Advice on other good instructor videos

Tricia Haley

Hi all, i have all of cathes' videos. I have just started to add another leg workout in my routine which leaves my legs very tired. It is a real struggle to do a step video even a coulple of days later. What i am looking for is more aerobic floor work dvds to add to all of cathes' step dvds i have for those times when my legs are saying "i don't think so". Looking for more intermediate/advanced dvds, good instructors, etc. Who do all you use that you really like. I have 2 of amy bento's floor work dvds ( Hi/lo & kickbox extreme) my only beef with her is her queing and some of her steps i seem to have trouble with. So to sum it all up who do you all like? I would love to hear who you all use when all the steping seems to much. I love cathe and would never stop doing step workouts, i have a love of exercise because of her. My legs just need some more variety. Thanks bunches!!
Tricia M.Haley:+
Hi Tricia,

I don't have a problem with step but I just recently did Kimberly Spreen's Cardio Camp workout which is a mixture of hi/lo, kickboxing and leg toning - no equipment required. I can say I thoroughly enjoyed this workout, my heartrate was up for practically the entire workout and Kimberly is a great instructor and great at cueing. She does a hi/lo combo, then a kickboxing combo - 3 sets of each. She then combines the hi/lo combos together and then the kickbox combos together. Then she does the leg section which has some balance work and then a stretch. I have Amy's Hi/Lo Xtreme which I enjoyed but I think I liked this one even better.

I'm a fan of Kari Anderson, in addition to Cathe. Kari has some hi/lo tapes. She does very complex/dancy choreography, so she doesn't suit everyone, but that's my favorite, so I really like her.

I am a fan of Patrick Goudeau's dance workouts. Tough choreography but lots of fun! The workouts can be intense once you get the moves down.

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