Anyone else think that Sarah Palin resembles....

What I love beyond everything (and we ALL have our own political views and opinions, so hopefully we can all continue to respect our opinions and differences thereof :p) is that regardless of who we all support, HISTORY will be made this election! What a great opportunity for all of us to be alive and witness this at this time.

I think it's funny how many folks were anti-Hillary because of the "hormonal emotional issues" that a "woman" would have to deal with, yet we haven't heard that argument in this case. Hmmmmm.

On the other hand, I think we all recognize the possibility that there would be assassination attempts/issues with Obama. Politics aside, can you IMAGINE the conversation that must have occurred with his wife and daughters about that? And not just danger to him, but to ALL of them. No thank you!

I just hope that we can all educate ourselves on who we believe will best lead us, and then in 2 months take full advantage of the opportunity we have to make that choice. Have a great weekend!
Well then, call me a left wing nut job. :p Of course, this is not an unusual Republican strategy--when all else fails, resort to name-calling. :D

Well, I have to say Obama's commercials are outrageous and talk about using the issues that the president really can't overturn to have things go his own way.

I'm really glad I don't have time to watch TV and really go by the facts by reading what's out there and really seeing what the issues are.

I hate election time...and really feel that there has got to be something better out there but they are obviously too smart to run for office. But given the state of things...I don't care for Obama. Actions speak louder than works and a man that can't cross his heart for the pledge...that was his first strike with me and he keeps irritating me.

Can't we just vote for bill gates or something...
It's probably the fact that she scares the crap out of liberals that makes me like her so much. ;)

No, it's the fact that she wants to control my (and your) reproductive rights...that and the fact that she thinks the Iraq war is a "task from God".

She sounds like a character out of "The Handmaid's Tale".
NO! Please NO! This woman is downright scary. I couldn't even listen to her I found her so frightening. As far as I am concerned she can keep her personal beliefs to herself and not try to hammer me with them. Creationism? You gotta be kidding. If that is your belef fine but it is not mine. Banning books? Firing librarians? What century is this woman living in. And lets not even get into reproductive rights. She certainly doesn't speak for this woman!


Yes, they chose a woman for VP running mate, but the most right-wing woman you could find, IMO.

No right to an abortion in cases of incest or rape? How can anyone agree with that?
Love this all the different opinions and insights! Sarah has certainly gotten everyone's attention!

She does kind of look like Cathe IMO. One other things she has in common with our Cathe - she's a high achiever (whether you like her politics or not). Both Cathe and Sarah have big energy, focus and obviously discipline.

I get to assess people in my business and I get to see how we all have our own destiny to fulfill. Some of us love and want to be at home with their kids, and THAT is their destiny. Some of us love and want to create a business or be in the PTA, etc. and THAT is their desting.

What I see is that when people are in alignment with their internally created destiny (created by Nature and through nurture) - they're full of life, powerful and a positive influence on all they interact with. When this internal call is ignored, we don't bring our connected and aligned selves to the people around us, especially our family.

My mom stayed home with us and was pretty miserable. She never liked mothering us. I don;t think it was her internal calling - for us, 'iIf she'd been out there doing things that made her heart sing and had her fulfulling her own destiny, we'd have been a whole lot better off. (God love her...she's a great perosn, just was unhappy with us. And her example was really a good example for all is well there).

Did you happen to see Sarah's daughter- I think Bristol- when she came onto the stage? Bristol's face lit up like a light with pride and love.

A happy, aligned person is more important. And only we know what that is for's different for everyone, that's how it was supposed to be. We are each indivudally gifted.

Can you tell I have an opinion on this??? ;)
Many Blessings to All!!
I think it's funny how many folks were anti-Hillary because of the "hormonal emotional issues" that a "woman" would have to deal with, yet we haven't heard that argument in this case. Hmmmmm.

It made me angry when it was being leveled at Hillary too. She was running for President though and Palin is going for VP. That may be why you haven't heard as much of that argument against Palin. I've heard plenty of it though in the last few days.
That's a little uncalled for, don't you think? (This is in reference to the woman who said that she resembles satan)
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I would much rather have someone for President who thinks that I have the ability to spend my hard earned money the way I see fit as opposed to giving it to the govt and allowing them use it towards people who can get for themselves, but don't feel the need to because the govt will provide for them.

Sarah Palin is a strong woman, who runs her own direction for the good of the people.

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get......and then what?
I'm a "liberal" and I'm not scared of Palin at all. I'm excited as a Democrat at the pick. I think once the luster wears off, she'll fizzle. I'm really excited about the Obama/Biden ticket. I don't like the way Palin's speech was so heavy on sarcasm and condescension, when I really was looking to hear more about her and her goals.

Anyway, I'm one of those you can label "sexist" too. I have no doubt that she can work and raise a family. I did it with my first child, and I totally have NO problem with that, but as a mother, I feel bad for her littlest ones, especially her baby with special needs. Being a VP isn't just being a working mom, it's basically a job with limitless hours. You have to put your job first. Especially when you are one breath away from the presidency, and if McCain wins (cringe), he's not exactly a spring chicken. He's in his 70s and has battled cancer four times. There is a great chance he may be incapacitated at some point in those four years. Another thing that made me mad, as a mother, is the fact that she accepted the position when she knew full well her poor daughter would be thrust in the spotlight. Who want's to be known forever as the VP candidate's "pregnant teen daughter"?

