anyone ever do team in training?


Hi everyone! I am thinking about doing team in training - a half marathon in upstate NY next fall. I would like to meet some new friends and get a sense of accomplishment of finishing something that seems very daunting! Anyone have any experiences they could share?

Thank you so much! -Tina
Oh, if you can wait until tomorrow morning, Emily (materialsgirl) did the Disney marathon in January with Team in Training and I know she has LOTS of insight:)

I'll make sure she sees this.

I'll be right back! I did the Disney marathon last January (2006) with TNT and LOVED the experience. (I'll be right back. I have to go stir my roasting veggies!)


I hope Emily will pop in here with her experience too.

I have to say that doing my marathon with TNT was one of THE BEST experiences I've EVER had in my entire life. In so many ways.

The support of the coach and my teammates was incredible. We met up every weekend for our long runs. I usually stayed with a guy who ran my pace and it was really awesome. We talked about anything and everything during those runs. He and I even endured our 20 mile long run in the dead of winter, running on ice- and snow-covered paths, breaking thru the ice in places and stepping in ankle-deep freezing cold water. LOL I really got to know him (and vice versa). We did run the marathon together as well. Until about mile 21 when he started having calf issues, then we had to split up. ANYWAY...the friendship I made with him during those months was incredible. ANd the other teammates were great too. You learn different stories, lives, experiences, etc.

As for the fundraising part of it. Our goal for Disney was $3500. That's one of the higher ones, from what I learned. It was not easy, but not hard either. It was what I made of it. When I put the effort into the fundraising, the money came in rather easily, but again, you have to put in to get out. I exceeded my goald and became the highest fundraiser of the team, with $5100+ in funds. There are so many different and FUN ways to raise money, and if you decide to do this and need some help, please feel free to PM me.

On a personal note.....I was never a runner (always an athlete). Training for Disney was my first adventure into running, and I haven't stopped running or fundraising since then. I learned a lot about myself during the training and feel that I got an excellent education not only in running and mechanics, but also in LIFE and the need and want to DO just go the distance. To NOT QUIT! All the running can be turned around into life's experiences in so many ways!

Finally, the REASON I ran with TNT was because my DH passed away in September of 2005 from leukemia. My boys (then 3 and 6) were left without a daddy and a role model. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society was a huge help to us during and after DH's illness, treatment, transplant, and eventually his passing. I wanted to turn that experience around for me and the boys, and teach the kids that something good CAN AND DOES come from bad things like that. I wanted to help other families like mine, the way we were helped and supported. It was my way of saying Thank You to so many people, and to pay tribute to DH.

Finally (again, lol), the support on the course was incredible. The people in the race itself and the supporters on the course was an experience that I have only ever expereinced during races. People, STRANGERS, cheering you on, helping you to that finish line. NOTHING LIKE IT!

Then, when you finally cross the finish line, all the emotions and all the memories of training, all LIFE comes right at you head on. And it's like NOTHING ELSE!

My case you can't tell, is DO IT! It's so well worth it!

Let me know if you need any help, if you decide to do it!

Tina - I did TNT just this past winter and it was a WONDERFUL experience! Unfortunately, I have to run to a meeting right now at work, but I really want to talk to you about it later - I'll be back! :D
Okay, my meeting was cancelled (woo hoo!), so I'm back to talk about my TnT experience. I ran the 2007 Walt Disney World Marathon in January with TnT and it was amazing! Gayle put everything so brilliantly, I don't know how I can possibly add to that.

The training experience you have depends a lot on your coach. I was very fortunate to have an AWESOME coach. Since I was the ONLY full-marathon runner in my TnT chapter (the other 2 ladies on my team were doing the half marathon), I had a lot of really long and solitary runs. I could NOT have done it without my coach, driving beside me in the freezing cold, holding a Starbucks latte in his hand, yelling "Just 2 more miles and THIS is your reward!" :D

Fundraising was the hardest part for me. It was hard because I live in an area where I have no family and very few local friends - so it was hard to hold any kind of fundraising event. I didn't really have anyone to invite. The fundraising goal was $3900, which, as Gayle mentioned, is one of the bigger goals for TnT. I went into it knowing that I wanted to contribute about 25% of that myself (bascially cover my own travel expenses for the marathon). The rest I was able to raise through my letter-writing campaign, and some special local events. Fundraising was hard for me, but it was a really good experience - I got to meet a lot of people who had been affected by cancer, and I received a lot of really heartfelt letters - it made the effort all worthwhile. :)

