about it much. I tried introducing some neighbor friends to Cathe, but they never really got into the workouts, I guess.

Thank goodness for my Atlanta Cathe friends!! (And everyone here, too!)
At risk of sounding like a total loner, . . . I don't have any friends :( , . . .let alone friends that workout. Luckily my husband is very active and we jog and hike together. I'm really shy and don't get out much and when I work out I don't like to be bothered. I always wear my IPOD so I don't have to talk to anyone. I'm sure people think I'm a real butt face but I'm really not. I'm just an extremely shy, over anxious person who worries that I'll say the wrong thing, . . . . ho humm.
None of my friends work out.:( It gets really frustrating. I feel sometimes, if nature takes its course, I will be left alive and everyone else gone. Then I think how lonely that would be. Along the way, I guess I have to keep making new friends. Isn't that sad?:( Maybe I should try to convince them that living the way I do is fun, prolongs your health/life, rewarding... and we can workout together when we get together.

Read everyones posts and then realized why most Americans are in trouble for gaining weight. Wish they could see what a big difference it makes to ones health. Just a little careful eating and some exercise would be a lot of help to many.

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None of my neighbors or friends workout and none of them are even interested. When I see neighbors they say, "are you still doing that exercising business?" like it is so menial or something. Then I get people who say I workout too much, when all I do is put in about one hour per day. And I know better than to talk about it or bring it up myself, of course, because then poeple think you are bragging or something!


I try not to mention my workouts either - if it comes up, most of my friends are like " oh you're so good" as they stuff a chip in their mouths. I am not trying to sound condescending, but they truly have zero interest in improving their bodies and health. Then they will make comments like "well, if I looked like you" - I always say "you could" but that is always the point where the subject changes.
And don't you hate it when people say things like, "You're so lucky that you look like that" (or something similar).

Luck has nothing to do with it. Hard work, discipline and perserverance has everything to do with it.

I'm not naturally fit and I don't have a fast metabolism!
Come to think of it none of my friends workout. The only person I know is my husband. He was the one who got me into weightlifting. Then I starting just riding the bike and walking. After that is when I found Cathe and started getting into fitness.
At risk of sounding like a total loner, . . . I don't have any friends :( , . . .let alone friends that workout. Luckily my husband is very active and we jog and hike together. I'm really shy and don't get out much and when I work out I don't like to be bothered. I always wear my IPOD so I don't have to talk to anyone. I'm sure people think I'm a real butt face but I'm really not. I'm just an extremely shy, over anxious person who worries that I'll say the wrong thing, . . . . ho humm.

Janie, I don't really have any friends that I say, hey lets go out...because I am so busy, free time is spent with family. But what I find is the people that regularily work out where I do start to become friends. We swimmers joke when we see each other out and about that we don't recognize each other with clothes. And if I miss going to the pool at my normal time, I get asked the next time if everything is alright, and why I was not there. So I guess if you start saying some quiet Hi's, you might be surprised over time that you make some friends!

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