4 New DVDs with over 40 workouts!

Dear Cathe -

Thank you SO much!! I'm really looking forward to these workouts. When I first read the descriptions in a different thread, though I was THRILLED with the new variations on weight training, I was the *teeniest* bit disappointed because I was hoping for some shorter workouts. However, after reading about the Timesaver workouts, I am STOKED!!!!! When you say that, "This DVD will feature five 30 to 45 minute workouts that contain a short cardio section, followed by one or two body parts, and a concluding stretch.", you're saying that the workouts will be 30 to 45 minutes TOTAL, right? Not 30 to 45 minutes of cardio, plus the strength and stretch... right??? I'm SO hoping that they'll be 30 to 45 minutes TOTAL. I'm pretty sure that's what you mean, but because it seems too good to be true, I'm writing for clarification!!!!

Also, if your resources can tolerate the extra strain, perhaps you would consider closed-captioning your workouts??? I have the Slim Series by BeachBodies.com and I enjoy the closed-captioning when the baby is sleeping on the couch and I'm trying to sneak in a workout. But I know that would be a ton of extra work, and I know you don't need that! Perhaps you could file away the suggestion for the future.

Thank you so much, you a truly a maverick in exercise DVD production, absolutely amazing!!!!

Nancy N.
The workout blender sounds wonderful Cathe!!!

One teensy little request from me -- I was kind of hoping the cardios would be combined on a DVD with the weights so I could mix and match them for circuit workouts like Step Blast and Push & Pull on one then Step, Punch, & Jump on another with Supersets. Maybe you're pairing them up with similar workouts to help out those who only prefer your weights workouts or only prefer the cardio. But I'd sure love them paired up for more circuit possibilities. Hope I'm not sounding ungrateful -- just wanted to give my initial reaction to the combinations.

Other than that, these sound like wonderful workouts and I'm really excited about the Timesaver one since I've loved my CTX DVD so much! -- Renee
All I can say is "WOW!" Cathe, you've MORE then done it again. You are awesome! It appears there's a little something for everyone!
Thank you for all you do for us!
Hi again Cathe -- Now that I've seen the pre-order page, I can see that I was misunderstanding the DVD combos. I didn't realize that the Body Blast 5 Day Rotation was a compilation of the other workouts. So when I was lamenting not being able to combine the cardio and weight work, I was thinking this BB DVD was going to be all new material. But now that I can see it is a mix and match, I am perfectly content now :). Thanks so much! -- Renee
CATHE Before I Buy The DVDs, are the cardios complex in choreography?

I don't mind intensity but I want to know if the choreography of the step portions are complex- similar to Rhythmic Step? If so, will you do a "how-to" instructional segment for these complex steps at the end of the video- just like what Christi Taylor did in Totally Hot Cardio. It will help us tremendously in getting the steps right. In any case, the whole set is fantastic and I'll end up buying it anyway - regardless of the complex steps. I'll just keep on practicing :) Thanks for all the wonderful the videos!
You blow me away. You are truly a fitness inspiration. You are also a fitness industry inspiration. You set the bar for all others to follow (if they are so lucky as to even be in the same realm as your DVD innovations). Thank you, thank you, thank you. And...I KNOW you will not disappoint with the music! I can't wait!!!!

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