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  1. K

    ? for Cathe about S&H plie squats

    Hi Cathe! I hope you're doing well and enjoying a healthy pregnancy. I have a question about the plie squats in S&H. Is there any benefit to holding the weight as you do (dumbbell between the legs) that is lost if you use a loaded barbell on your shoulder instead? I'm just now getting into...
  2. K

    To Cathe, in appreciation

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-01 AT 06:43PM (Est)[p]In your DVD announcement post, you said that you were expecting the DVDs on Friday and would spend the weekend packing and filling orders so they would be ready to ship on Monday. I just wanted to say "thank you" from the bottom of my heart for all...
  3. K

    Question for Debra on Stott videos

    Hi Debra-- In a thread somewhere, you were saying lots of good things about Moira Stott's Intermediate Matwork tape. Have you tried the Advanced as well? I'm thinking about purchasing one or the other, and I don't want to get the intermediate one if it's something that I'll outgrow quickly...
  4. K

    Okay, ginger fans ...

    The ginger ice cream is made by Reed's. You can visit their website (learn about the cows who provide the cream!) at Here are the cookie recipes. Enjoy! Ginger Thins (from Mollie Katzen’s Vegetable Heaven) which is a wonderful cookbook ½ (1 stick) butter, softened ½...
  5. K

    Thank you, Cathe, for helping me through rehab!

    I had my six month check since knee surgery--good news and bad news for my knees. The good news is that my doctor and PT are very pleased with the muscle tone in my legs. I owe a lot of that to my twice a week leg session with you, Cathe. Each week, I do PS SLA on one night and LL plus the...
  6. K

    PS DVD Question for Thursday

    No, it's not about WHEN, either ;-). I was wondering which, if any, of the PS tape covers you are going to use for the DVD cover, or if you have a completely different cover in mind. I know, silly question, but I was putting PS SLA the other morning after doing the floorwork section (after...
  7. K

    Cathe, the suspense is killing me!

    Any news on the PS DVD?? I'm trying soooooo hard to be patient. :D
  8. K

    DVD Player -- Oh what fun!!

    Santa came a little late, but we finally got our DVD player. The model is a Sony DVP-C660 and it can play up to 5 DVD/CDs. I've hooked it up to our stereo receiver and the sound is great. I tested programming across DVDs and it works beautifully. There is a little pause while it switches...
  9. K

    So, what's the next DVD?

    The UPS tracking site tells me that my CTX DVD is waiting at my front door. Hmmm ... need an excuse to go home early! I know you're probably wiped out after the road trip and the CTX DVD shipping blitz, but I thought I'd drop a few seeds about future DVDs that would look so lovely under my...
  10. K

    Improving posture -- which exercises?

    Hi Cathe! I just did CTX and Cardio Kicks for the first time last week and loved them all. Unfortunately, it will also be the last time for quite a while as I just had knee surgery yesterday. I won't be coming on the fall trip, either :(. But I'm looking forward to all the upper body...