Ab exercises


Is it safe to do one of Cathe's ab routines on an incline? Does anyone have any other ideas for abs during pregnancy, other than planks?

The exercise that is done on all 4s, where you pull the abdominals up, seems to be a better workout for those further along in pregnancy. But at 14 weeks, I seem to be in an in-between phase where there's very little variety I can use.
Okay, since nobody has responded to this thread, I decided to change my question a bit. Do you think it's fruitless to even worry about the muscles in the ab area during pregnancy? I have heard to opposing words of advice:
1. Your abs need to stretch, and taught muscles might make that more difficult on your body.
2. You need to continue working your abs for core strength, and to make it easier to return to your pre-pregnancy figure.

Please someone clarify these questions.
Since no one is answering you, I felt sorry for you. Unfortunately I don't have much information. I had a baby a long time ago, when I was in my late twenties, and I worked my abs the whole pregnancy just like normal. When the "pod" got too big, I put my heels on a step and did the best I could, or did planks. My stomach looked "normal" about 3 months post-partum. I hope someone more knowledgable pipes in.
Hi Eclair! Sorry I have not gotten over here sooner. I'm at around 18 weeks now and I am doing ab work on an incline. This makes the ab work much easier but at this time in your life, obviously safety comes first. I also cannot do crunches with my legs up in this incline position because I slide down as I do them. I would not recommend straight leg planks after 12 to 14 weeks either, as it is a very advanced pose and hard to maintain proper alignment as your belly gets bigger. You can modify with bent legs until even that position becomes uncomfortable. Be sure not to do any exercise in which you find yourself straining to do it correctly due to the changes occuring in your body. Good Luck and Take Care!
Thanks for the help. I have really been avoiding ab work for the past month, so now I feel more comfortable getting back in there. :)
Hi Eclair! I went for my monthly ob check up today and specifically asked his thoughts on doing ab work on an incline. He was totally fine with doing it that way. Of course this is just my doctor and it is always best to get this okay from your own care giver. Take Care!

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