Search results

  1. C

    Great Article on adding Lean Muscle Mass for women

    I found this article and I thought it had a lot of great information, so I thought I would post it for all of you who want to add lean muscle mass. I did try the HIIT for my cardio and let me tell you I was dying at the end. I do not mind cardio, but I only like to work out 4 days a week and...
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    Natural Cures

    Hey everybody! Just wanted to share this website with you that I found. It has a lot of good home remedies. I have been doing the apple cider vinegar for acne(drinking and putting it on topical)and it seems to be working for me. Also, for the common cold, I did the Hydrogen Peroxide in your...
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    Caloric Intake

    I'm at my ideal weight and I want to gain more muscle, so my PT and also Cathe( I asked her the same question on her forum and she answered me) said to increase my calories and only do cardio 3 times a week for 20 minutes. My problem is that I seem to be gaining around the waist area(not...
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    Hi Cathe! I was wondering how much cardio does one need to do a week to maintain their current weight? I'm a very clean eater and I do not need to loose weight, but I do want to gain more muscle. Thanks!
  5. C

    Need some advice

    For Christmas my husband got me a membership at his gym and a personal trainer. I love working out with Cathe and will not give her up totally, but I'm ready to try something different. I do not need to lose weight(5'4, 13.3% body fat and 112lbs). I want to add more muscle. My trainer is...
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    Regular lunges vs static lunges

    Cathe, I was wondering which is better and which one do you get more benefits out of, front or back lunges vs the static lunges? I seem to feel more burn when I do static lunges. I also want you to know that I love your workouts and you seem like the most sincere and nicest person. I hope I...
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    Freestyle Question for the experts

    Quick question. I have George Synder's book and have been using it and seeing some results. I know he is all about lunges which I do, but my question is he does not talk about static lunges. I do 3 sets of 20 for my 5 exercise and one set of all the lunges in static mode if you will. I feel...
  8. C

    Varicose Veins

    Anyone out here had any treatment for them? If so, what did you have done and what was the results like? I'm going to have laser done on October 6. It was interesting when I was standing there and he was doing an ultrasound up and down my legs that the doctor said "you're a runner aren't you?"
  9. C

    knee pain and freestyling

    Wanted to get some advice from this educated crowd about some knee pain I'm having. I have been doing freestyle training for 3 weeks now. I'm using George Snyder book(Freestyle Methods) which I love and I'm starting to see some nice results. My right knee hurts when I have it back when I'm...
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    Natural Cures

    Has anyone bought Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book. I'm so close to buying it, but was just curious if anyone else has it and what they think of it.
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    Freestyle training

    I wanted to get try this out but not sure which book to buy. I just read some review on the Lower Body Solution by Laura Dayton. There were only a few, but one said you needed a gym to do these workouts. If that is the case I do not want this one. The other book is - Freestyle training by...
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    Another Freestyle Question

    For those of you who have the book, is it something that you have to sit and read for a few days or can you just jump right in and start working out? Thanks for your help!
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    How much fruit??

    I was wondering how much fruit do most of you eat? I eat about 5 servings a day, but was wondering if that is to much because of the sugar content. What are your thoughts?
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    Bikini Area

    What do most of you do to remove your bikini area without getting the red bumps?
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    How many of you out here keep up with your protein intake and how much protein should one eat a day? I have heard by 2 different people that you should eat 1 gram for each pound you weigh. I weigh 107lbs so I should eat 107 grams a day. It probably depends on what your goals are. Just...
  16. C

    Can someone give a comparison???

    I was wondering if any of you out there that has the HC series could post a comparison to some of Cathe's current DVD's. I have not ordered any yet, but I want to, but I would like to know what they are like. I know that KickMAx and Imax3 are compared to, but the others is what I'm curious...
  17. C

    Gym Style

    I have not ordered any of the new Hardcore series yet, but I want to. Can anyone out there let me know if the Gym stlyle workouts are like S&H or are they like endurance workouts? I saw one post that Muscle Max is more strengh training and gym stlye is endurance. Thanks for your help!
  18. C

    Outer thighs

    Cathe or educated crowd, Does anyone have good exercises for this area. I have been doing L&G and the floorwork from PLB, but I'm still not happy with what I'm seeing. Should I try KP&C. I have done it a couple times, but I mainly run 5.7 miles 3 times a week for my cardio. If the weather is...
  19. C

    Has anyone ever....

    just concentrated on their glutes and outer thighs as their main goal? I have been doing Cathe since April and have done a S&H rotation and and intensity rotation and I've seen great results, but my glutes and outer thighs are frustrating me. I look at Cathe and am so envious of her whole darn...
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    Low Blood Pressure

    I just was curious if anyone out there has also experienced this. Since I have lost 19 pounds, my blood pressure which used to be normal all the time is now low. I had it taken is June and the nurse said that this was normal in people that worked out and were fit. I had it taken this last...