Any suggestions for a good fat burning/adding definition rotation?


Active Member
I just finished up Cathe's Fat Loss Rotation.

But Id like to start another Fat burning rotation but Id like to start working on a bit of definition. Especially on my arms/shoulders.
Here is what I have..

All of The Hardcores except Extreme
Pyramids Upper & Lower
Super Sets
Cardio & weights
Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max
KPC & Leg & Glutes
Step Jump & Pump
BootCamp/Muscle Endurance
Joyce Vedral Definition

Well, I can suggest this for good fat burning:

2 anaerobic workouts a week -- minimum

2 full body weight training workouts per week -- minimum

1 straight cardio workout per week -- minimum

1 plyometric workout per week (usually Cathe combines anaerobics with plyometrics -- the exception is LowMax) -- minimum

1 or 2 stretch workouts perweek -- can be done in combination with your cardio.

IMAX, IMAX2, IMAX3, LowMax are all anaerobic workouts, as well as plyometric workouts -- the exception is LowMax -- it does have some plyometrics, but not as much as the other IMAX's.

Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max, Power Hour, Maximum Intensity Strength are all full body weight training workouts.

Maximum Intensity Cardio is straight cardio, as are most of Cathe's step workouts. I particularly like Body Max, which is intense cardio and strength all in one.

Cardio & Weights, Bootcamp, etc are circuit workouts and give you both intensity (cardio) and strength -- and Bootcamp also gets you up into your anaerobic zone.

You can also pick up and read the book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell for maximum fat burning and I think you'll come away understanding alot more about fat burning and making up your own rotation that suits your own needs and lifestyle.

Have fun.:7
Hi Karen Kay,

Do you consider Kickmax and KPC an anaerobic workout? And are they also plyometric?

Hi Karen Kay:
I like the way you broke this down into categories and then gave examples of DVD's that fall within the categories. Not too long ago I was just plain lost, and had never even heard the word rotation used with exercise. Thanks for making it simpler.

Hi Elaine,

Gee, it's nice to meet you.

I don't do many of the kickbox workouts -- mainly because I tend to throw out my hip when I do them. I'm trying to work up to them.

So I haven't done the exercises that you talk about. However, I do have the TimeSaver DVD and that has a kickbox sequence in it that does put one up into the anaerobic zone over and over again. And that could be classified as an anaerobic tape.

The book READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell really explains this well, but my understanding is that anaerobics -- as you probably know -- means the opposite of aerobic -- it steals oxygen from the body. And so one must be in pretty good shape to do anaerobics -- you build up to it with cardio. To suddenly start anaerobics with no cardio build up ahead of time can be dangerous as you are taking your heartbeat way up there. Anaerobics is when you feel out of breath, have that slightly painful adrenal response. It's actually quite good for a person in the long run as it helps condition the heart, helps prevent heart attack and it also stimulates the growth hormone -- and this for those of us over 35, is a good thing. One usually sprints to get into the anaerobic zone -- or does plyometrics -- but one goes up into it, then back down, then up into it, then back down, etc. Just like Cathe does in the IMAX workouts.

To have a really good anaerobic workout, one should get up into the anaerobic zone about 8 times -- and one shouldn't do them back to back, but should allow time for the body to rest between them -- that's why you want to do an anaerobic day -- then maybe a weight day -- then maybe a cardio day -- then another anaerobic day -- Cathe also combines plyometrics with anaerobic -- as well as cardio -- so with the IMAX's you are getting anaerobics, cardio and plyometrics.

For me, her workouts are the best.

Anyway, I hope this helps your understanding a bit. If you're still confused, I really do highly recommend Phil Campbell's book, READY, SET, GO!

Have a good one.:7
Hi Jeanette,

What a nice thing for you to say. Thank you very much. Also, above your post I answered Elaine's question as best I could about anaerobics, etc.

Have a great one.:7
Thank you for your help. I am horrible w/ trying to figure this out for myself.

Would you mind looking at these rotations I came up with? I am not sure if I'll rotate all of these or just pick one or 2 of them & stick w/ it for a few weeks. I like the 1st 2 the best but I am soooo open to opinions?!

Week 1:

Day 1: Pyramid Upper & Imax2
Day 2: Pyramid Lower
Day 3: Kick Max
Day 4: Imax3
Day 5: Pyramid Upper & KPC
Day 6: Pyramid Lower

Week 2: (lifted this & changed it a bit from another Cathe rotation

Day 1: Step, Pump & Jump
Day 2: Low Max
Day 3: Muscle Endurance
Day 4: Treadmill Run
Day 5: KPC
Day 6: Boot Camp

Week 3:

Day 1: Pyramids Upper & Lower
Day 2: Imax2
Day 3: Pyramids Upper & Lower
Day 4: Imax3
Day 5: Kick Punch Crunch
Day 6: Step Heat

Week 4:

Day 1: Cardio & Weights
Day 2: Imax 2
Day 3: Kick Max
Day 4: Circuit Max
Day 5: Low max
Day 6: Muscle Max

Here is what I have (that is not listed above) if you think I need to change anything?

