
Is anyone out there taking Vyvanese? I was just prescribed it 2 days ago, I can tell it works immeditly but my body is trying to adjust to it and sometimes i feel nausea and out of it. I hope this goes away?:-/
Hey Randi,

My son takes Vyvanse -- he tells me it does effect his appetite -- the dr. tells me this is supposed to go away after a few days, but my son insists that it makes him not want to eat until late in the day. He's 9, and this is a constant battle we have (because then he wants to eat huge quantities in the evening into late at night, which he knows I do not like). So, I'm not sure if it's just his excuse. Like I said, the dr. said it goes away after just a few days. I did notice his appetite increased a little after a few days. Good luck! It's really done wonders for him, I must say. And, we know a 9 year old girl who it's really made a HUGE improvement in her schoolwork/life.

My DS (11) switched to Vyvanse 2 months ago. He's been on Concerta and Ritalin LA for the past 2-1/2 years. All 3 drugs have the very common side effect of appetite reduction. Some are worse than others; it varies by the patient. My son's appetite has been least affected by Vyvanse. The worst was Concerta. My DS still frequently has late night snack attacks (8 pm ish) when the medicine has fully worn off. I would not assume a child is making up their lack of hunger as this side effect is extremely well documented. It's strictly body chemistry and how it is metabolizes the medicine. From my experience, the younger and smaller the child, the more the appetite is impacted.

As far as helping his ADHD symptoms, Vyvanse lasts about 90 minutes longer than Ritalin LA did, making it better for dealing w/ homework and after school appts etc. (Concerta lasted the longest which is why the poor kid never ate enough and was awake til 11 pm.) Vyvanse takes a solid hour kick in after he takes it.

They were all very effective for my DS in terms of effectiveness. It was a matter of which drug had the least side effects. Adult patients have told my son's psychiatrist that Vyvanse has the smoothest release pattern, presumably because it's not dispersed until it reaches the liver.

IMO, they are all godsends in terms of dealing with his ADHD symptoms. He may outgrow his need for them as his brain develops with age. For now, he needs it to cope with life, handle school work and make friends.
My 10 year old son was on Vyvanse for awhile. We loved it. It really helped him concentrate and his grades sky rocketed because of it. It also helped build his self-esteem. Our doctor explained it so well to him – that it wasn’t a “smart” pill – that it was actually always in him, he just needed help focusing to bring his true self out.

One thing that I really liked about Vyvanse was that it worked right away and then it wore off at the end of the day, without him noticing it. Whereas there are some drugs out there that take weeks or even months before they begin to work. So you have to continue to take it daily.

Because of this, my son didn’t always have to take it. He didn’t take it on weekend or on days when he didn’t have school. However, after being off of it for long periods – such as summer or spring break – there is an adjustment period because of the appetite being suppressed.

So, YES, it does affect appetite. After long breaks, like summer, the first day of school he would have a stomach ache all day. What I realized was he was getting a stomach ache, because he wasn’t eating – not necessarily because of the Vyvanse. I found out he could go the entire day without eating and by the end of the day was truly sick. When I told him he HAD to eat his snack and the school lunch, that helped. Seems strange forcing a kid to eat – but even a banana after school (when he was adamant he wasn’t hungry) really made him feel better. All I can say about the stomach aches – is force yourself to eat healthy snacks throughout the day.

Another tip, when starting out – or after long periods of not taking it, we would open up the pill and only have him take half of it for a few days – then slowly work up to taking the full pill. (We would just sprinkle the half of it in his yogurt.) It worked REALLY well!

Best of luck!!!
Well I have to say that ADD is not something most people grow out of.. if they do seem to "grow out of it" then chances are.. it wasn't really ADD to begin with.

It has got to be about the most overdiagnosed disorder ive ever heard of-- and it doesn't typically just go away with age.. (my BF is over 40 and takes Adderal.. same as a friend of mine (pushing 40 herself).
I totally agree with that pebblesus:) Vyvasene, the medication they put me on I can tell a difference. I'm such a better person to be around i'im not driving everyone nuts bein so scatterbrained. It also makes me happier because i'm not so frustrated! People at work can tell and my parents can tell it's working:)
I like seeing the positive results from Vyvanse for you all. My 10-y.o. DD went on it a month ago, and the sleeplessness and diminished appetite have in fact subsided. Her results so far have been mixed at best. Last year she was on Focalin X and that was disaster. (Though we just found out that via an EEG that she has abnormal brain activity going on, so I am not sure that the Vyvanse will work as well as the doc initially thought --- more research for me to do I guess.) Good luck to all of you.

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