40's - week of Feb 20,2011


Hey everyone, thought I'd go ahead and get us started.

Saturday I did not want to w/o, but I felt I needed it so put in TF 30 min, 10 min in I wanted to quit, I kept on, 15 min in I said I'm almost done I'm sticking with it, 30 min later, glad I did it, but glad it was over too. :p

Sunday I did STS Disc 3 legs, again didn't really want to do it but I couldn't let Mary get too far ahead of me. ;) It flew by and before I knew it I was done. Yea, me!

Now today I plan on RELAXING! Things have been hectic since I got back from vacay and glad to have a day to myself! Heaven!
Okay, Saturday I did Double Wave Pyramid. Yes, I am crazy. I really need to be at 100% before I do anything like that again. I did not get to do anything yesterday on Sunday and today, Monday, my "senior assistant" wanted to work out with me and well, you can imagine how that went. Actually, she is still here TALKING while I am trying to type. I guess I won't be getting much done at the computer either. Hi to everyone. Get some workouts in for me.

Yeah, I was able to sneak in 3/4 of LaLo Fit. My senior asssistant was sufficiently distracted by her assistant is up and running - literally!
Murphy, you ARE crazy to do DWP! Glad your assistants eased up on you :)

Today I did STS Disc 4/Meso1/CH/BI/Sh --- was counting out a lot of the reps, especially the 21's. Mary, what disc are you on?

Hi Ronne, how was your weekend?

Vickie, did you get some workouts in?
Hi girls! No power here! At least not for the last 7 hours! I was going to do disc 4, however the ice storm has changed my plans! I will do the rower since that doesn't need electricity! Sat., I did 4 miles on the treadmill, yesterday a kickboxing workout I found on demand! The movie was cute that we saw on Fri., Gnomeo and Juliet. Bowling is definitely not my sport! Came in last all 3 games! Lisa, now you be ahead of me! Murphy, have to love our assistants! Ronne, how was your weekend? Vickie, are you still here? Have a good day! I need to get moving to stay warm! Mary
Mary, awesome job on the 4 miles! Good thing you have the rower :) I don't know what I would do with no electricity. Are you having a big storm or something?
Hi everyone

No workouts for me this weekend, and it's going to be a patchy week with half-term. Today I did Circuit Blast - tough! DD's party was a success on Sat. She had a pottery painting party. I go back in a week to pick all the stuff up once it's been fired.
I went to the cinema - again!! I've seen 6 films at the cinema so far this year! We watched Never Let Me Go. I read the book a couple of years ago and I was nervous because I loved it but the film was really good.

Lisa - hope you enjoyed your day to yourself. They're always so welcome aren't they? Has the snow eased up now? Are you starting to see signs of spring?

Murph - glad your assistants left you alone long enough to get some workout in.

Mary - glad you enjoyed the film, if not the bowling. So no rest day then?! ;)

Right, I've got to get some work in while DD's out. I may not make it back here tomorrow as it's her birthday but I'll be back on Weds at my desk.
Okay, I'm finally getting over my pity party and getting back in the game. I hadn't worked out since last Monday.(yikes). I'm just going to say, I needed a break;) I started back today. I did 4DS kickbox premix. I always like to start with something I don't have to think about, but I do love that workout too.

Lisa- Good job on the STS. I'm so envious. One day I hope to get in good enough shape to actually get that set.

Murphy- I get wore out just "reading" about your workouts:eek: Oh, and I could use an assistant, if you got one laying around you don't need.

Mary-impressed with all your weekend workouts. I didn't realize there was still ice storms going on any where. Wow, I hope you get some power soon. It's been a really warm week here in TN.

Ronne- Pottery painting sounds like it would be fun, I've never done that. I don't have Circuit Blast either, I need to preview it to see if it's something I could do. Enjoy your DD birthday, have some cake for me:p
Hi everyone! JUST got power back! Whoo Hoo! We were getting ready to camp out at MIL's and it appeared! I never would have made it in any other century! I did 3 miles on the rower, didn't much care for it, but thank goodness I could get a work out in! Tomorrow will be disc 4. Ronne, I did take a rest day! On Friday! Happy Birthday to you DD! Lisa, I will catch up to you! Vickie, good for you! Your body must have been wanting a rest! Well, off to do all I couldn't do earlier! Talk to you tomorrow! Mary
Hi Everyone, I woke up early so had some time so I did TF 60 min. My left hammie is sore from legs on Sunday so my kicks weren't very high.

