39.5 weeks and no signs of labor


Hello Ladies,
My baby is growing, my due date is in a matter of days, but I still haven't even felt one Braxton-Hicks contraction. Nothing seems to be happening, tightening, moving. What could this mean? Does this mean labor might come on suddenl or will I go on like this forever? Has this happened to anyone? Have you gotten to 40 weeks without feeling any sign of impending labor? Then what happenened?

My baby has dropped significantly, however, as my belly now rests on my thighs while sitting (I know, how charming) and his head his smashing down on my bladder. But still no tightening, cramping, or Braxton Hicks.
Hi Manmohini,

I'm right there with ya. I passed my due date on Saturday, had a scare with no baby movement on Monday and an emergency non-stress test (NST). We're okay now but things have been pretty up and down since then. I was told that my old placenta (I'm 39) could fail in these late weeks, which only added to my stress. Big tip, drink lots and lots of water quickly if you're not feeling your baby move.

Today, I had my first internal with a Debbie Downer midwife who always seems delighted in making patients feel bad or uncomfortable. She's the one bad one of the bunch and I seem to see her all the time now! We're going to do our best to see that we don't get stuck with her on our birthing day, the idea of her being anywhere in the vicinity that day makes me so upset and angry.

Anyway, she said I wasn't really progressing and encouraged a ripening and induction date for late next week. Not fun and definitely NOT what we want for the birth of this child. Ripening involves being strapped to a bed and monitored for 12 hours while the "ripening" occurs. And if it doesn't work she said I'd stay for 12 more hours - she told us this with her sadistic grin. I can't sit still very long or I feel trapped, so the whole thing just sounds completely depressing to me.

But... I still have time and so do you. I started taking my Evening Primrose Oil capsules for natural cervical ripening and I just ordered some raspberry leaf gelcaps. Both are natural ways to help things along...but we'll be trying all the other standard stuff like good ole sex, nipple stimulation, walking, bouncing on my birth ball, whatever it takes.

My baby is in a great position and has moved down low too. I have Braxton Hicks many times throughout the day and have experienced low pressure, just no "real" contractions yet. So I'm praying there will be a big change in the next 5 days so I can avoid any other interventions and any further interactions with the evil midwife.

I will keep you in my thoughts and encourage you to try ANYTHING natural that you feel comfortable with so you can avoid some of this stuff. Time is on your side, you probably won't be considered late until the end of your 41st week or so. I truly wish I had started sooner -- I had total faith that nature would take its course.

I hope things turn around quickly for you! :)

Best of luck, keep me posted okay?

Hey Manmohini,

Hang in there! I haven't been in your shoes, but I will be 39 weeks tomorrow. Like Steph said, you may want to try some of the natural techniques to encourage some progress. My doctor said the most important things to watch for in first time moms are station and effacement, so it's great that your little one has descended. It's also not uncommon for first timers to go 41-42 weeks (I know, it sounds horrible, doesn't it?).

My doula says things can happen very quickly though - she went from no progress at 8 a.m. with one of hers, to delivering at 8 p.m. that night. Try not to worry too much ... are things with the pregnancy still going well otherwise?

Isn't it great when they are squashing your bladder and you have to pee every 5 minutes? Best of luck and keep us posted.

Hey Manmohini,

My preggo emotional roller coaster finally hit full force this last month, as I'm sure you could tell from my last message. ") So sorry to be negative about things. I'm feeling more like myself today and have regained perspective, I'm sure you'll progress just fine. You and your baby are doing great! Plus, you do have quite a bit of time...

I spoke to a wonderful midwife today and she was really helpful and echoed Arancini's comments about progression. She herself had a pregnancy that went nowhere and she was close to 42 weeks and then went from barely dilated to fully ready to go in a day. Yep! That made me feel so much better. She said it's totally fine not to progress over a certain period of time, when the baby is ready the changes usually happen on their own.

She also said that you can use a bunch of things to assist you naturally but not to get too carried away, just look at it as an extra push without relying on it as a definite. Good advice!

I hope this is more helpful than my last post. I wish you the best and I'm looking forward to hearing your news when the big day comes. :)

Keep us posted and best of luck over the next few weeks.

Thanks Steph and Arancini,
Well, the three of us are certainly in the home stretch now. I'm not panicking yet because, as you say, Steph, all women and all pregnancies are different. My sister went from not being dilated at all to having a baby within 2 hours. Maybe I'll be one of those cases.

