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  1. H

    Interstitial Cystitis

    It was a c0uple years of getting worse and worse, and trying various remedies to no avail. The herbs I used were a mix the Naturopathic/Chinese doc mixed up: you then make a fairly unpalatable tea of them and drink them 2-3 times per day for a few days. The relief was pretty instantaneous...
  2. H

    Interstitial Cystitis

    I am so sorry you are suffering with this. I got it about ten years ago, and after trying a lot of things, finally got relief through acupuncture and Chinese herbs. I was not sleeping at night, and basically had no life. I was amazed at how quickly and thoroughly those two remedies worked. Good...
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    More yoga questions

    Everything Bobbi said, plus.... In the past six months or so that I have been doing mostly yoga with Cathe and some other traditional fitness sprinkled in, the benefits of increased flexibility and upper body strength have been noticeable in every day life. And as with Bobbi, my lifting has...
  4. H

    Others experiece with Plantar fascitis???

    Heather, You've gotten lots of good advice here already, so I'll just add a couple more tidbits that helped me. My first bout with it lasted about six months and even after prescription orthotics and completely resting (no walking, much less Cathe, I rode my bike a lot) for six weeks, I...
  5. H

    Get out your Party Hats!

    Many Happy Returns, Kathryn! I always enjoy reading your posts. You are very creative with your workouts and I've gotten lots of good ideas from you! I was going to start a thread for you today (without knowing it was your birthday), but I'll just add what I was going to tell you here, and...
  6. H

    Can I share my smile!!!???

    Yay, Debbie! I SO know how that feels, and am so happy for you! --Ann
  7. H

    Any Teens that do Cathe

    Hi, Dawn The thirteen year old should do some lat pull-downs, shoulder, and arm work for muscling around under the hoop. Plus, she should probably work on plyometrics for jumping. A lot of times the bean pole builds don't have much fast-twitch capacity and are out-jumped by the short wiry...
  8. H

    Question about wills

    Don't know what state you are in but here in California I just had a will done for my mom by a paralegal. (The law changed and they're called something else, now.) This guy had lots of experience and got us through a tough time in a manner far more user friendly and personal than any encounters...
  9. H

    Educated crowd/ Endurance vs strength

    I believe that the Pyramid workouts, performed exactly as produced, are endurance workouts. Little to no recovery time, lots of reps. Yet many people report strength gains from them. I wonder whether this isn't another YMMV situation. Physiologically, I don't have the expertise to address your...
  10. H

    O/T Prayers for my puppy please.

    We'll do a howling vigil for you here. Good luck and let us know how it comes out. --Ann (& Penny, Trillium, Lucy, Brutus, Baruch and Podie)
  11. H

    Proper form for reverse crunch

    I'll give this a go since abs are a subject near and dear to my heart. I had back surgery a few years ago and worked with my PT to get my abs back as they are even more important now. In my opinion (I have a personal trainer's certificate from ACE, too, so I have a little education) most...
  12. H

    Glucosamine Sulfate or Glucosamine Hydrochloride? Calcium--what form?

    RE: Glucosamine Sulfate or Glucosamine Hydrochloride? C... I know sulfate is better, but I couldn't tell you why off the top of my head, although I'm sure I've read it several places. Monday morning, sorry.... --Ann
  13. H

    OT Lemony Snicket question

    Ooooh, thanks, Debbie. I went to the movie's website, which is pretty cute, but with my dial-up connection everything takes three weeks to download (well, almost). I didn't have any luck there. Thanks for the ideas. Now to try to confirm.... --Ann
  14. H

    OT Lemony Snicket question

    Saw this movie yesterday with hubby and son and enjoyed it a lot. Wondering if anyone knows what kind of car the banker was driving. There were so many great visual effects and details. Usually hubby can identify any vehicle, but this one stumped him. Thanks in advance if anyone knows! --Ann
  15. H


    Don't ask me why I know this, but the larch is a deciduous conifer that has been planted extensively in Britain to rehab the hills that have been ravaged by coal mining. When you are in Wales they look quite distinctive because unlike most conifers they are bare in the winter, and because they...
  16. H

    Soosanasana and Bobbishtanga...I am a yoga failure

    RE: Pleeeease don't give up!! More encouragement to keep going....if you like that feeling afterwards, but not during, try to find a way to focus on the afterwards feeling while you're struggling. Or back off just enough that the struggle is less intense. If you're a weight junkie, try to...
  17. H

    Soosanasana and Bobbishtanga...I am a yoga failure

    I think Bryan is a tough place to start. Unless you have tried yoga styles other than Power Yoga and been equally disappointed, I'd recommend something slower. has a user-compiled list that I am too ignorant to be able to post a link to for you, but you can search there easily...
  18. H


    I have the same problem with these. I think it's because I'm long wasted and I need to increase my range of motion. I lay a little more of my upper body over the dome of the ball so that I can lift it a little further, and with more resistance from gravity. Hope this works for you, too. Good...
  19. H

    Happy Birthday, Bobbi!

    Many Happy Returns, Bobbi! Been missing you around here! --Ann
  20. H

    sprint intervals

    I coach high school girls' soccer and we sprint a lot. When you're first starting out you might want to be conservative and keep your work to rest ratio about 1-4. That means you sprint whatever distance you're going to sprint, time it, and then rest four times that long before doing your next...