Recent content by ColleenM

  1. C

    Traveling with Dogs

    >I wanted to add something here. Sometimes it is not just a >matter of socialization. Some dogs are bred with this >temperament (often unknowingly by a back yard breeders).> I agree. I lost a Doberman to aggression. His sire is the same way and should have been put down years ago. My Dobes...
  2. C

    Traveling with Dogs

    If he isn't social, I would not take him. I think it will be too stressful for everyone. He may not even enjoy it. Colleen
  3. C

    Why can I not housebreak my puggle?

    When she goes outside and does not go potty, she gets tethered to you or put in a crate or xpen. Try again in 10 minutes. Do not give her the opportunity to potty in the house. Each time she goes in the house, she is rewarded no matter what you do. She's already relieves herself, that's a...
  4. C

    need help from dog lovers.....warning....this is gross

    RE: need help from dog lovers.....warning....this is gr... You can try digestive enzymes or anything with them in them: pineapple, meat tenderizer, forbid, etc. Or you can pick it up immediately and hope they outgrow it. Colleen
  5. C

    Should a child be running this much?

    I played competitive soccer from the age of 9. We didn't do mile long races, but we definitely covered a lot of ground throughout the week. Colleen
  6. C

    Understanding BFL

    I'm with you on enjoying videos. I found that I really missed my videos after the first 12 weeks, BUT I got the best results ever. as you can see, I did go back to videos. And I've always used videos for HIIT. You still 'can' do BFL with videos if that is the way you want to go. I just like...
  7. C

    Understanding BFL

    If you are going to do BFL, I would do the first 12 weeks totally by the book and then make modifications if you want to. Otherise, you won't really know if BFL works for you or not. The pyramids and S&H are decent substitutes for BFL lifting but not the same. When I'm on plan, I do 4...
  8. C

    BFL Thursday

    Hello, I’m finally back. Life was just too hectic. The puppies and foster mom are now gone…woohoo. Fun but lots of work. My cancer dog is on a new treatment plan and the tumor is changing, which hopefully means it is better. They ‘could’ remove it, but it would #1 probably grow right back and #2...
  9. C

    BFL.....weekend edition!!!!!!!!

    Hello! Haven't had the time to check in or energy. Amazingly, I managed to throw my back out again. If it doesn't get better soon, I'll have to make myself see the doctor. I took yesterday off and will be taking today off. I almost took Thursday off but got upsetting news that my vet found a new...
  10. C

    Body For Life (BFL) Tuesday

    Good morning. Quick check in. We have the litter of puppies at the house and the momma dog, plus my 3 dogs and it's hectic. And one of mine is still limping plus one has's a zoo. Went to bed at 8:30 last night and finally feel human again. I've been able to stick to plan so...
  11. C

    BFL Wintery Thursday

    Good morning. I only hit snooze twice and managed to get my cardio in this morning!! WOOHOO!! I did get a good LBWO in last night, BFL-style, but light on weights just to make sure the back is ok. Back did well…but ow ow ow hard to walk this morning. Hard to believe just a few weeks off and I...
  12. C

    french bulldog

    I would start by going ot the National Breed Club and then go to breeder and rescue referral. They might also have listings for local breed clubs. I'd also make sure they are a reputable breeder, club members, health testing, following Code of Ethics, etc. There aren't any regulations to...
  13. C

    BFL for Wednesday 12/12

    Well, so much for my “roll” in getting up early. Not only did I hit snooze but I somehow accidentally turned the alarm all the way off and woke up very late this morning….eek!! I did make it to work on time and packed my food, but definitely no workout in this morning. I’m tempted to try...
  14. C

    BFL Tuesday

    Good morning! Woohoo 2 whole days in a row I got up and got my workout in! It is a much better way to start my day. Some of the stress at my job may go away today or shortly as our hospital is in a heated battle over a trauma designation with another hospital and it’s turned into a political...
  15. C

    BFL Monday Monday

    I finally managed to get up and get my workout in this morning. I have a hair appt. after work otherwise I probably would have hit snooze a million times like normally. I’m really in a funk lately. Just seemed like I can’t get enough sleep then wonder if I was depressed and I think it’s my job...