Anybody up for a Body Max challenge?


I've been looking over my older Cathe workouts that I haven't done in months/years. I think I've only done Body Max once in it's entirety. The length killed me. I remember feeling so completely worked, but positively glowing after I finished it. My endorphine high lasted the entire day. I decided to do it again this week.

Anyone else want to take a stab at it? It can be any day you can find the time. Just check in here once you finished it and let me know how it went.
I was thinking up a rotation for this week and am planning to do BMax tomorrow along with some yoga. I will let you know how I do. Have fun!
Actually, body max is on the start of my new rotation. I will be doing it tomorrow. It is always a killer. I don't really look forward to doing it but once I'm done I feel accomplished. I'll let you know if it got any easier.
One of my favorite rotations is Cathe's New Resolution Rotation from January 04. The first day starts with Body Max and as I treated myself to lots of picnic food this weekend, I think that would be a great way to start my week tomorrow with Body Max and at least follow the first week of that rotation! :)

Well, I just finished BodyMax. It is not as bad as I remember it being. I didn't have to lighten up on my weights but I do take extra rests between some of the upper body sets b/c it moves so fast. I also did 20 minutes of lower body yoga. I feel great. I'm really taking my exercise up a notch this week and then I will see how I feel next week. I've been easing back into exercise after a couple of vacations and now I'm finally getting back to where I was so this week I'm going all out!
I have Body Max on the schedule for Friday. It probably won't be as bad as I remember because when I did it the first time, I was not considered an advanced exerciser and this workout killed me! Hopefully, I have improved since then!;-)
Hi, I did body max. It went by fast today. It didn't seem as hard either. Maybe, I just had a good day. Thanks for the challenge. I probably wouldn't have done it even though it was on my rotation. Karen
BodyMax begins with a warm up on the step then goes into some pretty intense step aerobics before doing 5 leg/step cardio intervals(pretty intense) then you do a little CD before doing an entire upper body endurance workout ending with abs and a short stretch. The entire workout takes around 90 minutes if you don't take breaks or extra rests between the upper body sets. It's really a great workout and sometimes I use the format to create my own, updated Body Max workout.
I did BodyMax today and it was great! I didn't workout yesterday so I was rested and ready and I haven't done it in a while so it felt refreshing - I always forget how much I love this workout!

Great idea!


I've been "saying" that I'm going to do BodyMax for a few weeks now. I always schedule it for the weekend (and never get around to it)but I think I will tackle it tonight. But a question first. Has anyone ever tried BodyMax out of sequence? Here's what I'm thinking about doing:

the warm-up
leg circuits
upper body segment
then the cardio segment

Sometimes when I do the workout as planned, even when I try to cut out some of the intensity, by the time I'm finished with the first round of leg circuits, I'm fried! :eek: (Not to mention on occasion, have had to reach for my inhaler.) So, I cool down, stretch and head for the shower. Does this ever happen to any of you? Have you tried it this way?

I'll post tomorrow how it goes for me. If I find this easier to do, I will stay with this format for a while.

Have a great day!
BM is on my rotation for next week - so I will let you all know how I manage :) I do feel very accomplished after finishing this one, but the upper body does move a little fast........
Well, I did it today and it wasn't as hard as I thought. I haven't done it since before she released the Intensities, and since then I've developed a lot more endurance. I was planning on waiting until the weekend because I'm always pressed for time during the week, but then I thought about DH being home tomorrow and pestering me to finish up my workout so we can get on with our day. I don't think he would have taken too well with me being holed up in the basement for 90 minutes!

Glad it's over!:)

Inspired by this thread I happened to catch yesterday I did it this morning ;). I haven't done it in a while, so it was nice. I forgot how fast she moves in this one, I enjoyed the fast pace, and the whole workout seems to go by really quick. After doing the Imaxes the circuits didn't seem as bad as I remembered, even though the whole workout really asks for some endurance. Fun! Thanks for the challenge!

Your welcome Nicole!:7

I like the fast pace too, especially during the step section...I would like another step tape that moves a little bit faster like the step section from BMax.:p
I did BMax (better than "BM" isn't it?!) yesterday. I hadn't done it for a long time! It's one tough workout. Very thorough. Long! I did put a couple of IMAX-type recoveries after some of the tougher (for me) step moves (did anyone else see the germ of the IMAX's in this workout?). I also put a 10-minute break between the step section and the step/lower body section (though 10 minutes ended up being not necessary, I could have gone with 5). And, for some reason, my "A-steps" were in a small font!

I really like the moves in this one: even the diagonal turn over the top with a jack isn't too torquey (not like some moves like ricochets, which I avoid at all costs).

I was, however, struck by a couple of "not too safe" moves in this workout: the high, narrow-grip upright rows (risk of shoulder impingement) and especially the way the barbell rows were done (yikes! looks like a high risk of some vertebrae problems in the back).

Everythng felt well worked after this workout.

I did wonder what happened to the background exercisers during the a work. Did Cathe scare them off? LOL! (Most likely, they had to refilm it for some reason? Anybody remember what happened there?)
I believe I read somewhere that they did have to re-film the ab section but I can't remember why.
Well today I tackled Body Max. I could not believe the improvement since the last time I did it. I did everything. I used to fast forward past the biceps and triceps but today I did it all. I had to go a bit light on my biceps, as they still had DOMS from pyramid upper body two days ago. I forgot how much fun Body Max is...especially the power circuit segment, simple choreography and tons of fun!

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