Any Oxygen subscribers out there?


I was really p*ssed off when my Oxygen magazine came with diet pills in this month. I can understand that they accept diet pill/supplement advertizements, but to send out diet pills in the mail really crossed a line for me.

I've been frustrated by Robert Kennedy's lack of writing capabilities and navel-gazing for years. I can't imagine that man's columns/articles being published by any other editor. But I think this has pushed me over the edge. For a brand that advocates working out and clean eating to actually send out diet pills, unsolicited, in the mail really bothers me. I'm really thinking about cancelling my subscription and switching back to Hers Muscle and Fitness, reading mens magazines again or just doing without.

Does anyone else feel the same way or am I alone on this one?

I cancelled my Oxygen subscription a few years ago for this same reason. Every issue has the 6-page ad for various diet pills/supplements, etc. It just seemed to be losing its focus for me.
I'm with you! I let my subscription run out for those very reasons. I personally find it grinding that a magazine that promotes clean eating and fitness that they fill a third of their magazines with diet pills and fat burners. I want a magazine that's going to give me ideas about new routines and recipes, even some advice about form and other questions; not a publication that can tell you one thing but advertise against their own advice. I'ave actually not renewed Hers M&F as well as a few others for the same reasons. I won't support their hypocrisies, my money is better spent elsewhere.
I was really p*ssed off when my Oxygen magazine came with diet pills in this month. I can understand that they accept diet pill/supplement advertizements, but to send out diet pills in the mail really crossed a line for me.

I've been frustrated by Robert Kennedy's lack of writing capabilities and navel-gazing for years. I can't imagine that man's columns/articles being published by any other editor. But I think this has pushed me over the edge. For a brand that advocates working out and clean eating to actually send out diet pills, unsolicited, in the mail really bothers me. I'm really thinking about cancelling my subscription and switching back to Hers Muscle and Fitness, reading mens magazines again or just doing without.

Does anyone else feel the same way or am I alone on this one?


Lisa, I totally agree, and I won't be renewing my subscription because of this. Like you said, it's bad enough that they have all the ads for the supplements in their mag, but to actually send the pills with the magazine, that sent me over the edge.... Yes, to advocate clean eating and then push these pills.... so sad....

Just like the crappy supplements Jillian Michaels has recently been promoting. I lost some respect for her... I guess it ends up to all being about $$$$$$$... :mad:
If you dont like the pills just throw them away. How else is Oxygen suppose to make their money dont they need sponsers?
While that is a valid point, those of us who are put off by this do not need to support their magazine. It's a consumer's choice either way and there is nothing wrong for boycotting.
You make a valid point and I would ignore it if it were a powerbar, sportsdrink or whatever. But to send pills with an extensive warning sections (over a 1/4 of the back label) crosses that boundary for me. It's not about sending a product per se but about a specific product that certainly could cause harm and is so counter to what the magazine says it advocates that bothers me. If I had children or teenagers in my household I would be doubly upset.
Hey Lisa!! I totally 110% agree and I stopped my subscription last year. I can't believe they would send a magazine with an actual pill, . . .can you spell lawsuit? I mean what if some kid picked up the copy at a book store and thought it was candy?
I like some of their articles but I don't like most of them. I also felt as though it was an unhealthy magazine to have lying around, . . like having a scale and always weighing myself everyday. I felt like the pictures and diets were unrealistic for the average person who can't train all day long or is in it for health and not a career. Even though Im not a marathon runner and just a casual runner I much prefer the advice and reciepies in Runners Magazine instead.
Hey Lisa!! I totally 110% agree and I stopped my subscription last year. I can't believe they would send a magazine with an actual pill, . . .can you spell lawsuit? I mean what if some kid picked up the copy at a book store and thought it was candy?
I like some of their articles but I don't like most of them. I also felt as though it was an unhealthy magazine to have lying around, . . like having a scale and always weighing myself everyday. I felt like the pictures and diets were unrealistic for the average person who can't train all day long or is in it for health and not a career. Even though Im not a marathon runner and just a casual runner I much prefer the advice and reciepies in Runners Magazine instead.