All of the Hardcores (hmmm I didnt pick any of the gym styles for some reason)
Imax2 + cardio & Weights
Cathe's Classics DVD
Ab Hits
Super Sets
Push Pull
RE: Any suggestions for a good fat burning/adding defin...

Karen Kay,

Thanks for the explanation. I guess I've been doing it and didn't know it.
RE: Any suggestions for a good fat burning/adding defin...

Hi Madison! Hi Elaine!

Interesting stuff. Madison, I think your workouts look good. I don't know if Kick max or the other kickboxing video are more cardio or anaerobic -- I do know that it's best -- depending on the shape you're in -- to put a day inbetween your anaerobic workouts -- also to put a day inbetween your weight workouts. And it looks to me as if you've done this.

I do know that people who are really in good shape might be able to put anaerobics on days back to back, but for myself -- I'm not in such shape as to do that.

I think your rotations look good. Let me know how it goes, okay?:)
RE: Any suggestions for a good fat burning/adding defin...

Thanks So Much. I will definitley know how it works for me.

I will be starting on Saturday. I am very anxious. Ive taken a 2 day rest break so I am ready to go!!!

I'll post back in a few weeks!!!
RE: Any suggestions for a good fat burning/adding defin...

Sounds great. Do keep me posted.:7
Three months ago I switched from Firm tapes to Cathe and I am totally in love. You seem very knowledgeable and I was hoping you could give me some advice.

I first purchased the Max Intensity Stength, a month ago purchased pyramid lower & upper and just received the Terminator. I currently rotate upper & lower and do 1/2 of treadmill 3 to 4 X's a week. Any suggestions or recommendations for future purchases?

Much Appreciation,
Hi Judy,

I, too, came from the FIRM to Cathe. So...

Let's see, it looks like you have (except for the Terminator) mostly strength type workouts. Maximum Intensity Strength and the Pyramids. I don't have the Terminator, but I've heard that it combines alot of the IMAX2 -- anaerobic interval training. But since I don't own that one, I can't say for sure.

So Maximum Intensity Strength and the Pyramids are great strength workouts -- you might want to add a couple more cardio and anaerobics -- depends too on what you want to emphasize -- and this can change from month to month.

Some good basics -- and I highly recommend you get and read, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell -- he just goes over the basics so that you really GET them -- but some good basics are:

1) you have three different sets of muscle fibers -- the slow twitch, and two different fast twitches. Different exercises work different muscle fibers. To work all muscle fibers, you need to vary your exercises a bit.

2) Overall exercise should include 5 different things each week -- anaerobics, cardio, strength, plyometrics (jumping), and stretch. Anaerobics works the fast twitch muscles -- as does plyometrics -- these two (and some kinds of strength work) are the only kinds that I know of that will actually work the fast twitch muscle fibers. Most exercise (and this includes cardio and most exercise videos) work only the slow twitch.

3) standard cardio and strength work the slow twitch muscle fibers

4) stretch is important as it helps keep you from injuring yourself and does other good things.

Okay, so what this means is that to get the best from exercise, you should try to incorporate into your workout those things which each week will work all three different sets of muscle fibers.

That's why a good balance might be 2 anaerobic days, 2 pure strength days, 1 cardio day and one plyometric day -- and on your day off -- stretch.

So, I don't have all of Cathe's videos (I have none of her Kickboxing -- and so I can't evaluate those as to whether they are anaerobic or straight cardio). But the IMAX's -- IMAX, IMAX2, IMAX3, LowMax -- all are anaerobic/plyometric plus cardio in my estimation.

Muscle Endurance, Power Hour, Muscle Max, Maximum Intensity Strength, the Pyramids are ones that I know are pure strength workouts -- there's probably more...

High Step Advanced, BootCamp, Cardio and Weights, Circuit Max pretty much are cardio, some anaerobics, plyometrics and strength -- all in one workout.

Cathe's step workouts are pretty much cardio endurance. And now Cathe even has a stretch DVD.

So if I were going to recommend anything, I think I'd recommend that you get the Intensity series. That's really a well rounded series that you can rotate with what you already have. Plus, I'd get one of Cathe's step workouts for a pure cardio workout -- there's many to choose from. Sorry I can't tell you about the Kickboxing because I dont' have any of those workouts.

But if you get the book, READY, SET, GO! and read it, maybe you can tell me if they are mostly cardio or cardio plus anaerobics.

I hope this helps. :7
Karen Kay,

Thank you so much for all that information. "Ready, Set, Go" sounds like a good book to buy and I will check into the intesity series. I have always done just strength routines and jogging. Tomorrow I try the Terminator. I'm sure the stepping will be a bit awkward for me but I'm sure Cathe will keep me motivated. I have long arms and legs (kind of thin) and have a hard time creating curves. I can't seem to get rid of that belly fat so I hope this does the trick.

Thanks again for the help!:)

You bet! I wish you much fun. I can understand about long legs and such. Although I don't have them, my sister was tall, and so I do understand. But to be thin and have those long legs...hmmm...that's the kind of figure men seem to really like.:)

Anyway, have fun, and keep me posted.:7

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