? about doubling up on weights in 4DS


Active Member
I was just wondering (and actually started doing this) but wanted to know if it was OK to double up on the weights in 4 day split and I mean if on Monday I do Shoulder and Calves can I do it twice either back to back or do it once in the morning and once in the evening and then the same with the next group on the next day. I am just trying to get more out of my weight lifting and get more results and just trying to mix it up a bit. Thanks in advance. :)
Once you have worked a muscle thoroughly, you are best off leaving it alone to repair itself and gain the strength you are working hard to promote. Constantly working it, or working it again does not give the muscle group the rest time it needs for repairing the micro-tears that weight lifting introduces into the muscle and the repair of which makes you stronger.

Your best bet is to work the same muscle group again on a different day of the week, after 48 hours rest, if you feel that once through per week with 4DS isn't enough for you.

You could work chest and back on Monday and again on Thursday: you could work shoulders and legs on Wednesday and again on Saturday: you could work bicep and triceps on Tuesday and again on Friday or Sunday.

But you might be better off yet by working each muscle group once with 4DS, and then after 48 hours, working them again in a total body or 2 day split format, using MM or the Pyramids, for variety.

Thanks Clare :) Actually I usually do the 4 day split over 4 days (just once a day) and then add on Saturday a full body work out like MM or do the double upper body from Body Max 2....I guess I was just looking for a longer muscle work out for those certain muscle groups on those certain days. And at an hour work out I guess the STS will be a longer workout. I also switch it up with the GS workouts as well working out one body part per day!! Thanks again :)

I got excellent results using only the 4ds weight work and going as heavy as I could. I did insert 6 sets of pull/chin ups each time I did the back work. I've been able to gain on progress I made doing chin/pull ups with p90X. I think it's good as it is. It is a great example of longer/more is not necessarily better.

Thanks Tracy :) I wish I got those results....I have already done the 4DS as is for at least 4 weeks at a time and also at different times with something else in between....while my muscles did make some positive change I am just looking for more and I guess maybe the new STS will push my muscles even further. Thanks :)
Since the workout is kind of short if you only do the weights, I was also looking for something longer. The "all upper body" premix is really a lot. One thing I have tried which I like is doing the weights in two days instead of 4, combining chest/back/legs/core and shoulders/calves/bis/tris/core.

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