Recent content by Imafitnessfreak

  1. I

    Imafitnessfreak/Sarah is running Boston today!!!!!!

    You guys!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!! I love you!!! I have received you e-mails and I appreciate them. I have been thinking of you every day and I want to get back to you in person. But upon returning from Boston, I have been so busy getting life back to normal! And I have so...
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    IMO the 100% pure Stevia is better. You use less. I do like the stevia but you can't use it for all baked goods. Good thing I don't bake! It works for my bran muffins and sweetening a thing or two hear and there. I get mine from Trader Joe's. After reading this thread, I must grab some...
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    STS-will it bulk me up?

    This topic has been moved by the moderator of this forum. It can be found at:
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    Personal Question

    I just turned 35 and it's starting. I'm actually welcoming it! Except for the night sweats...ready to be done with those!!!
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    worried that something serious might be wrong

    If it was serious, I don't think they would put off your gyno until next Monday! No worries!!! Thanks for the update! Tell us what happens Monday!
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    Food, Health, Working Out

    kryptychyck, what big changes have you seen so far? How long have you een following your RD's advice?
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    STS Meal option? & Cardio question

    So, is the Meal Planning package going to be included with the STS or is the meal planning a totally seperate beast that will be priced seperately?
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    STS-will it bulk me up?

    Paula doesn't look like she avoids weights because of her running and the cardio takes all her muscle away, she looks like that because she is tall, and she has longer bones. All her muscle mass is stretched along her beautiful long limbs. Actually, as I watched Paula win the NTC Marathon...
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    worried that something serious might be wrong

    Well please let us know the second you can! My hope is that you just have an excellent MD that wants to make sure that IF there is anything else awry, you guys nip it early! Try not to worry, it will send a bad vibe to your family! Do what you can to relax, it will benefit all of you! Go...
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    STS-will it bulk me up?

    I assume STS isn't for me, especially if my concern isn't addressed. Andrea, you could do a marathon...but first you'd have to WANT to do a marathon!;) And there is nothing wrong with having no desire to run 26.2!:7 I actually struggle with the shorter races and I am in awe of you...
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    STS-will it bulk me up?

    Mine too! I prefer a more lean, *cut* look for my body type. I love the idea of these workouts but fear they will make me look more like a female wrestler. Oh, and I do not want to shop for bigger jeans just I can get my thighs into them.
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    STS-will it bulk me up?

    Hello Cathe and Crew, I usually stick with the total body endurance workouts, I really enjoy them and they don't make me feel like I have big, thick muscles. Also, they seem to compliment my marathon training quite well. I am very short (4'11") and I seem to show muscle easily. But...
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    what would happen?

    After my last marathon (October) I started doing just that...2 total body workouts, the rest is cardio. I WAS doing 3 days total body but while recovering from the marathon, I started back with 2 days. But after a few weeks, I saw awesome changes and decided to keep with it to see what would...
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    Those doing BFFM- I have a question about when to eat

    That looks fine, as long as you have enough energy for your workouts. Also, being that your workout will come 3.5 hours after your last meaal, then the workout will be more "fasted" which Tom recommends for fat burn. Your body will be forced to pull from the "stored" stuff since nothing is "on...
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    Heart Rate Monitor Question

    HR is such a tricky thing!!! First, the 220-your age is a very general equation, and may provide a ballpark for the average person. But if you exercise on regular basis, you are far from average (in regards to lifestyle habits AND fitness level), which means the 220-your age is not valid for...