looking for a new Cathe workout.............


I used to be an avid Cathe cardio girl. I still use her strength trainning videos, but I started running a few years ago and stopped using her videos. My question is this.....I am looking to get some new DVD's from her, but I don't want any step videos. What would you recommend?

I also have been seeing alot of you mentioning the Slim Series. Where do I find this? Is this one of Cathe's DVD's? I looked on Collage Video and couldn't find it.

Any input would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

The Slim Series is from Beach Body. I have one or two of the series and they are .....okay, but very, very boring for me!

Any of Cathe's kickboxing (Kick, Punch, Crunch or KickMax) videos are good, there's her Bootcamp that's really good (more of a circuit workout using the high step), um.....out of her newest ones, Drill Max and Butt's and Guts aren't step videos.


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