Any one else have this happen to them?!


All my life I've worked out but not always paid enough attention to the nutrition aspect, so guess I was fat but fit?! Lol. To make a long story short I cracked down on my eating and it has done wonders.....back down to a size 6 and energy through the roof! My gripe is that most friends act as if this is unhealthy and that I'm damaging my health by working out and eating correctly?! Get so many comments about how working out too much ( I do 6 days a week) but vary the times ,types of workouts , and intensity so no overkill. It just really bugs me that people think this is odd or worse yet try everything in there power to get u too eat crap and not work out in the name of good health?! What gives?
It sounds to me that they are feeling a bit threatened by you or just plain jealous.

Congratulations on being healthy and fit!
well, this makes sense because probably 80% of adult Americans are out of shape or fat....and to have to be around someone who is fit and healthly and not soft and mushy must seem unhealthy and scary to them.... I don't mean to be mean....I am just sayin'....

Just as long as we are sure to not get all anorexic we are fine...and a size 6 is definitely not anorexic.
Andilynn. I think this happens to many folks who put on the effort to take care of themselves. Typically from those without the willpower. Don't let it stop you - just ignore the comments and come here to find others with your same goal.
I have heard of this happening to people before, usually it stems from a sort of jealousy or maybe really it's more guilt on their part, so if they can turn you back to the dark side, then they don't have to feel guilty being around you. And by guilty, I mean guilty they don't workout, guilty when they eat potato skins and you don't, etc.

I'm curious, do you discuss your eating habits and workouts with your friends? I would think it's just better to steer the conversation away from anything fitness or diet related to reduce the comments. That's what these boards are for anyway :D
I'm curious, do you discuss your eating habits and workouts with your friends? I would think it's just better to steer the conversation away from anything fitness or diet related to reduce the comments. That's what these boards are for anyway :D

I completely agree with this. Why even discuss it with them? It's your personal business and really, it works better to keep it personal.

I hear of people talking about their friends who discourage them from their healthy eating and workout goals and I have to wonder what kind of opening are they being given? If you don't talk about it to them, it's not even on their radar and chances are there will be no negative talk directed your way.

I have a group of friends that I meet with about once a month for dinner. They are frequently talking about the need to "diet" and "exercise" because they are all overweight and out of shape. I stay quiet during these conversations. Truly, they don't want to hear what I have to say. These women are the ones that will jump on a bandwagon (Zumba anyone?), ride that bandwagon for about 3 months, and then be done with it. IF they've lost any of the weight, it will quickly come back and the cycle will start all over again with the next bandwagon. It isn't up to me to make them understand that it isn't about a couple of zumba classes, or a diet. They really do have to figure it out for themselves.

Good luck!
I also think it's jealousy.

I frequently get this kind of response at work when I "pass" on goodies. People actually get angry with me and make comments like "It's not like a peice of cake is going to kill you!" or "you, of all people, can afford to indulge!" They don't seem to understand that I DON'T WANT IT, or that I "can afford" it because I usually choose NOT to partake of every bit of junk food that I pass!
I frequently get this kind of response at work when I "pass" on goodies. People actually get angry with me and make comments like "It's not like a peice of cake is going to kill you!" or "you, of all people, can afford to indulge!" They don't seem to understand that I DON'T WANT IT, or that I "can afford" it because I usually choose NOT to partake of every bit of junk food that I pass!

Yep. So true.

I also feel like I have to apologize for eating healthy foods when people say not so nice things about what I am or what I am not eating. However, I REALLY LIKE the healthy food that I am eating.

Just ignore them and do your thing.
I totally agree with you. I've learned to just keep my mouth shut and only share this part of my life with other people who are into fitness. It is frustrating to watch people make bad choices and listen to them complain, but they really don't want to hear about it. Just stick with other topics and enjoy your success.
I love this guy's blog and this article-

TESTOSTERONE NATION | Diet Freak! - Page 1

I think he nails it when he talks about the comments from people about eating healthy vs. living a little.:confused:
If they say we should live a little, we should say that we've never felt more alive.

There is nothing wrong with being a healthy freak!:cool:
I come to find that people are Just nutz!!!! We are all doing whats best for our lifestyle. When ever you stand above the crowd you're bound to get tomatoes thrown at you:rolleyes:

enjoy your success!!!!
I love this guy's blog and this article-

TESTOSTERONE NATION | Diet Freak! - Page 1

I think he nails it when he talks about the comments from people about eating healthy vs. living a little.:confused:
If they say we should live a little, we should say that we've never felt more alive.

