Any Idea When New Discs Will Be Made?


One of your posts said freezing problem was being looked into and new discs would be made. I want to order Body Max 2, mainly for the upper body weight section, and while I appreciate the fact that you're great about replacing any prpoblematic discs, I would rather wait till the "freeze-free" batch is out. Will lyou be announcing that?

Thanks for all your wonderful workouts over all these years!
Hi Normandy! We are currently working on correcting the problematic disc matter and making some good progress however it is too soon to make an announcement as to when the replacements will be available. We will definitely post an announcement to let everyone know when we have a firm date. Thanks for your patience. :)
Thank you Cathe for answering this question. I had the same question a few posts down but my problem is that none of the DVD's that ordered have sound.

I will be looking for that announcement with a firm date.


PS - Thank you again for all you do. You are a true inspiration and I am in the best shape ever at nearly 40 because of you! :)
I have freezing discs and appreciate the fact that you intend to replace all that are defective.

However, I am concerned about the hit your company will take in replacement costs and how that will affect future productions and sales.

Take care,


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