8 weeks today and need motivation!


I am 8 weeks today and go to the doctor to make sure everything is o.k. I have been nothing short of exhausted these 8 weeks though. I need help with motivation. I've only done 3 workouts since Jan. 1st! Anyone else in the same slump???? Thanks! Sue
Hi Sue! I am in my 11th week and what you are going through is exactly what I went through--my energy level to workout was so limited and I would get so frustrated that I couldn't work out to the level I was accustomed to. Basically, I just decided to listen to my body and not to worry if I wasn't getting in my 5 to 6 workouts per week. I aimed for 3 workouts and focused on walking, low impact videos, and some light strenghth training (for some reason I had NO energy or motivation to ANY strength training!) I think the walking really helped alot and I also think it helped that I stopped putting pressure on myself to workout everyday. Everyone kept telling me that once I moved out of my first trimester, my energy levels would return and I would probably be able to workout more. Well, I am here to tell you the good news--this past week has been wonderful for me--On Sunday, I did Karen Voight's Strong and Smooth Moves; Monday I was able to do Cardiokicks (with modifications), and Tuesday I was able to do MIS (I used lighter weights than usual.) I took Wed off (though I'm sure I could have hopped on the treadmill!)

So, hang in there--remind yourself that feeling this way is for a limited time (hopefully!) and modify, modify, modify! At first I had a VERY hard time modifying--I just did not want to do it--I felt like I was cheating on my workouts and I was so annoyed that I just couldn't do it. But, after some trial and error and practicing those modifications, I have truly come to see the value of modifying and that it does not take away from your workout. I am going to try MIC tonight with modifications (change all high impact moves to low impact; eliminate plyos) and I can honestly say that I think this is doable and that I will still enjoy and benefit from the workout!

Sorry, I am rambling...but wanted you to not be down on yourself for not being motivated to workout, it is OKAY to take a break and I think during your pregnancy it is critical to listen to your body. Good luck!
Hang in there!

Don't get down on yourself. The 1st trimester was always a time of overwhelming exhaustion for me. Just listen to your body. It's doing an enormous amount of work, even when you're taking a well-deserved nap. So just be nice to yourself. There's plenty of time in the 2nd trimester to re-start some gentle workouts. You won't turn to mush or loose all motivation to work out again EVER. Your body is just focused on its very important job of baby-growing right now. Hang in there!
RE: Hang in there!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-01 AT 12:47PM (Est)[/font][p]Sue,
Take heart....I was fine at first, kept up a modified routine, then went through the exhaustion thing at around weeks 8 and 9. Plus there were a few days the nausea just wouldn't quit and it was all I could do to take a 15 minute walk (this from someone who would do an hour of hi intensity step and then an hour of weights, pre-pregnancy). I just entered my 12th week and am starting to feel about a thousand times better. This past week I actually worked out almost every day (took Thurs. off) with 30 minutes of aerobics plus weight training for one body part per day. I actually made it through CIA 9801 (hi-lo) this morning (kept it all low, of course--but still).
Don't be discouraged--this too shall pass. Any exercise you've done in the past has laid the foundation for a stronger, healthier body and, consequently, a healthy, active pregnancy. Just remember to keep listening to your body and your doctor. And keep focused on that little bundle of joy!
I'll be thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon. I know you will.
How about company in your misery?

Feeling really badly this week (started week 8 on thursday).

I recall my fatigue went away before my nausea (my nausea disappeared at 14.5 wks with my daughter - fatigue... maybe week 11?)

It's hard though...

Hi Sue! Congratulations. Although I am currently not in this type of slump, I have been there. Just go with the flow. The next few weeks will bring on major hormone fluctuations and mood swings. Don't make demands on yourself at this time. In a few weeks things will most likely level off (around 11 to 15 weeks)and you will be in a better frame of mind to "plan" your workouts. For now, if you do a workout, great, if not thats okay too. Good luck with everything.
Thanks for all the encouragement! I think I figured out what part of my problem is. My little girl who is 21 months has decided not to make it through the night anymore and wants to wake up for some milk. I think that's why I am extremely fatigued. We're working on it, so hopefully soon! Thanks again!

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