Search results

  1. T

    looking for a new Cathe workout.............

    I used to be an avid Cathe cardio girl. I still use her strength trainning videos, but I started running a few years ago and stopped using her videos. My question is this.....I am looking to get some new DVD's from her, but I don't want any step videos. What would you recommend? I also...
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    Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Cream?

    Boy, it's been a long time since I've posted....anyway. My question is has anyone out there ever used Natural Progesterone Cream (NPC)? I had been using it for about 8 months, at the advice of a great Hollistic Healer in my area, and was feeling terrific, but my periods were so screwed up....7...
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    sore ankles and knees when doing leg work.....

    I have a question for the educated crowd. I have been doing Cathe's Power Hour and MIS for about 4 months now, but can't seem to get the lower body thing right. I started out by using weights (only like 10# and then I went to 5#), but this made my knees ache so bad. So I have stopped using...
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    Relora.....ever heard of it??????

    Hi all. My friend/neighbor told me about a natual supplement for mild anxiety/depression called Relora. I have read up on it and it sounds pretty good. I went to VitaminWorld today and got me some of those pills. They also say that I could lose a few of my stress related pounds that I have...
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    Can anyone request a good pilates tape?

    I have been seeing so much out there lately about pilates. I would like to incorporate this into my current workouts, but I would like to see if anyone out there can recommend a particular instructor. I hate to buy a tape/DVD and then hate it. I am in particular looking for a great ab...
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    Weaning off Paxil and gainning weight....anyone else had this?

    Hi all. I was wondering if anyone else has had weight gain when weanning off of a drug such as Paxil or Zoloft. I am sooo frustrated. When I was on the meds I had no problem with my weight. Now, it seems my weight gain corresponds to my step down program. Is it just my imagination? I swear...
  7. T

    UGH!!!!!! more snow.

    I woke up this morning to 3" inches of snow. It is still comming down. I am so sick of winter I could be sick. I should have husband and I are running a race today and every year...except for has snowed. Last year at the race, when we finished, we had ice forming on our...
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    Power Hour......OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did Power Hour for the first time yesterday. OMG!!!!! It was soooooooo tough. I have never swore at a video like I did this one. I was on the verge of hating Cathe. If she made me do one more of those darn lunges where you only come up half way....I cannot think of what she calls...
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    does anyone suffer from ulcerated colitis??????

    I don't, but one of my closest friends does. She just got out of the hospital after an 11 day stay because she had such a bad "episode". She is having a terrible time figuring out what she can eat. She read eat very clean, avoid dairy and starches. Her doctor says the exact opposite. She...
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    for those of you that have a moment of weakness because you hate your purple and green step......

    I was just reading the posts about disliking your purple and green step or pink or lilac or whatever color you seem to have (there seems to be many different combinations). A few of you mentioned about loving to buy a new step like Cathe's. Well, if any of you have a moment of weakness and get...
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    I have sore lats......YESSSSSSS!!!!!

    After quite a while of doing weight trainning, I woke up this morning and finally, finally, finally, have a sore back from working it, especially the lats. Some of you may think I am totally off of my rocker getting excited about being sore, but I have never been able to target my back...never...
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    They noticed........

    I had family over today that I haven't seen since the summer and they noticed that I have been working out. They said that I look fit and strong. I was so excited (I kept my excitment to myself, of course), but it is so great when someone else notices you've been working your butt...
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    I have to ask...what is an Ecto?

    I see this on the posts from time to time. I'm fairly new to the Cathe forums and have no idea what this means and it is driving me crazy every time I see it because I have no idea. I feel like I am missing something here. I saw a post a while ago about someone who was having trouble gaining...
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    Did MIS yesterday for the first time......

    I did MIS yesterday for the first time. I really liked it. I need to go heavier on the leg section. My chest is soooooooooooooo sore today. I went for a run this morning and did some ball work for the legs after. I am starting to feel sore on the lower half now. I usually have soreness on...
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    YAHOO!!!! Just got MIS

    I just got MIS in the mail today (I bought it off of eBay). I can't wait to do it. I previewed it as soon as I got it. It looks like a great all over body workout. I am planning on doing it Monday. I will let you know how it goes. Kim
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    Hi WD. I was reading one of your posts on in the Open Discussion forum and noticed your little picture in the top left corner. It looked like you were in great shape, so I looked up your profile. I was are in superb shape. I cannot believe that you are 50...
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    A great "healthy" snack

    My neighbor brought these up the other day and I have fallen in love. It was rice cakes covered with carob. YUMMY. She made them herself. We have a natural food store in our town and she bought the carob there for about $6 a pound (a bit expensive). The only thing is it only made 4 rice...
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    bathing suit depressing

    Hi all. I am so depressed. I tried on a two piece today and I looked awful in it. I have a "thick, short" waist and I can never get a two piece that doesn't push my fat over the bottom. I have two really cute one pieces that hold everything in. I've been working really hard and I thought...
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    a new video idea?................

    I was wondering if anyone would like to see Cathe do a stability ball and medicine ball workout video? I love doing the stabiltiy ball, but have yet to find a video that is close to a gym workout. I think (along with some other Cathe groupies) that she is the only instructor out there that...
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    'Fitness' waters......

    I was wondering if anybody knew what the deal is with these fitness waters on the market. I love the Propel berry flavored. Is it better to drink one of these vitamin enriched waters instead of just regular water after an intense workout. I run a few times a week (I use cathe to cross train)...