3 things about YOU


Okay, let's liven the joint up a bit. Come on out, lurkers. Tell us some interesting, unusual, or just cool things about you :)

1. I am double jointed in a lot of places & I can move my scalp without touching it(great info, huh?)!
2. I lost 160 lbs and have kept it off for over 14 yrs
3. I went to NZ on my honeymoon and think it is the most amazing place on earth


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
>You're a freak;)

*shoves Shell out of thread*
*nods wisely*


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
Okay, I'll play...

* I can wiggle my nose like a rabbit. My dad used to raise rabbits and has this trait that he passed on to my sister and I - we think it's inbreeding...

* I have "Flintstone feet". They literally look like Fred Flintstone's - short, wide and little toes... Good thing I have no toes, though as I'd wear a size 12 if I did. Now I wear a 9.5.

* I have a passion for food - pretty much any kind. Which is why I am an avid exercizer.
*shoves her way back into thread*

1. I just this year came to the realization that I will never dance with the National Ballet.
2. I dream all night, every night.
3. My chest bone is in backwards.

So there!
I am boring.

My life is boring.

All my body parts are where they belong, although some are too big and others are too small. I can not wiggle any of them in a cute, beguiling or interesting way. I have gone to the same Caribbean Island every other year for 10 years and the same US beach in the summer for 20 years. Yawn. For fun, I sweat or read. My eyes are brown, my hair is gray under brown. Yawn, yawn. Get the idea?
Shelley, your chest bone is... backwards? Does that mean your boobs are on the inside?? (Just asking!!!) :)

Three things about me:

1. I can raise my eyebrows one at a time in a very fast pace. No one else I know can do this.

2. I remember all of my dreams (and they're so weird and bizarre).

3. Balance exercises invariably make me fall over.


You and me both, My life isn't too exciting!!

-- I too have Flinstone, feet, I am told they are ugly, but I like them..:)
-- Can't wiggle anything.
-- Single mother of 2- My son is 15, & my daughter is 14.
-- Work full-time as a credit analyst!!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Three things about Robin:

1. She is wonderfully funny and makes us in the <--- thread laugh every single day
2. She's not good at operating a camera ;-)
3. She's secretly a perverted axe murderer.

ETA - Marie - no my boobs aren't on the inside, but I will NEVER have cleavage, as the bone in my chest is convex instead of concave.
1. I am 26 yrs old and coming up on a 9yr.wedding anniversary-i got married at 17.5!!
2.My husband & I liked each other clear back in 1st grade!
3.i have 2 adorable little babies-age 1 & almost 3!:)
SHELLEY!!!You were NOT to metion the axe murdering thing. But, yeah, I am cameracally impaired.

LOL at unbalanced Marie and Shelley's inside out boobs.

Hats off to lorren05 who married her childhood sweetheart so young and not because she had too.

Let me try. These won't be very interesting:
1. I can't spell. No, wait, you all know that so it doesn't count. Let me start again.

1. I'd rather post all day on the cathe forums then talk to anyone at work. Oh, I think you all know that already too.

1. I'm going to skip 1 and go to 2 and 3.

2. I love to try new recipes and don't actually give a da#$m if they are clean or not.

3. I have a secret desire to be a writer, but haven't sat at my desk and put pen to paper in over 3 months.
Hmmmm....interesting or unusual...alright, here goes
1.I used to own chickens...lots of them. I dearly want to own them again, but the racoons come out at night and kill them all. They were cool and the eggs they layed were delicious. I even had these kind of chickens that layed colored eggs (and not brown either, they were blue and green).
2. Last year, I decided to go back to college after a 18 year hiatus, but not majoring in what I did back then. I love exercise so much that I decided that I wanted more knowledge in this field, so now I'm majoring in exercise physiology.
3. I live in vacationland (the eastern end of long island new york). We are ten minutes from the ocean, five from the bay, and one from a lake. In the summer it is pure heaven...
>1. I can raise my eyebrows one at a time in a very fast pace.
>No one else I know can do this.


I can do that, too! I also do not know anyone else who can do it.

2. My eyes and hair are exactly the same color as each other (red hair and medium-brown eyes).

3. At 5' 10", I am the shortest one in my family (but not by much).

O.k 3 things about me!

1. I have a cathe "high" and obsession about what Im eating now days!(thats a good thing,though:7)

2. I try to have a positive outlook on life.(some days I should lock myself up in my room, cause I'm ill as a hornet}(!)

3. And rubbing a hand across carpet will make my spine shriffle into a raison!x(

Three things about myself:

1. If I hold my urine too long, my teeth start to hurt.

2. I am the oldest of three kids and I'm the shortest.

3. I am a true Army brat. My father was in the Army and retired, I joined the Army, and then I married someone in the Army. My whole life has been nothing but Army!!!
1. I never eat clean. I'll take a peanut M&M over an apple any day

2. I love singing the Christine part of the Phantom of the Opera at the top of my lungs.

3. Procrastination is my middle name. (Off to do the dreaded flexible spending account)

Okay, here goes:

1. I love to read about Serial Killers. DH bought me a Serial Killer Encyclopedia last Christmas.

2. I am anal about the cleanliness of my house but my car is pretty dirty. If you ride in it you will probably have to dust the dog hair off your hiney.

3. I am known for bringing my own food to family gatherings and
gatherings at work ;)

4. I walk around the house naked probably 50% of the time I'm home. It's hot in Florida and I find it very liberating.
Oh, I love these cause I learn some amusing things about all of you and then I don't feel so um..."goofy"!
1) I can touch the end of my nose with my tongue. (My nose is regular size but I think my tongue is long. No jokes please, I get enough from my husband. }(
2) I've watched Top Gun so many times I can recite each and every line along with the actors. ("Roger, Maverick has the ball...")
3) I don't leave my house without eye makeup. Ever.

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