Anyone else in Nor Cal feeling my pain?


The smoke in the air is unreal! It's been like this for days. It smells as though the fire is right in my back yard. I've been fighting a headache for 3 days :( I have no choice but to keep exercising in my garage but man I was feeling it in my chest today.

Oh what I would do for a breath of fresh air, but there isn't any;(
Ugh, I know, I know! I'm in Napa and the air is like your living in a fire place. I didn't know what to do about my kids who are in an summer camp that I had to dish out big bucks for. The kids play indoors, out doors, and go swimming, but man I'm worried about all the soot that they are breathing in. The counselors are trying to keep them indoors mostly but man, it is tough keeping kids indoors for long periods of time. It just seems like all of California is on fire!!! I haven't been able to jogg or hike in weeks! Stay in doors if you can. :-(
I'm in MI but was watching the weather channel yesterday, when they were going through all the cities that had 'code red' air quality. The announcer says, "so just be aware...that what you're not good quality". Wow, helpful! Well, sounds like you guys are aware. Man, what are you supposed to do? Come up for a vacation in the beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula, you will not believe your lungs. We moved here from San Diego, when there weren't even any fires going on, and even then it was like, wow. That's what air is supposed to feel like.

All the best to you guys out there, take care!
I'm in Fresno and the smoke is just hanging over us! I wear contacts and my eyes are killing me... hopefully it will dissipate soon! So yes, I feel your pain!
We are west of Sacramento and they have cancelled all the childrens sports right now. But hey, I refuse to let a little smoke in my lungs stop me from exercising :p
I'm in the Bay Area, too, and I'm getting mighty sick of brown skies. I heard yesterday that there are 850+ fires around the state AND we're supposed to have more thunderstorms in the next few days. Hopefully they'll have some rain with them. For me the timing is good as I strained my back, so I have to be careful anyway. But my kids and dogs I worry about.

Amy - I'm with you on the smores...
Better yesterday and today, but the weekend was horrendous down here in Garlicville (Gilroy). I actually had whole oak leaves in my yard with ashes all over the car, ground, etc. and we were probably at least 5 miles from the nearest fire, but had two going at the same time.

Was so hot - 100" and we don't have air so had to open the windows - s'mores didn't come to mind, but my neighbor wanted to hang some beef outside for jerkey. LOL !

Hope you guys farther up north and central valleys get a reprieve soon !
I'm up here in northeastern California and it's bad too. Today's been the worst. Rain without lightning would be wonderful, but that doesn't happen in the summer.

Man, Jacque, I can't imagine. I know Gilroy gets super hot but no air and having to leave the windows open with all the goop in the air. You've humbled me big time. I thought I had it bad here, you've definitely got a backyard view. I don't even want to think about what my electric bill is going to be. :-(
Please be careful with your exercise. I can remember being in college when Mount St. Helen's irrupted and sent ashfilled skies down through CA. We weren't allowed to do outdoor activities until the skies cleared. I hope everyone stays safe both from the fires and the smoke and ash. Please take care.

I am in Northern Calif and the smoke is awful. It has been since Sunday. I am not real sensitive to it (thankfully) but I did get a headache yesterday. Then this afternoon another fire broke out about 3 miles from my home. Needless to say that scared the YKW out of me. This fire is under investigation and I am sure it was not started by the lightning on Sat! They got a handle on it and downgraded it from 100 possible acres to 40 acres. My thoughts and prayers to all the Calif Catheites in this smoke and fire danger...
Another brown sunrise here. I am training for the 65 mile LiveStrong ride for Cancer - I'm hoping we get a little clearing by the weekend for my outdoor ride (I'm sure heading into this under trained is as bad as riding in the smoke!) but it doesn't look like it will happen.
Was up in SJ last night and my DH said, WOW, orange brown sunset ! Reminded me of you ladies that are still battling the smokiness.

I did just go for a run and am feeling like even though it doesn't smell smoky (unless we are used to the smell now), my chest feels a little tight.

Christine I sure hope it gets better quickly or that there are some good breezes that will send the smoke in another direction instead of trapping it there in the valley.
Santa Cruz Mountains here. Visually smoky for days, but no smell. I guess it's high enough up. Sorry to hear it's so much worse in other areas.

I live in Sparks and it is very smoky here as well, so bad that you can't do anything outside. The smoke is so thick that it is like fog.
We finally saw blue sky today!!! Still some smoke though and will be for some time. Turns out the fire I posted here about last night was started by some idiot out mowing his dried weeds!!!! He was arrested and I bet will go to trial.
This is off topic, but Najia Z, I noticed that you are living in Houghton. I was raised there! I now am in California, but I just wanted to shout out a hello!

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