50 and over week of January 24 check in

Good morning,

I've decided to take a rest day....my energy level is very low. My eating has been bad too. I've been doing a lot of comfort eating....I'll try and stay focused on eating healthy today and not give in to the cravings.
Sorry to be awol.

Linda I know all about stress eating but unfortunately the comfort is short lived. Sending eat healthy vibes to you.

I still have my leg warmers and leotards. (They are in my clothing museum. I can't seem to throw good stuff away.) I went to Vic Tanny during that era and you were required to wear that stuff. I actually think leg warmers are a good thing. I tried them a couple of years ago (not out in public) and I think the heat did keep my legs from being as sore the next day.

Jann Glad bmom is doing better.

Magnolia Good news about dil. I'm a big believer in being hopeful.

I am down another 2 lbs and I don't know why. I think I am burning more calories at rest than a year ago. It can only be from STS. I haven't done wo yet but I will try at least to not lose the muscles I have gained in the last year.


Playing catch up this week. I did disc 11 and attempted Athletic step :confused: I didn't do well at all. I may be substituting other step workouts for that one. WAY to hard with all the that twirling about. I jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes to round out my workout.

Have a good one ladies. :D
Just finished Disc 12 and did the bonus legs. I'm looking forward to the active recovery week. I think I'm going to do lots of stretching and fun dance based cardio.
Hi all! I did 1/2 of disc 12 and Cardio circuit cardio well, modified version anyway. :D Tomorrow second 1/2 of disc 12 and STRETCHING!!

Have a good one!
Hi, Y'All.

I loved leg warmers! I don't think I have any of mine left, though.

I have been very busy the past week, and it has been tough to find time to work out. We are going to be away. Some time back, my MIL booked us for a cruise to Hawaii, and we are flying to L.A. tomorrow morning. We weren't going to go when we first got the news about our DIL, but everyone has encouraged us to go. It may be our last chance for a real vacation for a long time. There is nothing we can do for our DIL at this point except pray, so we decided to just go. Anyway, we are not sure how many more chances we'll have to travel with my in-laws.

Stay well, everyone!

Hi all - finished the second half of disc 12 and did the extended stretch. Looking forward to next week too! :D

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