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    How do Avias run?

    How about Brooks? Hi again, Still trying to decide on shoes. I may still try Avias or Rykas but I saw a pair of Brooks crosstrainers that looked like a good deal. Just curious if this educated crowd has any opinions or experience with those? Thanks in advance!
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    I am so happy to be fit when...

    I just love the look of sheer disbelief on the bagger's face when he asks if I would like a cart for all the heavy groceries I just bought and I can say with a pleasant smile "no thanks". Sometimes they even say something like "you sure you can get all this?" or "you really gonna carry all...
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    How do Avias run?

    Thanks for the advice guys. I'm still deciding but now I have something to go by, so I can go buy, ha :-) !
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    How do Avias run?

    No pun intended. I'm thinking of ordering a pair of Avias from after reading the post about them, but I don't know how Avias tend to fit. I have short feet that are wide at the toes and narrow in the heels. I usually wear a 6 or 6.5 (US) and have had a lot of trouble...
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    Cathe...are you ok?

    I'd noticed that too. Maybe she's so busy working on those new videos ;-) ! Really though, hope to see Cathe around, fit & happy real soon. Take care & be well~and that goes for you too!
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    Overhead press variation: it works but is it safe?

    How do your elbows & wrists feel? Hmmm, that's an idea. I would think that would involve anterior delts a bit more, does it feel like it when you perform the raises? Seems like you'll need to pay especially good attention to how your elbows & wrists feel but as long as they're happy, it's...
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    Cathe, Will there by a Pregnancy Workout Video?

    On the Edge of my Seat! Yea :-jumpy !! I'm so happy you're considering it Cathe, here's hoping all that long and hard thought is going towards how to develop the workout ;-) ! We'll be waiting 'expectantly' (ha) for your decision. I sure would hate to have to put all of my Cathe workouts aside...
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    Ivanko Aerobic Bar plates vs. Troy Lite Bar

    RE: Plate size... Hi Wienie, I wanted to mention that I saw in one catalog a bar for Olympic size plates (2" hole) and the bar itself was really thick. The catalog said it was purposefully that thick to ensure forearm development. I just got my Troy Lite set delivered yesterday (yep, standard...
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    Cathe, Will there by a Pregnancy Workout Video?

    Please please please! Hi Cathe, Sure hope you're feeling great! This looks like the perfect post on which to reiterate my hopes that you'll make a pregnancy/recovery set for us advanced exercisers! We truly appreciate all your hard work in helping us become advanced, now we'd really love it if...
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    How long to wait?

    Wow ChristinaK, you really are fertile! Somehow I'm getting the feeling I might be highly fertile too, guess we'll see. That pre-conception visit makes sense, I probably ought to make an appointment. Thanks for sharing and for the advice :-) !
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    Barbell used in powerhour

    Yeah, I'm finally going to order mine today, I'm so excited! They also use it in the CTX series. The plates have the most wonderful rubberized coating and the bar is only 5 pounds and 5' long! I can't wait to get mine :7 !
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    Folic Acid?

    Thanks! Hey ladies, thanks for the info and advice! My aunt once had a neural tube pregnancy several years ago, it was very hard on her. That's great that they're distributing folic acid in more foods than before. When I went to give blood on Tuesday, we got a package of free stuff that had...
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    How long to wait?

    Oh, do you mean if you stop in the middle of a pack instead of finishing it first? When I thought I might try once before, I finished the pack and went for a month without. I decided to go back on by the time I had a full blown period again so I just started back up where I had left off. I've...
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    How long to wait?

    Thanks! Hey everyone, Thanks for all the advise! I actually didn't have that mini-period either this time or another time I thought I might be ready to try. When I went off once before, I actually started my period the next month almost as if I were still on the pill, so I guess my body is...
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    Silencing the critics!

    I'd hate to have to rely on a gym, it would make me want to consider moving to a single story apartment if I were you. But hey, that's great that your instructors are into Cathe! I would think that helps compensate a bit. Actually, now that I think I'm going to try to get pregnant, I might try...
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    Wow, that's wonderful :-) ! I know you must be glad it went so smoothly, what a great labor! Hope you & Hannah are happy & well ~ take care & God bless your family!
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    What's your baby's "pet" name?

    Do furry babies count? I haven't even conceived yet but I'm already calling the kid-to-be 'kitten'. I've used up lots of good names on my actual cats, bunny and cavy already, hope there are some left for the little one by the time they're here! Well, in case furry kids count, I call my oldest...
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    How long to wait?

    Hi everyone, I just want to ask how long I should wait between going off the pill and trying to get pregnant. I know some doctors say to wait three months but other doctors say that's over doing it and it doesn't really matter. Are there some medical facts I should know before I jump right in...
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    Folic Acid?

    Hi everyone! I think I've just about decided to jump out of the boat and into the raging sea of maternity! Some of your names look familiar here but it looks like I'll be getting to know some new 'faces' too. I have a question about folic acid, maybe someone could help me. I was looking in...
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    Oh Darn! Hey Cathe, I know you have your priorities, and they're really good ones, but I can't help being kind of disapointed because I was one of those people who didn't win the lottery last year. Sure was hoping I'd be a shoe in this time around. Oh well, I'll probably be experiencing morning...