Anyone had a D & C?


I've been told I have to have a D & C to remove an endometrial polyp. Anyone have any advice or reassurances?


Yes, I've had a couple of them. They are very simple, they will give you something that will let you relax to the point where you won't even remember what happened. I think I just fell asleep, not sure though. Then afterwards they say you may experience some cramping, I honestly never had much cramping at all. It was simple and I was back on my feet the next day.

It was years ago, they gave me a valium and the proceedure itself felt no worse than a routine pelvic exam. (at least in my hazy memory of the event) However, unlike Kathy, I had bad cramps later that night that lasted 4 or 5 hours. The next morning I was back to normal.

I had one last year. I was so scared, but it really was ok (for something like that.)
Just relax for a few days afterward.
Good luck!
Had one about 18 years ago (Oh My!) and it was a piece of cake. I was very nervous about it at the time because I hate the idea of being put to sleep.

I was perfectly fine the next day although I think there is a discharge to deal with for awhile...
Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Thanks, everyone.

Valium? I was SO nervous before my knee surgery, so they gave me a valium. After that, they could have told me they were planning to cut my leg off and I would have smiled and told them it sounded like a great idea!
My mom had a D&C about 10 years ago. If I remember correctly, when she came home, she was a little bit dore and tired but was doing well the next day. Hopefully, Jackie (Firmnurse) will catch this thread. Since she's an OB/GYN nurse, she will probably be able to ease your mind.

Good luck!

I had an emergency one in November. I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. I had gone home from work b/c I was bleeding badly, called my doc and I started hemmoraging in the doc's waiting area. Because I had eaten that day that couldn't give me anastesia. They gave me aspinal tap or epidural (I can't remember) and did the procedure. I didn't feel anything and they did give me some pain meds for afterwards. I didn't take them b/c I wasn't in any physical pain.
I once had a D&C about two months after I got pregnant the first time. The doctor could not get a heartbeat from the fetus and declared the pregnancy unviable. Anyway, it was a very simple procedure. They hooked me up to an IV, put me to sleep, and 30 minutes later, I woke up. No pain, no tough recovery, no nothing. I was bleeding lightly for about two weeks afterwards, and my activity was restricted for about a week thereafter. That was it. It seemed so strange... first I was pregnant, and then I wasn't. The nurses were so good at walking me through and explaining the whole thing, I'm sure your medical staff will do the same. Take care.

Hi Angela,

I had one back in 1986 and it was over and done with in about an hour I think. I was given general aesthetia (sp?). I didn't have a choice about it as I recall. Anyway I was a little bit shaky the rest of that day but the next day I was just fine, so don't be scared. If I can do it anyone can - good luck. Let us know how it goes, okay?

Hi Angela!

I just had one 2 wks ago for endometrial hyperplasia and I did have some polyps also. It was a piece of cake for me. Surgery at 7:00 home by 9:30. No pain at all, a bit of a sore throat from the anesthesia but after a full day of rest I was fine, even did a light work out.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.


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