You know I avoided saying it but I thought about that too! I was nervous enough when I realized I had left my mail on the floor for days with the pills in the magazine and didn't even realize they were there. My dogs are all past the puppy chewing stage but it could happen. Or what about someone's kid or a teenage daughter who wants to lose weight? I mean, little girls express body disatisfaction at what, 8-9 years old? My girlfriend didn't even realize that is what they were and had left the package on the counter and she has a 12 year old son who works out. I'll also wonder about women who will try it because it came with Oxygen so they think it must not be too risky, right? If someone tried it and had a bad reaction, I could only imagine the liability risk.

I get Runner's World and love it. I really would like a good source for weight training info but honestly, Oxygen rarely has new techniques that I haven't seen before already. I guess I'll save my money for Runner's World and Martha Stewart (I can't help it I love her :eek:) and find my weight lifting info online.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in being bothered by it though.
Thanks ladies!
I guess I'll save my money for Runner's World and Martha Stewart (I can't help it I love her :eek:) and find my weight lifting info online.

Whoo hoo, . . I love Martha Stewart too. I gotta ask do you love Halloween as much as I do?
I completely agree about nothing really new in Oxygen. You can actually get most of the info online for free. Robert Kenedy bugs the heck outta me too.
I'm not a huge holiday person but Martha does a fabulous job with Halloween, doesn't she? I know she has a reputation as being crabby in real life but I totally love her magazine - all the recipes and plants, and she really loves her pets.

I could only imagine another editor reading Robert Kennedy's material. I want to go through it with my red pen myself. Usually I read magazines cover-to-cover but I find myself skipping his column and his article most months too.
I actually don't subscribe to any fitness mags anymore, as they all seem to be constantly recycling all of their info. At this point, I'm knowledgeable enough to not need them unless I pick up a random issue for some specific purpose.

As for Martha, one of my favorite magazines is Body & Soul, which is published by MS Publications. I LOVE it. It's all about holistic living, top to bottom. All of the ads are appropriate, as well. ;-)
I absolutely LOVE M&F HERS! They have great workouts, eating plans, etc. I find it more interesting than Oxygen. I think I'm actually gonna just let my Oxygen subscription expire and keep getting M&F.
Also, Oxygen is always pushing Tosca Reno stuff. I like Tosca, but she is getting kind of TIRED.
The pills turn me off, too. However, the thing that really turns me off about Oxygen is that in one issue they talk about how we should eat with very little sodium, yet in other issues Tosca Reno's recipes have tons of sodium. Go figure???
II also wonder if she has actually tested some of those recipes. Some turn out great, but some... I don't know.
I tried making one of her pie recipes.
Guess what happens when you add agave and water to flour? (It was supposed to be for a pie crust.)
It turns into HARDENED paper Mache!!!
I couldn't cut it or get it out of the pan. Wrecked the pan. Had to throw it out! lol!
Its funny you posted this. I just cancelled my subscription this past month. I find all the info really redundant and not worth the money to subscribe. I even cancelled my muscle and fitness hers too. The one I really like still is Womens Health.
If you dont like the pills just throw them away. How else is Oxygen suppose to make their money dont they need sponsers?

i agree. however, i was disappointed that jamie eason who contributes to the magazine is now a sponsor for hydrocut. on the one hand she is promoting clean eating and good health in an article and then you turn the page and her picture plastered all over the magazine promoting pills. gives me the creeps...
I don't get Oxygen magazine, but I am adamantly opposed to ANYONE sending pills through the mail. Our newspaper sent out Tylenol samples one time, and I got so mad. When you've got three little kids in your house, you don't need pills coming in the mail. Little hands can get ahold of them and they can be extremely dangerous. People should be much more responsible than this, IMO.

ETA: I do take Clean Eating Magazine, Health Magazine, Fitness Magazine and my new favorite Natural Health Magazine.
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