Ronne, weeeeelllll, March is our snowiest month here, we shall see. Hoping we are done with the bitter cold temps. Allergies are starting to kick in for some so spring can't be far away, right? Enjoy your day and eat lots of cake! I really need to get my eating under control, sigh.

Mary, I know you will catch up! Losing electricity really lets you know how much you use it, however, I like to use that time to destress and enjoy, it's amazing how sometimes these little electrical things cause stress, especially the computer :)

Vickie, You can do STS! That's the beauty of it, you start at your level. I think I really feel my arms shaping up nicely (maybe that's why on vacation some guy called me 'healthy girl' when I declined the rum punch and wanted water? I was just seasick :) Good to take it easy and not get an injury. I'm still learning that! There are certain exercises that tweak my left trap so I've accepted going easier on those exercises :)

Hi Murphy, what maniac workout did you do?
Hi girls! Disc 4 is done! Went a little heavier, see if I get any soreness. Lisa, I am right there with you on the eating! I need to stop! Not having electricity on a warmer day wouldn't have been bad, however yesterday was COLD! It got down to 46 in the house! We all had our winter coats on! Ronne, hope the birthday went well! Murphy, what did you do today? Vickie, how about you? Well, lots to catch up on! Talk to you tomorrow! Mary
I was actually sore this morning from my kick box yesterday. It's really weird how much you lose by just taking one week off. I was out most of the day and hadn't gotten my workout in yet. I got a phone call from someone I was suppose to meet with to discuss some business and was suppose to leave in 45 minutes. Do you know, I put in my kickbox premix for 30 minutes and was ready and headed out on time? That may not seem like a big deal to you guys. But, the "old" me would have said, "Oh, I've got to leave in 45 minutes, I'll just skip today." That's my victory for the day:)

Lisa- "Healthy Girl" isn't it great to get a compliment from just some random person? I almost caved and got the STS when Cathe was running that great special a couple of weeks ago, but I just didn't want to get something and it sit on the shelf (and I really can't afford it right now.) Especially, when I have the Pyramids that need to be mastered once again. I think I may get the STS in the future as a reward when I lose my weight. Oh, and what is TF 60 minutes? I don't think I'm familiar with that workout.

Mary- that was COLD!! Glad that is over for you and you don't have to wear the coats. I always like a little bit of DOMS after a weight lifting session. Makes me feel like I accomplished something:)
Hi girls, today I did NOTHING. I'm just feeling blah ( probably PMSing is starting up will be bad because of my diet this last month+ ) Even DH mentioned last night with my crabbing and emotional feelings that maybe my time was coming :) I was crabbing about work ( boring, too many noises in this open area --elevator dinging (I counted 30 or so dings one time, right in a row, idiots hold the door open and it dings until it closes), people coughing constantly, people's computers sounds, people talking too loudly for an open area like this, an a-hole saying on a conf call how he is twice as good at work being sick than the other people are so therefore he will do the rerun of the reports even though he is so sick and so busy, blah blah blah, uh, how much does it take to do 'SUBMIT JOB'?). And then on the emotional side I've been thinking about my Maddy a lot, just passed up her birthday (she would have been 14) and then coming up on the 1 yr anniv of her leaving me (Vickie, Maddy was my dear sheltie), then 18 yr old Yoshi getting blinder (she literally walks into things, her whiskers are so alert to find her way)---it's just so sad to me to see their decline---took them from puppies/kittens to now old age, I'm not good at end of life. then there are those telling me to get a new dog, I just can't REPLACE Maddy just like I can't replace Mom or Dad. So that's where my head has been.

On the bright side, today is our official 25th anniversary!

Vickie, TF 60 is Chalene's Turbofire, I'm not a kickbox fan, nor a fan of her, but that series is good. I wouldn't suggest the deluxe version, in fact I think she just came out with Turbofire hits --- one DVD $20 which would be enough because most of the workouts seem almost the same, just different lengths. Yea! You! for doing that workout! Glad you are staying in the 40s group!

