Recent content by Janick

  1. J

    Cathe: Half-marathon training help!

    Hi! I had the exact same questions last year as I was training for a half marathon. I did modify somewhat Hal Higdon's training schedule. I did 2 short runs on weekdays and one long run on the weekend, as per his schedule. However, I would cross train 3 times per week with Cathe...
  2. J


    Thanks Jackie... that was the right link!
  3. J


    Is it possible to include a link to Sheila's post? I have this problem also.
  4. J

    If this is being pregnant....

    I'm not one of those who like being pregnant either. I would rather skip the whole process on go on right to childbirth. I battled severe nausea at the beginning of this pregnancy. Was unable to workout, even under Diclectin (the Canadian equivalent of Zofran). When the nausea started...
  5. J

    false contractions

    This is my second pregnancy and have been having these since week 14, although they have been very frequent since last week (I'm in my 20th week right now), and are brought upon sometimes only with slight physical exertion (like walking up a flight of stairs or brisk walking). I had these...
  6. J


    Congratulations! The first pregnancy is so exciting and scary also...
  7. J

    Pregnant with #3!!!

    Congratulations!! BTW, you never know, this pregnancy could be different, and you might not miscarry nor have bleeding. Pregnancy symptoms are usually a good sign of viability of the fetus (especially sore breasts).
  8. J

    First post here

    I'm probably in a similar situation as you are. I'm a laboratory physician, and the main income earner in our family. For me, not working was never an option: first I trained VERY long before my career finally started (at age 27) and second we would have even had trouble finding money for...
  9. J

    I'm showing way to early anyone else show early?

    RE: Sesame Ball Receipe? Yum... I'm on a coconut craving right now... this would most probably do the trick for me... Will make them tonight! BTW, I'm not visibly pregnant at 12 weeks BUT, my clothes are getting tighter. I don't think I will be able to fit in my regular clothes for very...
  10. J

    Does dilation mean anything?

    Agreement with the others. My first pregnancy, I was dilated at 3cm, effaced at 75% by week 34, but had to be induced for preclampsia at week 40 (still at 3cm, and 75%)
  11. J

    New Mom to Be

    First off congratulations! What to expect? In your first trimester, if you are lucky, you will have no symptoms (except sore breasts). If you're like me, you'll feel nauseated, extremely tired and be more winded than usual. It's important to listen to your body as far as working out in...
  12. J

    Is childbirth that bad?

    It depends. For some people there is hardly any pain, and for others, it's 12-18 hours of INTENSE pain. For me, it was 3 hours of INTENSE pain (no epidural, no drugs, except a small shot of demerol). On a scale of 1-10, the pain of childbirth is definitely and 11-12. You don't forget about...
  13. J

    Are you from Canada, eh?

    Hi Christine! If I go to canfitpro, it'll be for the tradeshow only. But I don't think I'll be able to swing by TO as I have a pretty loaded summer schedule at work.
  14. J

    What exercises can a pregnant lady do?

    I have a slow metabolism (I even went through post-partum hypothyroidism, among other complications) and that's probably why it took me a long time to get back to prepregnancy weight. Although, I think people may be hard on themselves when they want to try and get back to prepregnancy weight...
  15. J

    Are you from Canada, eh?

    Jodi (yes, I recognized you), I was training for a half marathon, which I completed in a respectable time of 2:20 on April 13th. I just found out 3 weeks ago that I was pregnant, and it was an unplanned and surprise pregnancy. I was in shock the first 24 hours, and kinda panicked, but now I'm...