As for my athletic ability, or lack thereof... I am not a runner (that's what I tell people, at least). :p I started running in October of '05, and in May of '06 I ran my first half-marathon. I ran another half-marathon in October of '06, and then my first marathon in Jan '07. It was a fairly natural progression for me. I'm not a good runner by any stretch of the imagination. I have always been very slow. I have horrible speed, but great endurance. I think if I can run a marathon, pretty much anyone can do it with proper training. And with TnT - you will get proper training! :D

The marathon itself was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. Like Gayle said, the course support at Disney is outstanding! It was a good thing, because it was near-record heat on marathon day, and I was not prepared for it at all. I had trained in freezing cold, and on marathon day it was 85 degrees and 90% humidity! EEK! But the crowds helped me get through it. Complete strangers were cheering for ME - yelling MY NAME (they print your name right on your race bib at Disney, which is nice). It's a feeling like no other. I actually wrote out my entire marathon story, mile by mile and if you're interested in reading it, I can email it to you. You can also click on the link in my siggy to view my marathon pictures. :)

Feel free to PM or email me if you have any more questions. It was a fabulous experience and I would recommend it to anyone! :D
Emily-I'm sitting here with goose bumps all over, reading your post. I've read your mile-by-mile 'coverage' on your marathon a few months back. Funny, you had record HEAT and in '06 we had records LOWS! WHich turned to my advantage....since I trained in typical NorthEast winter weather, Florida's cold spell on marathon weekend (38 degrees at 5am, lol) was just like any other run for us! LOL

I love the visual of your coach driving next to you! LOL

I did the Honolulu Marathon with TNT but I don't think they do that one anymore.It was a great experience.
Tina, I participated in the TnT program and ran the inaugural Nike Women's marathon in San Francisco.

The fundraising was not too terribly difficult athough I did throw in about $400 of my own money. From the experience I gained an altogether new perspective on fundraising and giving. Even a donation of $1.00 makes a difference and to this day I never, ever pass up an opportunity to give to a reputable cause, even if it's a very small amount.

When I ran Nike my life had not personally been affected by cancer but since then I have lost two family members to that terrible disease. Even though neither of them had Leukemia nor Lymphoma it is my understanding that the research enabled by TnT fundraising has led to the development of drugs used to treat other forms of cancer.

The Nike 26.2 course was by far the most difficult thing about the whole endeavor! If that's the one you choose just make sure you make running hills a part of your training. I have heard that the course was changed after the first year but, hey, this is San Francisco we are talking about and there is just no way you could run 26 miles around that city and not hit some major hills.

Emily and Gayle mentioned having awesome coaches and I wish that I could say the same thing about mine but that would not come close to being an accurate claim. Thankfully, I had some experience so didn't rely on him really but there were others who did and ended up doing quite a bit of walking when they ran Honolulu.

I would say that the experience as a whole ranks as one of the more positive things I've ever done. I have considered taking on another TnT fundraising/marathon challenge but I'm so freaking busy these days that it would be too much right now. (Not to mention that I'm dealing with a nagging injury that I hope to get under control so that I can train hard for next year's Boston Marahon.)

If you decide to commit to the TnT program I have no doubt that it will live up to your expectations....maybe even surpass them. Good luck if you decide to do it and be sure to let us know how it all goes for you!
Hi Gayle! Wow, thank you so much for sharing your experience with me. I'm sorry that your DH passes away from leukemia- but its kind of nice now to be able to do something about it so that others may not experience such a loss. you definetely convinced me to go for it. The informational meeting is may 15, so i'm sure i'll have more questions after that :)

Thanks so much again. You are such an insriration!
Hi Emily! thanks for sharing your great experience. I am a bit worried about the fund raising. BUT I really want to do some GOOD for others, and make MYSELF proud to have done it! This sounds like the perfect thing.

Thanks so much again. :) -Tina
Thank you Elaine! I'm glad you had a positive experience as well. I am excited to learn more about the program.

I am NOT a runner. Struggled all my life to be athletic- Cathe's as close as I get. But I hope my coach is dedicated and helps me out. OTherwise, I know I can depend on you girls for support :)

Thanks again, to all of you. I didn't expect to see so much response!!

I replied to each of you below your post to me :)

I'll check in soon! -Tina
Just wanted to let you ladies know that I am now training with team in training! Its so much fun, and I know I am doing a good thing so it feels great.

I'll let you know how everything goes as I go along!

Thanks so much for your support!


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