This isn't sexism on my part, it's just deep honest feelings that come from being a mom. I don't hold men to the same standard. If you ask a man with children who he is, he likely will say his job title before anything else. If you ask a women with children who she is, she'll likely say "a mother" before anything else. I just think moms have a totally different bond with their kids and it's OK to acknowledge that bond. Doesn't make me a sexist. It makes me a realist.

Ok, flame away...
I am one of those who does not share Palin's views on most issues, especially social issues. Nonetheless, I think she has handled herself quite well thus far and has some impressive qualities that many in public life do not have. The wonderful thing about our country is that, rather than attacking her for the beliefs she holds or hypocritically questioning her decision to run for V.P. (as I believe many in the media have done), I can just simply disagree with her and vote for someone else, which I will do!
No right to an abortion in cases of incest or rape? How can anyone agree with that?

That is a TOUGH one. I have always struggled trying with how I felt about that issue. I am very pro-life personally except in cases that involve the health of the mother. I feel the baby has rights too and should be protected. How to balance that with something as horrible as being raped and impregnated is something that I agree should be left to the victim to decide and live with. McCain also feels that way, so I'm not sure that Palin's belief of it being strictly in the case of harming the mother is really going to be much of an issue. For those who feel anyone should be able to get an abortion because it's not convenient at the time to have a baby, then of course they aren't going to like either of them. And that's where we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I won't flame you Steph. You are one of my favorite liberal buddies. ;)
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Thanks Liann ;).

BTW, I too am very pro-life and struggle with all of the arguments surrounding the abortion issue. My very conservative family always chides me for being a pro-life liberal, but I explain to them that in my heart, I believe my party is the more pro-life party. Abortion is just one of the life issues. There also is capital punishment (which I oppose), gun control, universal healthcare, social programs for the poor and hungry and environmental reform -- all of these programs promote all forms of life. Oh, and I'm also anti-war -- a huge "life" issue. Anyway...
Here we go, I am gone for 10 days and everything goes to pots discussing politics :p Can't leave you guys alone!!!

Since I was pretty much knocked out for those days I was watching the news all day. BIG MISTAKE! Gave me a real headache watching both conventions :D

What I have to say though I have year to hear anyone who can tell me who exactly in the MSM (except bloggers) has said that she can't be VP and take care of her kids. Now, I do think that this might be a challenge for her but that's none of my darn business, that's her decision.

What I do find peculiar though is that she is introduced as a "devoted wife and mother of five". Well, great accomplishment but what does it have to do with the responsibilities of a VP. The last time I interviewed for a management position I don't recall this being a qualification on my resume.

In any case, if you run on a platform of being a mother of five and your family values as part of your political identity, I think you can't expect to have it both ways. Just look at what we tell you is positive and don't you dare ask any other questions.

Obama was actually the one who said to lay off of her that people's families and especially children are off-limits. I think he showed a lot of class. I don't recall McCain saying anything about about that woman who called HRC the b-word and I don't recall him calling his croonies of when the attacks on Obama went overboard.

Quite frankly, to me, Sarah Palin's speech dripped with sarcasm and mean-spirited rhetoric (as did the whole Republican Convention). Her speech left a really bad aftertaste in my mouth. I would have appreciated it if she had focused on HER accomplishments instead of piling on the opponent. I think she is very pretty and she can give a good speech. Oh, and I forgot, she sold the state airplane on eBay. I wonder if Airforce One will be next.:D

Just one more thing about hypocrisy, I thought this really was interesting to watch and it cracked me up, particularly the last person to comment on sexism towards HRC. Enjoy!
Alot of the issues that were mentioned were covered in a class that my husband & I took at our church last winter - Ethics & the Bible. I can say that I learned alot on such topics as abortion & capital punishment to name a few.
IMO whoever is elected as president needs to get this country back to the roots it was founded on, GOD. I would gauarantee all of the other issues would fall into place if this simple step is taken.
Tami: The only problem with that is that people's interpretation of the kind of country God would want differs greatly. Bush ran his presidency as if he were instructed by God, but my God would have done things quite differently, I believe. Palin has said that our troops are on a mission from God, and I totally disagree.
Alot of the issues that were mentioned were covered in a class that my husband & I took at our church last winter - Ethics & the Bible. I can say that I learned alot on such topics as abortion & capital punishment to name a few.
IMO whoever is elected as president needs to get this country back to the roots it was founded on, GOD. I would gauarantee all of the other issues would fall into place if this simple step is taken.

The Founding Fathers varied in their beliefs on god but separation of church and state was a fairly important concept to them.

Whether or not you are pro-life or pro-choice, this election isn't about that. It's about Iraq, foreign and fiscal policies. Those are the pressing issues. Whoever is president isn't going to determine abortion rights, that's the court system. Bush already appointed his supreme court justice... they are appointed for life remember. Abortion is a non-issue.
Carola - glad to see you are back! Hope all is well with you. There was a post a few days ago - we were looking for you. I did not respond b/c I couldn't provide any info, but kept checking for something. You did, indeed, come back to a very hot thread, one which I am not going to get in the middle of :)
Whether or not you are pro-life or pro-choice, this election isn't about that. It's about Iraq, foreign and fiscal policies. Those are the pressing issues. Whoever is president isn't going to determine abortion rights, that's the court system. Bush already appointed his supreme court justice... they are appointed for life remember. Abortion is a non-issue.

I could be wrong but I think two justices, Stevens and Ginsburg have indicated that they will retire soon. So there may be two empty slots during the next administration. As I said, I could be wrong though, I am woefully not up to date on the supreme court these days!!


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