Recent content by Leggs

  1. L


    Cathe, I just received the terminator dvd and love the intensity of it but was wondering why a abd section was not included in any of the sections. thanx!!
  2. L

    Flaxseed cals and what to put it on?

    I have just recently bought the flaxseed mix already pulverized into a fine grain --I have never tasted it before but would it taste good in something like coffee?? I usually have my cereal without milk and since this is already ground I don't think that would work. Any ideas would be great--thanx
  3. L

    rotation help

    Hi everyone! Was wondering if you could give me advice. I am new to strength training. My history is that 2 1/2 yrs ago while using the firm tapes and weight watchers I was able to tone up and lose 20 lbs. However I have had some back problems and have been told only LOW impact which I know does...
  4. L

    vhs tapes

    Is there anyone out there that is getting rid of their VHS Cathe tapes and would be interested in selling them?? If so, I would be interested in low impact not toooo high step choreography type tapes. thanx:7
  5. L

    Ok, I can't hold back!!!

    What a great accomplishment!! That is certainly something to be proud of--just think you as a mom had so much to do with how your boys turned out!! Good job and enjoy the celebrating!!:7
  6. L

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    I exercise at night because I have a 6 1/2 yr old and a 3 yr old--I am dead tired in the morning and have a hard time lifting anything at that time. I find if I do not start the tape by 8:30 my motivation starts drifting and I come up with excuses as to why I can't do it (like tonight!):)
  7. L

    protein shakes

    Thanx for the info. So you don't use the protein shakes/bar if you do cardio only? See I wasn't really sure if I should be having one every day or not
  8. L

    Hi! New to Forum.

    Hi! I too am fairly new to Cathe forums. I was used to many of the firm tapes which worked for me 2 1/2 yrs ago, now after experiencing Cathe there is NO GOING BACK!! She definetly spices things up and pushes you further than you thought possible!! All good things though!! Good luck and enjoy;-)
  9. L

    Which of the new six videos are you the MOST excited to get?

    I like all of them!!!!! I don't think I can wait very long!!!!:7
  10. L

    fitprime-new fav move

    I am with you there! I bought some of the newer firm stuff and HO HUM in comparison to Cathe. She is one of a kind!!
  11. L

    Allergic to sunless tanners

    Hi! I have also tried the sunless tanning route--but what worked well for me is Neutragenia spray. I cannot use any of the creams because I am too uncoordinated to put it evenly!!
  12. L

    protein shakes

    Thank you everyone for your great advice!! What I have been doing this week is to have a EAS AdvantEdge bar after I strength train. I don't find them to taste too bland --they are aslo 230 calories carb 28 protein 15gr fiber 1 gm. I will try your advice and keep you posted if you like. Thanx for...
  13. L

    protein shakes

    Hi everyone:) Was wondering if you could share with me what if any type of protein shakes you drink. I have never drank any before and have many questions like how often do I drink it? Is it meant to be a meal replacment or a snack? What brand/flavor is best? Where to you purchase it and the...
  14. L

    Why U picked your Screen Names????

    I have never really had a nickname (except from my brothers--but will not mention those here!) until I joined a sorority--my "big" sister named me LEGGS (for no nonsense) I thought it was appropriate:o Of course that was many years ago but I still like it--and it is easy!!
  15. L

    help with diet

    Stacy, Thanx for the great advice:) How often do you drink the shakes? Doyou replace a meal or do you consider it a snack? As far as workouts go I do have cathe PS series, MIS, Power Hour, S&H series, abs tape. Since I am new to this I wasn't really sure how to tone up and scuplt and lose the...