There is nothing wrong with being a healthy freak!:cool:

Thanks for sharing this article. My DH and I were just talking about this very subject this morning, on how I was just a bit obssesed, my word, :)rolleyes:) with my fitness. Thank goodness he is very supportive of my "obssession" since he gets to reap the benefits from it.... ;)

I don't feel quite like a freak now.... lol
Wow, I'm glad I'm not alone with this problem! I was very overweight and decided after last Christmas to get back into good shape. I've lost over 50 pounds and am comfortably in a size 8. Not skinny by any means; not even thin. But I'm comfortable with it although I'm trying to lose about another 15 pounds to get into a 6. It amazes me how people kind of put me down for passing up treats and especially alcohol! I went to a major league baseball game with family members last week and you'd have thought I was anti-family somehow because I didn't want to get anything to drink.

I also have the "you exercise too much" comments. I workout 5-6 days a week. I don't discuss this with everyone, but I spend my weekends at a campground where I have a permanent camper, so they see me running, etc.

I have just come up with the answer that works for me----"thank you for the compliment. I feel healthy and great, but will feel even better when I lose a few more pounds" and I change the subject.

I think you just have to be firm about not discussing it further and move on. Sometimes I feel rude, but if I don't think the person is asking me questions for a positive reason (ie, they want to know what has worked for me so they can follow my lead), I cut it off!

Good luck!
i just knew everyone here would understand! I mostly lurk around here without posting much but gain so much insight from everyone here and I'm so glad I have this place as a resource ! Love ,love , love the way Cathe kicks my butt and love the fact that this forum seems so friendly and helpful unlike some other I been on! You guys rock!
You go !!!!!!great job:) My own parents called me " gaunt" made me cry. Had all the other crud from people everyone else is talking about also. So being 200 lbs and having hi blood pressure and migraines was a good thing??? What are people thinking. I'm down 55lbs now and love me much better thank you Angela keep up the good work and your head held high
All my life I've worked out but not always paid enough attention to the nutrition aspect, so guess I was fat but fit?! Lol. To make a long story short I cracked down on my eating and it has done wonders.....back down to a size 6 and energy through the roof! My gripe is that most friends act as if this is unhealthy and that I'm damaging my health by working out and eating correctly?! Get so many comments about how working out too much ( I do 6 days a week) but vary the times ,types of workouts , and intensity so no overkill. It just really bugs me that people think this is odd or worse yet try everything in there power to get u too eat crap and not work out in the name of good health?! What gives?
Happens to me too. I have co-workers asking me what they need to do and when I tell them, I get the usual "I'm not giving that up" or "I don't have time" or "I don't want to do that." I stopped eating the breakfast the firm buys for us on Fridays (Burger King, Chick-fil-a, Cracker Barrel, etc.) Now I get these dirty looks when I go to the kitchen to cut up my fruit and eat my greek yogurt.

Keep doing what you are doing. Don't cave in to be with the "in" crowd.
I was in Wal-Mart about a month ago and one of the lady's passing out candy samples asks me if I want to try one. I politely say, "No thanks, I don't eat candy". She states back, "You need to, you're too skinny!" So, if I was at the opposite spectrum and too fat would she have said I couldn't have any because I was too fat????
People just don't get it sometimes. I have a woman who owns the little gym I work out at and she said she sees me come in and do my cardio and she prefers to be fat! She owns the gym people! I just don't get some people!!!
I think the fact that the "average American" is overweight (60%+ of the population is overweight, around 30% is obese) is skewing people's perceptions to the point where a healthy slim person is seen as 'skinny', or 'too thin' or suffering from an eating disorder (when they are not).
I was in Wal-Mart about a month ago and one of the lady's passing out candy samples asks me if I want to try one. I politely say, "No thanks, I don't eat candy". She states back, "You need to, you're too skinny!"

Truly, not to pick on you, but your comment back to her is what gave her the opening to respond as she did. You set yourself up.

If you really don't want to hear people's opinions of what you eat or don't eat, you should respond with a simple, "No thank you!"

Declaring to someone that you don't eat what they eat, or don't eat a certain food, is almost always going to result in a similar outcome. In their minds, not only are you saying that you don't eat the candy, you are insinuating that it's bad for you, and that she must be unhealthy if she eats it. It's a defensive response from her. Just don't give her/them that opening, and you'll avoid similar comments in the future. :)
Happens to me too. I have co-workers asking me what they need to do and when I tell them, I get the usual "I'm not giving that up" or "I don't have time" or "I don't want to do that." I stopped eating the breakfast the firm buys for us on Fridays (Burger King, Chick-fil-a, Cracker Barrel, etc.) Now I get these dirty looks when I go to the kitchen to cut up my fruit and eat my greek yogurt.

Keep doing what you are doing. Don't cave in to be with the "in" crowd.

The funny thing is that the woman I share a office with always looks to see what I'm eating everyday, whether it be greek yogurt edamame or many of the other healthy snacks I carry with me everyday I always get the same comment! "You always eat the strangest things" followed by a grossed out look and a eye roll!

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