Mary, wow, that is cold! brrrrrr sounds almost painful :)

Ronne, How was your day? I heard on the news that we are way under for snowfall this year, only 18 inches whereas we normally have double that, hope it all doesn't come in March!

Murphy, how is everything with you?

Well, off to a very boring work today, tomorrow I have lunch plans with my BFF, will be a nice therapeutic session and break up the work boredom.....thinking to myself, why am I here today? Oh, if I'm not here, no pay, so I guess I'll just sit here all day....zzzzzzz
Hi everyone

Apologies for no personals. Only two workdays this week so really have to pack it in! Birthday went well and she was really pleased with all her presents.
I'm also feeling physically blah - bloated, exercise is really taking it out of me, work is relentless, etc. etc. etc. Did Circuit Burn today which I love and even that didn't give me a bounce.

Will be back tomorrow and try to talk more.
Wow a lot has been going on. Well, for me, I am recovering from a stomach bug. I was fine one minute and the next thing I knew...well, let's not go there. I thought I was feeling better and thought I would try some power walking and plyo stuff - WTH was I thinking. I really should know better than to jiggle an already upset (and already jiggly) stomach. I am trying to eat light and drink lots so that whatever can pass and I can get back to my work outs. Oh, I get home, all I want to do is run to the bathroom, and one of my assistants say, "look what I made mommy, don't you want to play with me and make more?" She looked so excited; so I had to grit my teeth and play for a bit and then make a quick escape when DH distracted her. Yes, yesterday was interesting.

I too have to aplogize for the lack of personals. My mind (and body) are just not there.

Hi guys, sorry I was so whiny and just a bundle of sunshine, I'm feeling a bit better, I think DH and I should hit the RUM punch we brought back for an anniversary drink tonight :)

I swear this PMS feeling should MAKE ME clean up my eating :)
Hi everyone! Today will be cardio. Running behind, had to drop off our taxes and run errands. Lisa, you can whine all you want! Anniversaries are difficult. Enjoy your wedding anniversary tho! Have some rum for me! Sorry about the PMS! I haven't had a period in 8 months and I don't miss it one bit! Murphy, take it easy, let yourself recover! Stomach bugs are miserable. Ronne, glad to hear she enjoyed her birthday. Did you have lots of cake? Vickie, good for you! It is hard to change our habits. I know I have a long list of bad ones! Have a good night! Mary
I did Basic Step today. I like step and it seems to make me sweat more than the kick box. But man, the stepping motion just makes my knees so sore. I don't know if it's because I'm just too heavy right now or what??? That's why I had been sticking more to the kick box workouts, but I need a little variety. Maybe as the weight drops it will get easier on the knees. Hopefully anyway.

Lisa- So sorry you are missing your furry friend. I can so relate to the PMS. I really try to stay off to myself as much as possible during that time, because I am the most unpleasant person to be around. I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Thanks for clarifying TF, I was thinking it was a Cathe workout that I hadn't heard of. Congrats on the 25th anniversary!

Ronne- I hope you can kick that blah feeling. But at least you still got your workout in.

Murphy- Bless your heart! Hopefully it is just a 24hr bug and you're feeling better soon.

Mary-~waving hello~
Okay. I am feeling better. I am trying the powerwalk route again. Let's hope for the best! I don't want to take too much time off b/c I was in the "Cathe zone" before and I was feeling good. It too me so long to get there I don't want to be detoured. Has anyone tried High Step Circuit or LoMax? I got them free when I ordered some equipment and I am thinking of giving them a try. You know that I am step challenged so I am a little concerned about the LoMax. The HSC looked closer to my interests.

Hi girls! Today will be disc 5. I'll have to get to it a bit later tho, have to get the kids to a dr.'s appointment. We are supposed to get another ice storm tonight. I hope we don't loose power again! Murphy, glad that you are feeling better! I like HSC, only a little step, very basic. I haven't done LM in forever! It is a long one, I guess I avoid it! It does have premises that are shorter. Lisa, did you do your STS? Ronne, how are you? Vickie, I don't have basic step. Is it fun? Have a good day! Mary

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