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  1. S

    Please Help! Working out and Pregnant???

    Hello ladies! I have not been to this forum in quite a while. But I am now 14 weeks pregnant!!! :-) I am very excited and it has been going well, with no problems. My question is......I had stopped working out for about a year and a half before I got pregnant this past August. At...
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    Desperate!!! What to do for FAT arms????

    Hi Cathe and everyone, Urgggghhhhhhhhhh.............I can't take it anymore!!! In the last 9 months, I have gained weight. The problem is that when I gain........I tend to just get it all over with an emphasis on the lower body of course. But my arms and shoulder/collerbone area used to...
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    Working out on thick carpet?

    Hi everyone! I know this sounds silly, but I just moved into a new apartment and will now have a separate workout room!! Yipeee! My question it better to do aerobics and weight training on a hard floor or carpet?? The carpet that is down there is sort of thick with a pad under it...
  4. S

    CTX Rotation for Weight Loss?

    Hi everyone! I know someone has probably asked this in the past, but I could not find it. What have all of your results been with doing just the CTX Series? Doing 1 tape each day? Will that be enough to lose weight, lower bodyfat and get leaner? I need to lose 15 lbs. and really tone up...
  5. S

    Has anyone tried...??

    The new FIRM videos yet? The package which contains "BodySculpt" and "CardioSculpt"?? I am trying to decide whether to invest in these videos, but are not sure if they are beginner videos or if advanced exercisers can use them too? Or if anyone likes them? I guess since I saw an infomercial...
  6. S

    Non-Step Aerobic Videos

    Hi everyone, I am trying to find some good, intense aerobic videos that are NOT step videos and wanted some recommendations from all you wonderful women out there! I love Cathe strength videos.......but am not a big fan of step aerobics. Are there any good 60 min. tapes out there that are...
  7. S

    CTX series or Power Hour??

    Hi Cathe, I just ordered the CTX Series, and already have all of your other videos. I was trying to decide which would be better and get me leaner quicker! By doing the CTX Series as it says - 6 days/week.......or doing Power Hour 3x/week and doing straight cardio the other 3 days? I don't...
  8. S

    Body Pump Video??

    Hi everyone! I have heard everyone talking here and there about a Bodypump Video? I would really love to know who this tape is by, if there is more than one, and where I could order it from? Thanks!!! Sarah :)
  9. S

    Noticeable Results??

    Hi Cathe, I desperately wanted to get your opinion on a rotation for fat loss while keeping muscle!! I need to lose 10 lbs. and am confused as to which type of rotation I should be doing. I was thinking about mixing MIS Upper Body with PS Legs 2x/week (since I love both of those!). Would...
  10. S

    Cathe is this enough??

    Hi, I was hoping Cathe or someone could offer some advice! I am trying to get back into a regular workout schedule after being very inconsistent for the past 5 months. I need to drop about 12 lbs. and reduce my bodyfat % and lean out! I know that MIS is both an edurance and strength...