Now, if I hit 41.5 weeks and nothing has happened, I might start to consider some natural inducements. Thank you for those ideas. Anyways, all along I have had this "feeling" he might be a Thanksgiving baby. You know, that just might give me the time to finish all of my projects. Yesterday, I was productive in terms of my works and finished up quite a bit, so this takes some psychological pressure off. Then last night when I was decompressing and relaxing at a kirtan/chanting sesssion, I felt either some slight menstrual crampiness or a backache (from working so hard all day)--I couldn't tell the difference. Perhaps my being such a workaholic this past month has signalled to my baby that we're not ready yet. Anyways, I'll be patient with my body through the Thanksgiving Break. I do agree that babies come when they're ready.

Keep me posted on your progress, ladies. Good luck to you, Steph. It should be any day now. Same for you, Arancini. I think I remember your due date was 11/26, which means you could go any day now!
Hey Manmohini,

Glad you've been able to get lots accomplished. Same here, definitely did the workaholic thing but have slowed down in the last week. Feels good to have all my ducks in a row now.

Any progress? I'm inching a long and have decided that we'll probably have a baby Sagittarius and skip the Scorpio dates altogether. Sprout seems to want to be fashionably late, something I can relate to. :)

I suspect both you and Arancini may be headed to the front of the birthing line. All my best to you!! My close friend had her daughter on Thanksgiving 2 years ago, a very cool double meaning...maybe your intuition will be right. A Happy Thanksgiving indeed!!

Keep me posted,

Nope, no sign of anything yet, Steph, just baby movements. I've been watching the astrological possibilities as well. Early week, the moon is in Pisces (an artist, spiritual child), mid week in Aries (energetic, warrior child), and end of week in Taurus (comfort-loving, sensual type). The full moon rise on 11/24; my doula is working with several clients and she claims she is always most busy on the full moon. In fact, she is predicting a full moon baby for several of us. So maybe that moon will start to bring us to ripening.

I actually suspect that the workaholic mode could inhibit labor. Surely, the baby must catch the vibe that we're not ready yet. That is why I am looking forward to pure relaxation over the holidays. So let's both just relax now.
Well, I'm heading in for an NST and ultrasound today, we'll see.

Thanks for the astrological info. You know Arancini mentioned that Nico was an an artist how right she may be if he's born in the next couple of days. I have an affinity for all the signs that the moon will be moving through, can't really go wrong there. I'm an Aries...mom was a Pisces (as is my step daughter) and my dad is a Taurus. :) Fascinating.

I agree with the work and stress, babies know where they're landing and when there's room for them spiritually and otherwise. I keep telling DH that we need serenity, love, warmth, relaxation and a sense of readiness in our home...then she'll arrive. So this week is all about RELAXATION for me, a very light work load. I hope you're able to do the same.

Our time will come...

My prayers go to all of you! Wow, I had no idea so many of you are so close to your due date!!! How exciting!

I know when you get so close, you are so excited to meet this new little person and it seems like every day is a week. Hang in there, the child WILL come out.....I promise!

Every pregnancy is different. Some people feel 'labor pains' for a week before their baby comes, and if you are like my friend, she had no signs and then her water broke and 2 hours later there was baby! Crazy. So, every birth is different and signs or no signs, either way, that baby will be here when they are ready to meet you!

Good luck to you all and you will be in my prayers!!!!!
Thanks Robin...it does seem strange that my little one isn't here yet. I feel like I've been ready with bags packed, baby clothes washed, everything set-up and ready to go for the last 3-4 weeks. And we had to rush to get it all together after our move, so the "extra" time is a bit unnerving. Though I think she's giving us a break and letting us get settled before her arrival -- smart kid!

Thank you for your prayers, they're always welcome. :) It helps....

I feel the same way about the rush, rush, rush. I'm now down to my last dribs and drabs of work, and it will seem odd to be sitting around waiting for the baby, especially since I thought I had my plans rubbing right up against the finish line. Alas, my puny plans. Woman proposes and the goddess disposes.

I hear ya, I've found it near impossible to concentrate on work. Thankfully they're letting me work from home now. Since I'm overdue, they get how much of a torment that can be. They really aren't expecting much from me at this point, but part of me wants to get knee deep into something even just as a distraction. Unfortunately, I've found that I'm only doing well with the task oriented stuff and not so hot where I have to think and analyze -- I think they know that. Most of my work involves analysis and they've been ignoring my questions about how to proceed with one larger project... so it's pretty purposeful on their end.

We're doing great with house related work though. I'm having the vents cleaned as we speak, had our furnaces maintained yesterday, bought our furniture for the living room on Saturday (on sale!!), and replaced our broken dishwasher on Sunday. So the house is shaping up and feeling more like a home!!

Our furniture and dishwasher are all supposed to be delivered the day I'm scheduled for an induction...so maybe Sprout will intervene or be the sensitive gal she has been so far and let all the plans unfold as they should. We'll see...

Hang in there woman, I know it's so tough but it'll happen. :)


p.s. the chanting sounds like a great release and relaxation exercise!

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