An Intermediate Series would be great !!!!

I was thinking that there is a real niche in Cathe's workout library, and that would be a series, kind of like CTX, but at an Intermediate level. The series could consist of 5 cardio workouts, 45 minutes long, one leg workout, incorporating bands as well as light weights, and a 30 minute stretch sequence. The cardio workouts could consist of low impact kickboxing, Low Max 2 :), LIC 2, floor cardio, and an intermediate 'cardio and 'light' weights 2'. Each cardio section could end with a different upper body part, using a band and light weights, and 4 abdominal workouts.

This series would take a beginner/intermediate exerciser to the next level, after Basic Step & Low Impact Step, to progress onto CTX, and so on, until the challenges of STS.

This series would also benefit those who are finding advanced work too challenging, post partum Moms, post-injury, post illness, and those starting back from a hiatus in exercise.

I have no idea what you would call it ? 'The Next Step', maybe ?

Thanks for reading :)
I like this idea too capricorngirl!

I'd like to see a set including total body, upper/lower/bs, step, kickbox, aerobic floor, circuit, & interval cardio, maybe with a little "how to" for going from a beginner rotation, to adv/beg, int. to adv/int......

I think it would be really versatile, for athletes on the mend, newbies, & people returning to fitness after a long hiatus.

Maybe one each in wo types & split in length (int-adv), and intensity (beg-int)

I love the idea of a series like this. I have some back issues and I'm not sure I'll ever get to the highest level of intensity that Cathe offers, yet I love exercising with her and don't want to give it up. Many of us who love step started in the 80's and our joints and spines are not as youg as they used to be!
As previously posted, it would be a great springboard from beginner to advanced, or for those of us who avoid workouts with "extreme" in the title and can't do the high impact like we used to, it gives us a great alternative.
I use to think that Cathe should only do Advanced workouts because that is what she is known for. But, since I'm getting older, I sometimes feel that an intermediate workout would be really nice (a break sort of speak), and still have it done by my favorite instructor.

That would be awesome.

I would definitely buy this. I don't always want to kill myself. Sometimes I just want to get an easy day in, but not have to skip an entire day.

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