Another Instructor Question

Oh, you noticed the time on my message? Yep, I'm a night owl. It's bred into me. I come from a long line of musicians, but anyway...

I used to do Cathe's videos a lot. Now, when I'm not teaching I don't wanna think about working out. This month I'm doing 10 classes a week. That's quite enough sweating for me. While I was on vacation I did Step Fit and went to my parent's gym. I forgot how much I enjoyed that video, especially the flying angels. :)
Wow! Ten classes is a tough schedule. I work out about 10 hours weekly, including the 3 classes I teach (2 Power Kickboxing and 1 Body Sculpt). I'm a SAHM, so the 3 are all I have time and energy for. It requires so much more energy to motivate your participants than just work out. You go, girl!

It is nice to get a break and go to the gym or do a video and just be one of the crowd! In the next couple fo weeks, I am going to check in w/ a trainer at my gym to help me fine tune. I"ve been seeing a chiropractor for the last 6 weeks and need to strengthen my neck--carry all my tension in my shoulders. While I'm there, I need to develop a lower body weight routine just for my hamstrings, underdeveloped in comparision to my glute and quads. Looking for a little more symmetry.

ThundarCat, do you do Personal Training, as well as, teach aerobics classes. I am planning on becoming certified--in 10 more pounds!

Have a great week!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 01:10PM (Est)[/font][p]You workout 10 hours a week? Wow! I don't know if I could be motivated enough to workout that hard, if I weren't getting paid for it. :)

I'm certified by the NSCA as a personal trainer, but haven't really actively sought out clients yet. I want to do in-home training. Here's my website:

At first I thought I needed to be "perfect bodied" to teach or personal train. Now I realize it's best for people to see that we all come in various shapes and sizes. I'm 5'10 and weigh in at about 170 lbs. I wouldn't call myself overweight, but I'm not your typical "thin" instructor. I don't think I ever could be.

One thing I also learned is that a lower body fat percentage in some people can actually hinder performance in their workout/sport routine. Sometimes thinner isn't always better.

Good luck in your new routine. You'll do great.
Hot Mama!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-02 AT 00:00AM (Est)[/font][p]You are gorgeous--checked out your website. Good luck with the business.

I am not the "picture" perfect instructor. I'm 5'5" and weigh 151--goal 146. I carry a lot of muscle and put it on easily, everyone usually guess I weigh 20 pounds less than I do. It is a great lesson that it is just a number and a real motivator to students. (Of course, I just lost 20 pounds)

The 10 hours actually comes very easily--5, 1 hour Powerwalks w/ the dog (sometimes this turn into a run, but I avoid that liek the plague!). We cruise! 1-3 classes per week, or videos to total an additioanl 5 hours. I started w/ more cardio in the last 5 weeks because I am rehabing my neck. Looking forward to gtting back in the gym, although Cathe's CTX program has been doing a great job keeping me conditioned.

BTW, I don't get paid to teach! Good friends own the studio where I teach and I could never take money from them--especially since it is a hobby and not a career.

I also work at the YMCA, teaching swimming and working the front desk. One of these days, I'd like to get in the pool for myself! I also work PT for QVC in the Public Relations dept. Then, there is the whole mom gig. Lazy is not an adjective that would describe me :) Can you tell I'm a people-person?!

My class tonight went very well. Previewed 2 new sequences, both butt burners and very well rec'd. Killed them with the abs.

Tinking that maybe, I'd better hit the hay. If you want to continue to chat, send me an email.


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